Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Big Shuttle Chapter 596

"Sakura, hello, are you coming to buy a dish?" Mitong knew that this is not the world that has experienced the world, and it is also different from the original world experience. However, there is a little but the same - That is to read the same high school.

"Well, occasionally buy a dish, this feeling is also very good, but it is really good, the satellite, the sanctuary, I didn't expect you to meet you in such a place. I have been in the supermarket. So many times, or I met you for the first time, I met you. "Sakura dials his hair, and smiling towards Tong Tong.

"Yes? Maybe I usually not come to this supermarket, after all, there are several supermarkets near this."

"Also ..."


When leaving the supermarket, the wood Tutong loosened, and the reason why Mu Tong did not say other words, because Tutong can feel that the body of the cherry is intact, there is no signs of corrosion.

After seeing such a situation, the wood Tutong tone, after all, the magic girl Iliya This world is still very peaceful.

Calm daily life, I don't know how many days.

"This world is far from ... It seems that it has become the magician of the clock tower, but it is still the same."

Mu Tong put the ingredients of the purchase, walking towards the direction of the family, while walking, thinking about the future happening, the magic girl Ili Yam Tong also saw three, although I don't know if there is still no What story happens, but it is entirely possible according to the original end.

"I don't know what interesting things will meet in this world."

Looking at the door of the house, the wood is smiling, and the door is going to go in.

"I am back."

Just finished, the tertians saw the girl sitting on the sofa, and the girl who was eating snacks. The name is Li Jielite, which also has a silver long hair, although and Sierra is a sister, but basically very little work. .

Seeing Zheng and Li Jiete looked at the cartoon, Mutong smiled and asked: "Iliya, when you come back."

"I just came back for a while." Li Jielite put the potato bag in the hands on the tea table in front of the sofa, and looked at the eye wood and asked: "It turns out that you are going out to buy food, then you have a snack back. "

"No." Tong Tong turned over the eyes, looked at the short sleeve of his eyes, with a huge chest, Li Jie, continued: "If you want to eat snacks, you can buy it."

"Really ... Si Mung, how do you do this today."

Li J Jielite sighed, Eliya took the potato bag next to the sidewalk: "Brother, I want to eat the meals you made this evening."

"It's good, since Iliya said so, I have no problem."

Seeing the fast-moving tongtut with an abnormal attitude shift, Li J J Jie has turned over the eyes and didn't want to talk at all.

After putting the ingredients in the hands in the kitchen, the wood Tutong saw the time, hopped, sitting on the other side of the sofa.


Chapter 585: Different World Different World

"Let's come back, ohny sauce, do you know what I bought?"

Iliya holding potato chips, pulling it with the red gem-like eye, full of intensive feelings.

I heard the sweet voice of Iliya, and the wood Tong thought about it: "It's almost, I'm going to be here tomorrow."

"That's too good ..." Iliya called a voice, looked at the arm that had passed from himself, Aliya almost consciously looked at the potato bag in his hand, then called it. Get up: "Hey!! Lili, you are too much, I haven't eaten !!!"

"Hey, what is this, there is still there, it's all, it's okay."

"You still have a little less, don't have a long time."

"Got it."

The two should be brushed, and the wood is shaking his head and standing back to the room.

In this world, Iliya is his own sister, that is, at this moment, as a satellite of the satellite, it is Eliya's brother. It is only a very good family of housework, even Even the most basic magic has not been exposed.

However, after Mutong came to this world, the world's original development will have some differences from Tong Tong's intervention.

"Far from Diwi Arthurnda? Edfart, you should come to the winter city ... Magic girl ..." Mitong thought that some things will appear in the future, I still look forward to it.

This evening, Mu Tuan made a dinner, in the surrounded voice of Sara, put the dishes on the table.

"It's really, if you have been so able to do it, I always feel that I don't have much use of Wu ..." Salade sighed, and sighed against Mu Tong.

"Nalal, I will give you some work in the future."

"Hey?" The original emotions have a little low, and the eyes suddenly shine. Under the eyes of Mu Tong, I am busy nodding. "That is too good."

"Take something first."

Because the sake of the satellite and Alicefill did not stay at home, there was no shadow of two people.

After dinner, Mutong took a shower and then returned to the room to rest, because the sky is not too early.

In this way, the first night of this world has passed this.


The next morning, Mutong did not forget that he was still a high school student. So it was very early, after completing the breakfast with Sala, the three people just sat on the table, Aliya came out from the bathroom.

I saw some of the spirit of Iliya, and the tong laughed: "Is it staying up late last night? See Iliya, you don't seem to wake up."

"Nothing ... just, last night seems to have a dream ..." Iliya replied, while sitting on the empty chair around Mutong.

"Because it is a beautiful dream, I slept for a while ..."

Eliya said, looking at the face of Mitong suddenly, quickly and low, starting to have breakfast.

After the breakfast time did not cost it, after the breakfast, Mu Tung had already wearing the brown school uniform, waiting for the outside of the door, because it was not far from the school, so Mu Tong did not ride a bicycle.

See Eliya Wear a good shoe, and the wood is laughing: "Let's go, Ilia."

"Well, Iso."

"Be careful in the road." Looking at the two left, Saira waved, and the face came to the house.

"What dreams did Eliya have done last night? I haven't heard you."

"Also, there is nothing, just ... anyway, you can't say it, the beautiful dream is coming, it can be not beautiful."

"Yes?" Mu Tong helped the Holiya's small head, in this world of Eliya, or read the elementary school, that is, Eliya at this time is still a thoroughly, finished Primary school students!

Although Tong Tong will not be like some gentlemen, the primary school students are best like this, but what is thinking in the heart of Mu Tong, but no one will know.

Seeing the footsteps of Iliya, the wood moved to the front, the corner of the distant, and there was a little girl who went to wear and Eliya.

The school uniforms in Iliya are decorated with this brown shirt, black short skirt, and brown student cap with brown student, which is the unique dress of primary school students.

"Go, your friends are coming."

"That, my brother, I have passed."

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