Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Dado Chapter 592

At the end of the lunch, all students are back, and the whole classroom is not in trouble, all are discussing the dinner.

Maintaining the order of the preparation of the preparatory department, the alarm road: "I have a quiet, hurry, everyone's vote, decide what to eat, wear, like anything!"


Probably, in the afternoon's class time, everyone can't wait to end early, and then go eat.

After the vote of everyone, the hot pot is still elected with the highest votes, and the wood Tutang is originally called Betty. After hearing a hot pot, Betty didn't come directly.

Betty didn't come, but Mu Tong saw the above-mentioned three-color cat with a small cultivation and her belt.

Sitting in the hot pot shop, the wood, the wood, I didn't think that Yintick actually came to ask myself to ask myself, because the situation is too surprising about Yintick, and the wind is ice China's angel status, Springs wind can be broken by Mutong, and Yintke has not seen what kind of things like Tong Tong, or what spells are used.

"Hey, Mr. Mu Tong, I am so sincerely ask you, why don't you answer me."

Tong Tong turned over white eyes, glanced at Yin Steick, said: "I have to choose not to answer, and have a good time, wait a moment, you can make food?"

Pu Tong took the chopsticks in his hand referred to everyone who was like a rosal. Inbike is also realized at this time. Only eat is the current big thing, when you take your own three-color cat, don't hesitate Ate.

Although everyone is eating hot pot, I still lack there. I can't talk such. Everyone talks, except for some chaotic things that have occurred in the urban city, it is about the urban and external situation.

Because the situation becomes nervous, there are many parents who have sent children to the school city reading, they have the idea that they want to pick up their children.

These students are the foundation of the urban city, if there is no such student, I am afraid the urban city will soon solve the body, silently listening to everyone's discussions, Mu Tong and prayed that the mouth of the two people did not stop.

It is noted that the prayed lips become red, and the wood tutong has been preparing for the milk, and he is in front of the prayer, "drink a little, can be spicy."



One of the municipal urban cement organizations, the Chinese name is the dark organization of 'Group', is carrying out the first action since the establishment, the group's dark organization, the things implemented are unable to appear in the light, such as assassination, Extract, and eliminate data or suppress students.

The composition of the group organizes a party, and the soil gate of the Chun, the boss, Aiji, although only four people, but it is extremely powerful.

As the first task since the establishment of the group organization, everyone should do it, it is to suppress unobility groups, Skillout, for the power of the province, doing such a thing is relaxed.

All members of the group have their own guards, which is why everyone can gather to a reason.

The Shu Yunyuan is returned to the place to gather, and there is also a blue-haired earrings together with the soil door Yuanchun. Although everyone does not know where two people go, what is going on, but now is a gathering After seeing two people, the people of the dinner were automatically opened, and the two were sitting down.

I glanced at the soil gate of the Eye, and the wood is about to know. This guy does what is going to do, but there is no audio. For Mu Tong, there is no problem with it.


After a few hours of the class, the people were all left, and the wood Tutong went to the home, and then I walked on the street outside, although I have been ten o'clock in the night, but I can say that there is still a Tong Tong. Because of morning.

The reason why it is still because Tong Tong accepted a text message, this short-term sender Mu Tong is very familiar. After the big Grandfighter has seen a Miqin mother, Yumu Meiling.

Because the special nature of the woodcraft, I can see the content sent by Yumu Mei Ling.

I found a while, and the tong found the figure of Yumu Mei Ling. He saw Yumu Mei Ling to drunk, holding a pole, and the angle of the tung mouth was twitching, and hurriedly walked over.

Just approached Yu Mei Ling, and Mutong smelled the wine odor from Yumu Meiling.

Seeing this situation, there are not too much hesitation, the fingertips flashed, and the Yumu Liling originally in the depressed state has returned to normal.

"Hey, Mu Tong! I didn't expect you to come at this time ... Wait." Yu Mei Ling suddenly stood up the body, recalling his original state, Yumu Mei Ling couldn't help but look at a helpless Mu Tong.

"I just didn't drink it, how can I now ..."

"I use the ability to lift the drunken state, that ..."

"Ah, you call me an aunt, anyway, your relationship with Meiqin is very good, say, you have come over so late, the attitude is still very good!"


Chapter 581: Binzhi

There are a few times in the corner of the wood, and I don't know what to say about Yumu Mei Ling.

"Hey, what is the time now?"

"Almost, it's time to go ten o'clock."

"Oh ... is it. I didn't expect it to be so late."

Yumu Mei Ling took a hand on the shoulders of Wapong, full of smiles, and the rich wine odor on the body has been lifted by Mu Tong's ability to be lifted. Similarly, the wine in the moment of Yumu Ling is completely disappeared.

"The words come back ... Aunt, why are you so late? During this time, the school city can have a lot of things, which can be so safe."

"Nothing is nothing."

Seeing Yumu Mei Ling does not matter, Mu Tong turned over the eyes and asked: "Forget to ask, what is the first Aunt, send me a text message? Do you not let me pick you?"

"I thought you will ask me why I will appear in the urban city ... I am going to learn from the university in the urban city, used to write a report, so, I am here."

"Would you like me to accompany your mother?"

"This is not nonsense!" Yumu Mei Ling smiled and said: "Listen to Miqin said that you are very powerful, so this time I call you, if you delay you, you can go back."

The tung forehead emerges a drop of cold sweat, and it is busy: "There is no thing, now it is early, what are you going to go, I will take you in the past."

"I have a look ... ah, there is, I know, do you know?"

"Cliff University?" Mu Tong thought about it, and then nodded: "Know, let's go here."

"Hey, don't you call the car?"

"What car is too slow."

Under the eyes of Yumu Mei Ling, the wood pulling the arm of Yumu Mei Ling, and the two flew up, and went toward the university of the cliff.

The university, Yumu Mei Ling and Mu Tong have come to the information center, and the buildings here are very high and are tone composed of circles.

The two have just fallen in the ground. Yumu Meiling issued a surprised voice: "Is it a very good super power?" "

Mu Tong Zhang Zhangzhu, who originally wants to say something, and finally, it is, the more complicated it, the more complicated this matter.

After entering the interior of the circular building, Mutong followed the Yumu Mei Ling, the two have not said something, only heard a deafening explosion sound.

With the explosion, there is also the fire of the flourished flame, and Mutong is almost a barrier, which is blocked before Yu Mei Ling.

Although there is an explosion sound, it still does not hinder the hearing of Mutong, feeling the zero pedestrip from the other side of the wall, and the tung head does not return: "Be careful, we were attacked by others."


"Accurately, it is aimed at the attack of the Aunt ... I have almost no one in the urban city, if the enemy chooses to have a coincidence in this time, then there is only an aunt, you ..."

"You, can you cope? Do you want us to hide first?"

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