Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Dado Chapter 565

Riding a botherm, the Lion form mount Shamen, heard the pink on the ear, and shines after the reflection of the light rays, waving the long whip in his hand, hit the monster below Hit it.

"The goal has been killed ..., etc., there seems to be two artifacts and a god."

"I noticed." The golden long hair of Shamen was blown by the breeze, sitting on the lion, Shamen Shatte quickly fell on the place where the wood Tutong.

Professor Tong Tong Tong Tong, naturally noticed the Shamen Day from the air, looked at the blonde woman in front of him, and the wood Tong did not help but think of the trouble and Esdes.

I got an eye-catching artifact, and the wood is shocked. "I didn't expect to meet Wu Shen in this place."

"Oh? Do you recognize me?"

"The strongest Wushen Shamen, such a name, how can I not know." Mu Tong nodertally said: "I am also a martial art, name is Mu Tong."

"Oh? It turned out to be you." Shamen's deep purple eyes flashed, walked down from the lion mount, looked at Tong Tong said: "It has spread through your name in Gao Town ... from one I just became an unknown god. In the fastest time, I became a god of the shrine. You have almost made all the gods. "

"Is it?" Mu Tong's expression did not change, deeply looked at the Shamen Day, said: "It's an incredible, you have so many artifacts, but you can also have no things."

"Hey." Shamen snorted, faint: "I still have to clean up the monsters of those time, I don't talk more, and the wood is chatted next time."

"Well." Tong Tong looked at the Shamen sky riding his sleepy Bar, turned his head to the virtual and satiety two, smiled: "For the previous Shamen day, what do you think?"

"Do you already have a view in your heart ... However, there are so many artifacts that can be safe and sound, and it is very incredible."

"This is the god of the most artifact ... In the same way as the martial art, I would like to meet often, let's go, go, I am not too early today, let's go home."


Suko is almost mastered the skills of the first line, and the two have gone to the eye, and the three people have disappeared Qi Qi.


The next day, Mu Tong originally intended to continue to do some tasks. When I saw it sitting outside the door, I looked at the sugar clothes in the sky, and the wood Tutang recalled the things before the clothes and slowly went to the satiety. Down.

"what's happenin?"

"You said, if you stay in a whole day, will it be too boring?"

"Is it very boring, there is me and the Quality, we are not the family of Su, life is talking about laughing, is it still feeling stunned?"

"It's not that it's hard ... just as if there is any strange mind to appear in your mind, so there is some strange ideas." Su Qi caress the black long hair, slight smile.

I don't know when I stand behind the two people, I heard the words of the two people, turned over the eyes, sat next to the cheeks: "I think so much, the clothes, you can now Putong adult artifact As a artifact, you need to think about the woods, sometimes, don't think so many strange things. "

"Well." Su Yaotou, standing up: "Let's go to work first."

"Today's work, what is it?"

"It seems to be a boss that has already been bankrupt, you want to commit suicide, and you will contact the tidong adult by phone ..."

"Yes, this thing is ..."


A high-rise building, Mu Tong and Sui clothing and the true three people appeared here. I saw a man who was making a call. Even if I was very far away, Mu Tong was able to feel the poor relief of the man.

"This guy ... will not be contaminated by something of the madness?"

"There is no demon evil on the body, the goal is still unclear." Suka received his eyes and said softly.

"Let's ..."

"Hey! On-door service, have the night fight to lift your troubles, then I said ..." Looking at the night fighting for men, the wood is widened, and a long and flying out, Save the man back.

"Night, what are you doing?"

"What? What? Mu Tong gods are you here?" The night pays attention to the two artifacts around Mutong and Mutong, especially after seeing the Quality, the night's mouth is uncontrolled. .

"Night, you are slow ..." A shunt day and a half-demon gesture, looked at the night fight and the snow, after seeing the three people of Tong Tong, one shot and could not help but surprised. Get up: "Mu Tong adult, you are also here ..."

"This is not said ... We accepted the same job ?!"


Chapter 551: Poverty

The whole scene, suddenly became somewhat awkward, and the wood Tutong looked at the night, and looked at the employer who watched his face and finally opened.

"Night fighting, isn't you accept the employer's entrust?"

"No ... Yes." Night Toned, shake his head: "I accepted another delegate to come over ... Just, just didn't expect you to meet you in this place."

One shot and jumped to the voices around the wood and night bucket: "Although it is unclear how the specific situation is, it is undoubtedly, the work accepted by the two is not the same person, and the night is accepting the blessing. Invitation, and Mu Tutong, you are an invitation to accept this employer, and both are not conflict with each other. "

"Since our mission goal is the same ..." Mu Tong looked at the night, slightly touched: "This task will give you."

"Such a good heart ?!" The night was widened.

After all, you have no shrination. "


Mitong looked at the young people wearing glasses next to the eyes, faint: "Come on, tell your story."

"Things are like this ... last winter, I met a girl in the street, it seems to be homeless, because of this, the encounter of our two began ..."

"You wait."

Tong Tong pinch down the chin, and it is a young man, and once again confirmed: "When you pray before, it is because the company is bankrupt, right?"

"Yes it is."

"The reason for the bankruptcy is because the girl is right? You spend the savings for the girl, so that the company is bankrupt."

"No ... Not only this, but also the company suddenly became too late ... When I am with her, although I will meet a variety of unlucky, I also feel very happiness ..."

Putong turned over the eyes, no words: "You like this, it is obviously the impover of poor gods."

"Yes ..." Nice, I took a deep end of the night. I took out my mobile phone from the trouser pocket. I was so fast, a photo appeared in the line of sight, lifting the phone to the youth, night fighting Confirm: "Is it her?"

"Yes, it is."


One shot and some strangely asked: "Is Xiao Fook not Huimi Shou? Why is it poor?"

"If you don't use Huimi Shou's name, you feel that you will only bring your martial arts, how can you get a job, not only this, Xiao Fu already has a lot of age, not on the surface The girl went to appear, so your gave me to help you cut it. "


"You don't want to forget her? A suicide person does not love it, and I want to continue to love others?" Tong Tong gel, retreat to the roof next to it.

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