Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Dado Chapter 598

Far from the face of the two faces of Torvia have a uncomfortable expression, which can have the ruby ​​of this experience, and only can sigh.


Already dusk, Mu Tong and Eliya have finished eating, and they have returned to the room alone.

Ilian is a cartoon with Li Jielite, has been more than ten minutes, and Sarai is called Eliya to take a shower.

After all, tomorrow is still going to class, can't stay up late for too long.

In the bubble, Iliya faces a breath of breath.

"Sure enough, only in this time, the body is in the most relaxed state, hey !! What is it, it is so comfortable!"


Wapong, certainly knows that Iliya is taking a shower at the moment, sitting in the room, looking at the scene of the sky.

Looking at the rays that shine from time, the tung mouth shows a touch of smile, which should be a sight that happened to the farther and Tivian battle.

"It seems ... Ruby is coming, the product of the second method ..." There is no interest in the use of ruby, and there is no interest in the gourmes, and you can have the kind of evil interest.

Looking at the rays in the sky disappeared, there is a fast-moving article is fast, and the tongtan mouth is slightly moved. It has already seen the flying things - with a golden pentagon red stick.

" ..."

Listening to the sound of the bathroom, the wood tong hore, and it was almost the time.

Looking at the lights illuminated in the bathroom, Mutong did not hesitate to open the bathroom door.

Originally thought that Eliya did not in the bathroom, Zhang Tong, he saw the Yiliya, who was in the face and the ruby ​​magic stick, and his eyes suddenly.

I quickly swept Yiliya, and the wood tong was quickly returned.

"I thought Iliya, you have already finished ..."

"Brother, brother !!"

Eliya yelled, and suddenly drilled into the bathtub, wrapped in the body by white bubble.

"Oh, it turns out, is this Iliya your brother? Al or said ... Aimuo?"

"What, what, you are talking about something !!!" Iliya is reddish.

This unknown suspicious wand in front of you, what is talking about something! ! !

" ..."

The ruby ​​wand swings the body, and the Huatong is in front of the ruby ​​wand in front of him, saying: "If you hold you now, will there be anything?"

"Hey, you ..." Ruby Nods and then drowshed a little, glanced over the Eliya after the eyes, and the ruby ​​wand smiled and said: "Iliya, you said, if I put your true idea in your heart. speak out……"

"You, you, this stupid !!!" Shine unlucky, how could it make the ruby ​​to say the strange idea in his heart, and call the red gem wand, I want to throw this suspicious guy that is unidentified. At the time of Ilia's body, suddenly it was stiff.

"You you ... What do you want to do ?????????????????" Seeing the bathroom that has been closed, Eliya has a blunt.

"Hey, Eliya, your brother is quite smart ... now ... Certification, start the contract, conduct the last step, please tell me your name, sign the contract with me to become a magic girl (the horse monkey Burning wine) !!! "


Chapter 587: Ermero II

Standing outside the window in the bedroom, the tong Tong looked at the golden rays that flicked outside the courtyard and nodded.

". That person ... is not a good."

Tong Tong looked at the far away from the wall, opened the window, and fed it.

The land of Iliya, Iliya held the ruby ​​stick in his hand, didn't talk, saw the wood Tong, who had come to him, her original face calm, suddenly the face is red.

"Brother, I am, I am not what you think, you listen to me explained, this is definitely not a strange different body !!!"

I heard the sound of Iliala pharable, and the wood paisped his hand and said: "I know, magical girl, look very beautiful."

"Hey?" Iliya blinds and saw his brother seems to be unexpected, some strange.

"Oh, yeah, this Iliya brother, it seems not ordinary people ..."

"The words come back ... Yuan, what you are doing there, observe it for so long, can't come out,"

"Cough ..."

The distraction of the other side of the hidden wall is somewhat embarrassed, but after seeing the appearance of Mutong, there is a bit of blushing.

"Si Mung ... I didn't expect, you live here."

Eliya smashed the head, a pair of big eyes flashed flashing, now the situation, it seems not to be as simple as the surface.

"This is my sister, Iliya, now, the owner of the ruby ​​cane, yes, if you want to grab it, you can't do it ... I have been registered, unless the red gem has autonomous will ..."

I heard the words of Mutong, and the face is a black, although I have already thought of such a thing, but after hearing a sense of words, it is still somewhat uncomfortable.

I didn't want to directly grab the Idea of ​​the ruby ​​cane. After listening to the words of Tong Tong, I suddenly turned off.

"However, Shi Mi, why do you know the ruby ​​cane ... I remember you before ..."

Mu Tong smiled and said: "Because later I know some things, so ..."

"It's not a place where you speak, let's go, go to the Eliya room."

Mu Tong's voice falls, in the absence of the farther, I have never been reacted, and I will directly pull the fighter arm, and the two flew up, under the eyes of Iliya, enter the house.

"This is this, what is going on here, why, why do you fly !!!"

"Oh, Ilia, don't you know how your brother is?" It was full of raw rods in the hand in the hands of Alice.

"I don't know at all ... I have always thought that my brother is only good at cooking and housework ..."

"Then let's go in."


The Eliya room, the decoration is not luxurious, but it is a little warm, because Eliya is still in the primary school, in order to facilitate Eliya to complete the usual homework, the bedroom is still a piece desk.

Looking at sitting on the sofa, there is still a little fare, leaning on the woods on the side, can't help but laugh.

"What's wrong, I haven't seen it for so long, I don't know it."

"I ... I am the first time I know that Shi Mung will magic ..."

"Oh ... although I don't want to explain, I think so, I think it is."

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