Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Big Shuttle Chapter 578

The snowy sound is holding his fists, angry: "Petilemen expelnted Zhao Zhao's expelling, but also implicated the day and."

"I am afraid ... There is no surface on the surface." Mutong Sisso, turning his head to the artifact of the artifact that was flying by himself, and did not see his shadow.

"I need to find a vain door to ask clearly."

"Wait." Tong Tong frowned, watching the night: "Do you think she is dry?"

"Even if I don't have to do it, it is definitely her artifact."

"Calm is calm." Tong Tong looked at the eyes, even if everyone was brushed by rain, there is no feeling of discomfort.

"This matter should be related to the artifact we have seen before."

"Do you say, the artifact you fly before?"

"If you go to the shrine of the Powaben, I am afraid I will make a lot of things, I know, the vying door is visible to the enemy."

"Even so, I still have to go, the artifact of Powaben Do always need her to discipline, but ... I need your help." The night pupil looks at the tongtong, meaning is very obvious.

Mu Tong also knows that the night is meaning, it has a shrine, it can be free to come and go, therefore, there is no god of the shrine this time, I want to travel to high-day trends.

I heard the meaning of the night, and the wood Tutang did not hesitate to nod, watching the night: "There is no problem, let's go."

Two people who saw that Tong and the night fighting and the night have agreed so much.

"Don't you be afraid of being impressed?"

"Is it impressed?" Mutong shakes his head: "These are not within the scope of me, go, night."

Snow. "

After holding the snow, the woods and night bucket disappeared in the sight of the blessings and big black.


High Town Play, Visha Gate's house, looked at the night fighting and snowy sounds on the square, and the purple pupil in the virgin sprayed the flame.

The impersonal Zhao Zhao Zhao Zhao, with the ability to control the output of the petitioner, but Zhao Ma has been distinguished by the Zhaomen, so the current vain door is like lifting limitations, under the use of artifact, can explode horrible power However, it is only a lot of differences.

"Visions, I ask you, where is the day?"

"Night, you dare to come to my house to die." Petilemen is full of cold look.

"Saver, Crafts, Numerals ..."

Listening to the call of the Shimou, several artifacts standing in the distance fly in the hands of the vying gate.

Among these vainmen's artifacts, everyone knows that the night is a devil who kills the artifact, so almost everyone fled very far after the night.

I am afraid that the night bucket is in the eyes of everyone to kill themselves.


The outer surface of the mandaruette and the counter is two children. The artifact will become a pistol with a huge power. For the night fight, in the face of such an attack, it is still only able to choose to defend, there is no mega The hemp firepower control, can be said, the current vying door is her strongest state.

"This damn crazy woman does not take his strength as a thing ..." The hard to resist the night fight against the via the shock, although watching the flying bombs, there is no way to hit its own key, but every The power of a bomb is too powerful, so the night fight has been completely suppressed by the vast gate of the people.

"I will die!"

The eyes of the vision showed horrible coldness, under the eyes of everyone, the via the shit waved the long whip in his hand, and woldered toward the night.

In this moment, the movement of Mitong has passed from the night of the night. Under the eyes of a group of people, Mu Tung seized the virgin whip.

The horrified look is covered with the face of the vain door, and the vain did not think that the wood will appear at this time and can easily grasp your artifact.

"Mu Tong Shen, what do you want to do ?!" Almost from the words of the teeth, let the Tong Tong, looked at the angry eyes of Vishamen, Tong Tong said: "This thing, there have been misunderstandings, Are you still stabbed now? "

"You ... what do you say?" The vain door was stiff. It was originally taking the situation of the herbal herbal medicine. Although it was not able to suppress the security of the body, it has not yet obviously broke out.

"This matter, but I have been using the people ... My friend, the same friend, I'm giving away by your artifact, and people who are governing together have Zhao."

"Hu said eight!" Petilemen angered Mu Tong, but I couldn't believe that my artifact will do such a thing.

"Yes ... then ..." Mu Tong's eyes swept around, after seeing the girl hiding in the crowd, the wood is right, one with golden long hair, the name is bluebol, was arrested by Mutong come.

"That is a look, you look at it, what is her now, is your imagination?"

"Blueba ... you ..."

The famous girl is called Blueba, holding his own arms, see the shocked expression of the vain door, blue nose, low head: "Powers, sorry, this time, I stabbed you "

Pethed was in the original place for a time, and there was no seemingly suppressed, and the break was broken, and the vicin door suddenly fell on the ground.


The applause of the distant, all of the people present were all in the scene, looked at the figure of the pharmacist Luba, and the right hand of the right hand, and has already grabbed the sleeves of Luba, "God, can be round You have such artifacts to calculate. "


It seems that there is a punch that I don't want to force in the chest of Luba, let Luba have a heavy sprout, throw the land, and the tong looked at the vast infected with the virgin door, slightly shaking his head .


Chapter 566: Release

"I have told you in a few days ago, let you have a mentally prepared, I didn't expect it, or there will happen."

Mu Tong enlighted the surrounding people, looked at the lion, sitting next to the lion, and the tong smiled: "Punish Bowl, right? Can you let me find a mega? I think, he It should now appear. "

"Zhaima ..." Shoubu, then nodded, under the instructions of Mu Tong, left the view of the via the vain.

"Even if the body is created, I still can't stop the determination of my revenge." Taking the gap of Tongtongzheng and his sleepy Bab, the vaginate struggled to grab the long whip in his hand, and a whip waved the night.

This has relieved the snow sound of the artifact. After seeing the artifact waved the via the vain, there is almost no one hesitated to block the night.

"Be careful."


The long whip full of amazing power is like a sharp long knife, and the time cuts the body of the snow.

Looking at the body of the snow, the white light disappeared, and the eyes of the darkness were barely smiled. "You should be able to experience the pain of your artifact disappeared ..."

"this is……"

Tong Tong calmly looked at the situation of the eye, squatting down, took out the medicine that was full of powerful purification power, sprinkled on the virgin door.

"It can help you eliminate the security of your body, although you can't suppress the fundamental, but you can temporarily play a role, Vishie, how can you not think that even the disaster of the night, can you have a wish?"

Looking at the invisible expression of the vain, Mu Tong said: "Your artifact, Luba, don't you want to ask?"

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