Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really want to rule the World Chapter 213 of Outman.

"I know." The red is eating, saying, "I let him find you."

"No wonder, he asked me what could you be." Zhang Jie suddenly realized.

"Oh? How do you answer?"

"I said that I am not clear." Zhang Jie did not completely reveal the arrest of the red, after all, said dark, the general people wanted to think.

"anything else?"

"He asked, I am not an enemy with you. I said it is not enough. Just some positions are different." Zhang Jie has not stupid to tell everything, but blurred the answer.

For example, in order to exercise them, I plan to put the monster, what are they, really can't say it ...

Red full of this, gratified Zhang Jieyi, okay, this goods IQ is on the line.

Chapter 2, Chapter, Belong

Zhang Jie and I have a dream plus contact information, which is based on the strength of the power and the power of Altman. The two people are not big, although Zhang Jie is hard, but at least he is rushing to the light, plus learning ability is also very good, so two people are still happy.

The two rapidly developed friendship and war friendship.

In these few days, Tokyo constantly changing the power of electricity, Zou, even because of chasing a TV series, it would not be home for a few days.

Zhang Jie asked, learned that the root sorted angel went to the next door, and let's talk, it is not planned to come back before the Tokyo Hydropower recovery.

"No water ..." Zhang Jie looked at the faucet, turned to the red, "Today is you going to play water, or I am going?"

"Let's go together." The red standing up, I plan to go with him. It is estimated that both people don't have time tomorrow. I can play more today.

The two each took a bucket and walked to the city's mobile water supply.

Along the way, the two saw a lot of streets have become a group, because the traffic lanterns suddenly extinguished, the street took a lot of car accidents, even because of power outages, communication is not good, even the emergency calls are not.

Zhang Jie suddenly slammed, looked at the streets, asked: "Do you know the dragon?"

He is asking for red. Zhang Jie remembers the arrest before, he has seen most monsters of the earth, then, do he know that the culprit causes this scene?

"Dragona?" The red is watching him, but understand what he wants, "Do you want to ask,?"

"You really know that !" Zhang Jie Yixi, "Then you know that To Beijing is now broken down the water is !"

: "Of course, I don't even know that intends to work tomorrow. If you want to let the dragon now stop now, I can only tell you, this is impossible. And, I also planned."

Zhang Jie has a struggle: "... What are you going to do?"

The red is not talking, just revealing a honesty smile.

Zhang Jie: "..." I beg you not to laugh! My brain shell!


The next day, the red is in full swing, I plan to go out early, Zhang Jie is not worried, and I have followed it.

The two came to the city center park.

There are many people here to take water because of the water. Zhang Jie saw here, turning his head and looking for it, he saw the people he was looking for.

That is a woman who looks very gentle, and there is a mysterious temperament.

The red is noticeable to his eyes, and when he looks at his eyes, he sees that some people are different.

"Very beautiful light, that is, super power." The red evaluation of the sentence.

"She is a feng shui teacher," Zhang Jie said, "the Feng Shui teacher who can talk to the Dragon."

The woman was observed to stand up from the side of the stool, watching the two, and the expression gradually looked, it seems to see what.

The red patriarchal is the first decision, and then the line of sight has begun to go back to the park, soon disappear between the crowd and the building.

Zhang Jie did not follow, but hesitated, and went to the woman.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Jie."

The woman is somewhat in the arrest: "Hello, my name is Blackda Hui."

The black field introduced, couldn't help but look at the place where you have disappeared, but she will soon realize that this is not very polite in front of Zhang Jie, immediately apology: "Sorry!"

She is detention, Zhang Jie also follows some cautations, he is swaying: "It doesn't matter. Miss Hurdare is interested in him?"

This "he" refers to the nature is a red.

I heard him asking, the Tuma smiled and didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, the female reporter in a white small suit, Hu Lun, and photographer, walked over, and two people complained to Mr. Tian, ​​the head of their team.

Since the last live interviewed, the traffic violated the traffic rules and was called by the boss, and the other two people came to interview, and they lost the main heart, and some panic.

What is most important is that they are to investigate the cause of Tokyo break water, but the fields help them contact a feng shui, two people very upset.

"We investigate the problem of insufficient water supply, why do you want to interview a Feng Shui?" Lingzi has already played a little.

Lunwen was shocked, and suddenly compared to her: "She is not a Feng Shui!" Is Feng Shui expert, expert!

But he didn't come back later, because Lingzi has seen their interview target, interrupted his words, and indicating that he looks back later.

Len Wen saw that they found that their interviews were as if they were talking to a man, and it seems to notice their arrival.

Zhang Jie looked with a good ear, heard the dialogue of the two, he looked at the Heada in front of him: "Miss Hadian, people who are looking for you."


In the case of the depth of the ground, he is .

"When are you going to do?" The red head looked at this huge land of the earth, "Let's take a warning or directly?"

"~" ,,, It is planned to warn it first, the pipelines laid in the bottom of the country, the channels are all overwhelmed.

"It's too kind, it's not good!" The red is very distressed. "You are giving the time for human security evacuation, but human beings will not be able to pay directly, and there is also a force to take Gaia.

I know that Gaia is not your opponent, but it will be hurt. "

Yilong hit a long neck, showing a low, and the whole body gradually fell, disappearing in front of the red.

Luat: "..." is really a guy who is alone. Like Joe Lei, I said, I don't stop you, run so soon ...

Deep sighing, the red is only helpless.

On the ground, Yanlong hiped the figure, explored a leader in the central park, watching the four people below - can communicate with His black women's feng shui, got this earth's sky, Zhang Jie, Two humans.

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