I saw a black shadow standing in front of the cave entrance. It looked like a human but not a ghost. It was wrapped in black energy, its eyes were blood-red, and there was no trace of living breath on it. It was like a dead spirit from the Jiuyou Realm. It was very scary.

"do not be afraid."

Xiao Chen looked at the black figure and said to Qianluo, "His name is Lu Yan. He used to be the highest-ranking person in the Lu family. Now he is dead and only takes orders from me."

"Lu... Lu Yan..."

Qianluo was still a little scared, so she cautiously walked back to Xiao Chen and looked at Lu Yan. She could clearly feel at this moment that this Lu Yan had a stronger aura than both her and Xiao Chen. Although he was a dead soul, he was probably already dead. The strength of Dong Zhenqi...

It turned out that just now, Xiao Chen was in a state of confusion. He knew that he could not break through. If he forced a breakthrough, he would easily go crazy. Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly had an idea and thought of something. Although Lu Yan had just It was refined by him not long ago, but its strength is far superior to that of Emperor Yun. Why not use this unparalleled ancestral lineage to increase Lu Yan's strength?

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be useful. With the help of the power of the ancestral lineage here, Lu Yan was actually promoted to a level similar to that of a cultivator in the early Dongzhen stage. Although he was only at the early stage of Dongzhen stage, he was already an immortal soul, so he never died. In a way, it is even stronger than ordinary early-stage practitioners of Dongzhen.

Although Xiao Chen failed to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop, he was already halfway into the Dongzhen stage. Now, almost no one below the Dongzhen stage is his opponent, even the four people above Beigong Changfeng.


At this moment, the entire valley suddenly shook violently. Not only the valley, but also the entire illusion seemed to be shaking violently. Qianluo's expression changed slightly, "Oh no, this illusion is about to collapse..."


Xiao Chen made a quick decision and took her up to the valley.

"Go and save Senior Guan Zhen!"


After a while, the two returned to the eight stone monuments. The place was already shaking, and the ground had been cracked with bottomless cracks. When Guan Zhen saw the two of them back, he smiled and said, "This place is about to collapse." , you two still won’t leave?”

"I haven't thanked my senior for resisting that person's internal power just now, so how could I take the first step?

Xiao Chen said lightly, when he was shocked by the internal power of the Beigong family, he was initially resisted by the sound of Fuxi's zither, but later he could no longer be distracted, but it was Guan Zhen who blocked the internal power for him.

"Senior Guan Zhen, there is no need to worry. The ancestral vein has been broken for the time being. This restrictive formation, Mr. Xiao and I will be able to break it soon."

As Qian Luo spoke, he carefully searched for the weaknesses of the eight stone tablets. At this time, the surrounding shocks were becoming more and more violent. In this illusion, many mountain peaks had begun to collapse. Once the entire illusion collapsed, if they If you fail to escape, you will fall into the chaotic void again. If you fall into the void this time, you may not be as lucky as last time.

Soon, Xiao Chen also came to the eight stone monuments and carefully observed them with his spiritual consciousness. These eight stone monuments must have their weaknesses.

After about half a stick of incense, the two found the weak point of each stone tablet and began to break the formation. The layers of forbidden runes on it gradually disappeared, and finally completely disappeared into nothingness.

"The restrictions in the formation have been broken. Next, we only have to rely on the seniors themselves." Xiao Chen said lightly as he looked at the dimmed formation.

"Well... you two, please stay away."

Guan Zhen's body gradually gathered internal energy, his clothes moved without any wind, his hair kept flying, and a surging aura of internal energy spread out around him.

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, put his palm on Qianluo's shoulder, picked her up, jumped up, and flew back.


After the two people were far away, Guan Zhen's internal energy shook, and an extremely strong force rushed out, immediately turning everything nearby into powder, including the eight chains and eight stone tablets, all of which were turned into dust and dispersed.

Even if Xiao Chen is very far away at this time, he can still feel this deep internal force. If he is not a cultivator in the Dongzhen stage, it will be difficult to resist. Moreover, Guan Zhen's current cultivation level is no longer what it was back then. When his skill is restored to its peak, During the period, he must also be a top master. No wonder Beigong Changfeng was so afraid.


The entire illusion was shaking more and more fiercely. Xiao Chen and Qian Luo flew back to Guan Zhen. Xiao Chen said lightly, "Congratulations, senior, for getting out of trouble today..."

"Guan Mou has lost all his cultivation and has only one inner strength left. What's the joy? That's all. This is not the time to talk. This place is going to collapse. You and I should find a way to leave as soon as possible."

As Guan Zhen spoke, he raised his head and looked up at the sky. He saw that many cracks had appeared in the sky. Xiao Chen said, "It's better to use Senior Guan's internal power and the power of the nine yin and nine yang below to force the breakthrough." Open this illusion."

"And me! I can also..."

Qian Luo also walked up, but seeing that her face was still a little pale, Xiao Chen shook his head, "You haven't recovered from your injuries, so it's not appropriate to practice any more." As soon as he finished speaking, the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques shook, and his body was immediately covered with... A layer of Gang Qi.

Guan Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly. At this moment, he naturally felt the strength of the "Nine Yin and Nine Yang Power" in him, and said, "My little friend, this 'Nine Yin and Nine Yang' is not bad at all."

Xiao Chen said, "It was passed down by a senior, I call him 'Senior Weird'..." As soon as he finished speaking, Neiyuan Jiyun hit the sky in the illusion with a palm.

Guan Zhen did not hesitate. With his fierce internal energy, he was like a tiger emerging from the forest or a dragon swimming in the sea. The two people's power was intertwined and unstoppable, like two peerless masters. With a "bang", the illusion was shattered immediately.


Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, took Qian Luo and rushed towards the gap. Guan Zhen stepped on the void and rushed forward too.

In Wushuang City, the surroundings were shaking. Some buildings that had been in disrepair collapsed under the impact of this force underground, causing dust and smoke to fill the sky.

On the other side of Lei Tian Prison, Beigong Changfeng and the other three people were still struggling to support the formation. However, at this moment, two terrifying forces rushed up from the ground. With a "boom", they suddenly broke through the formation. Fa, all four of them flew backwards.

Immediately afterwards, three figures suddenly flew up from the ground. They were Guan Zhen, Xiao Chen, and Qian Luo.

Seeing the three people coming up, Beigong Changfeng's face turned pale. With a flick of his finger, a long sword with green light flew towards Xiao Chen.


There was a sharp sound, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, and actually grabbed the flying sword with one hand, and said coldly, "Beigong Changfeng, we finally meet..."


Bei Gong's face was full of horror. He clearly had not succeeded in breaking through. How could it be possible? How could it be possible that his profound strength had surpassed his own by so much? It had only been three years, it had only been three years!

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and with a wave of his hand, the long sword flew back, and with a "bang", Beigong Changfeng flew away.


A man in black from behind immediately rushed up and supported Beigong Changfeng. This man was Beigong Changfeng's eldest disciple. He was also the one who captured Qianluo that day. His cultivation talent was still higher than Feng Wuyin's. .

At this moment, he looked at the white-haired man in the distance, and his eyes could not help but reveal a look of fear. How could he pretend to be such a strong person?

"Set up the formation...set up the formation! Capture him!"

Beigong Changfeng's expression was already a little panicked, and the masters of the Beigong family had already set up formations nearby. At this time, everyone gathered in formation and swarmed up, and the other three old men also attacked together. However, at this moment , a black shadow appeared out of thin air, lifeless, and all the people who rushed up were shocked until they vomited blood and flew back, including the three people including the old man in green.

"That...that is!"

Everyone in the distance was horrified, and Beigong Changfeng was even more shocked. He recognized that it was Lu Yan, but hadn't Lu Yan already died in the hands of this kid? Why at this moment... He really couldn't explain the scene he saw before him.

With the appearance of Lu Yan, everyone nearby did not dare to act rashly and stood motionless. They had no doubt that this dead soul would cause countless casualties to them just by raising his hand.

At this moment, Xiao Chen felt that the aura from before was still vaguely there. It was not suitable to stay here for a long time. He turned around, looked at Guan Zhen, and said slowly, "Senior Guan, we will part ways here."

"Maybe one day in the future, you will find the answer in your heart." Guan Zhen suddenly said this to him. Qianluo next to him didn't know what he meant. He was stunned for a moment and said, "Senior Guan Zhen, see you later."


Guan Zhen raised his hand and immediately stepped on the void, flying past Beigong Changfeng's head and flying away with a burst of laughter. No one dared to stop him.

"Luo Die, we are leaving too."

Xiao Chen glanced at Qianluo and took her in another direction. Before leaving, he said, "Beigong Changfeng, I won't kill you today. People like you will be worse off alive than dead." More painful..."

At the end of his words, he waved his sleeves, and a bit of cold light came suddenly. Beigong Changfeng was startled and subconsciously used his skills to resist. However, he realized that this bit of cold light was not coming towards him, but coming from behind him. …


When Beigong Changfeng realized it, it was already too late. He only heard a "chi" sound, and the blood-transforming needle accurately shot into the eyebrow of the man in black behind him.


The man in black only said the word "teacher", and before he could say the word "respect" after it, the whole man had turned into a mummy, without any breath of life anymore.


Beigong Changfeng's eyes were about to burst. He hugged his beloved disciple's body, raised his head and let out a long roar, stared fiercely at Xiao Chen's leaving back, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the sound of that sound seemed to still be echoing in his ears. In one sentence, "For people like you, living will be more painful than death..."

"Xiao Yichen...Xiao Yichen! Ah——" Bei Gong Changfeng was so angry that he was heartbroken. In addition, he was injured just now, and now he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Grandpa...grandpa! Senior brother...senior brother!"

A red figure flew over from a distance, it was Beigong Ruoqing. When she saw the scene in front of her, her eyes immediately turned blood red, looking at the direction Xiao Chen left, "Xiao Yichen, I must make you alive." It would be better to die..."

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