Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really want to rule the world Chapter 217.


Violet is seeing him to promise, nodded, and turn it directly.

The red scripture has not been intended to go home at all.

Finally, Rattong came to an apartment in his rent.

The arrest of this apartment. Not big, but the necessary things are very complete.

His line of sight is in the fitness equipment and opposite walls about Gaia's briefing. After a long time, the eyes of the eyes look at the Rattong.

This goods will not always be a fitness, staring at Gaia ...

The Vattong did not care about his strange eyes. He didn't see the meaning of each other, nor did it intend to understand. It is focused on what to operate on the computer in front of him.

Lu Safang to the side of the Rattong, asked: "How much is your strength to light?"

"I know that Agu Ru's light is an embodiment of the earth consciousness." Rattan is staring at the computer screen, and I will give him an answer. "It is the power of the Earth in order to fight the rootic breaking."

"Only these?" The red is picking the eyebrows.

Note that his tone, the line of sight of the Rattong is finally transferred from the computer, falling to his body, silent asking him what he meant.

Sit down on the chair of the fitness device and looked at the Rattan Palace and thought of the light you saw before.

"I have seen Ottman is not much. But like you, it is a lot of Ottman that is changed by human beings.

The first Altman I have seen is an Ottman called Diga. He is both light and human, once again saved everything he wanted to guard again. I don't have to fight human beings, fight against a enemy who can't get off.

His light I have seen the most beautiful light, that is the light of human beings, which represents the light of human hope and belief. "

When the last battle, the endless human light of the world's songs is accompanied by the world.

"I have seen the second Altman is a pure light. He is not human, is a natural light, but his light is very warm, which represents the light of the fire and courage.

There is also the Ottman, which is awakened, and each of them has the heart of the planet, the love of human love and guardians, and has the light of hope and guard.

Previous, the Ottman I met was pure powerful, pure guard and courage, is an absolute responsibility and guarded light.

Even in Saarvia, don't look at his current light, but he has a pure light that is more pure, represents purification and hopes.

For these Altman, the light is faith.

Only people who have a belief with it can sound with the light, get the light response, turned into a giant of light. "

He looked at the Rattong: "What about you? What is your belief? What is your war?"

Rattong Listening, he listened to the red talk, and his eyes were moving. He didn't seem to think about anything, but when he was finished, he just gave the answer to the question: "Earth. I got the light is the earth. Light, my belief is naturally to guard the earth. "

His wrist, the blue light shines with his words, showing a sense of existence.

The red is not accidental. He has long seen this person's love for the earth, although he is conceivable, arrogant, but his love is true,

So, even if he is very proud of his own arrogance, the earth still has never recovered to him.

This person is actually a very gentle person. It is just that he is incorrectly brought to the wrong direction.

So, the red looked at the Rattong, which was gradually packaged, said, "Remember you now, no matter what happens in the future, don't give up your belief at this moment."

After finishing, he transferred the topic: "You and the grace are already very high, you look at you don't study.

Train, train your abilities, do not change the ability to use light. "

"Don't change your body, also use the power of light ..." Repeating this sentence, looking toward the gradually converge of the wrist.

The red is still some experience. This experience comes from Sira and Zhang Jie. The former is the training of his handle, the latter is completely high enough, and then imitating his ability.

This shows that as long as the fitness is high enough, the human body is also the power of light.

So, the red is beginning to teach some experiences to the Violache: "Trying to communicate with light ... did not let you change, feel light, right ... and try to transfer with your heart ... Recall you into Altman skills a feeling of……"

The red and sisters, the two are very serious.

At this moment, the family is completely forgotten, and the two people who are waiting for feeding: "..."

What about? ! SMS does not return, the phone does not pick up, what is the situation? !

Zsg has finished the snacks of today, and there is no expression in front of this moment and Zhang Jie.

"Is there anything tonight?" Zgg silent, suddenly asked, "Do you have a meal?"

"... I am doing it to eat ..." Zhang Jie is also very hungry, Zg has also eaten snacks, but he has not eaten even snacks!

The two are deeply sighful, and they got up and got up and planned to eat outside.

"Today, Tokyo is estimated to open the door, let's go to other cities ..."

"I want to eat Hua Guiji ..."

"Let's go ..."

"What do you say to do?"

"I think he may go to see the Dragon, or go pick the new monster ..."

Both people together, gradually disappeared in the same place.


The follow-up of Dragon has not ended yet. After the appearance of the dragon, the various legends of the dragon god began to circulate, and even a lot of essays about the dragon god.

In the co-suggestion of XIG and Alchemist, the project is stopped and the place is changed.

Humans finally chose to receive the existence of , and willing to respect His existence and respect the power of great natural natural itself.

Chapter 31, Night Wolf

When the red is coming out from the Rattong home, it is already noon next day.

Tokyo's reconstruction has begun, when you come back, you also see that there are many office workers who have been working properly. But the traffic company in the Lu Opening is a three-day holiday.

So, I went home in the afternoon.

But there is no one in the family, this is very surprised.

Look, I didn't come back last night, this two can only go to find itself ...

The red is not careless.

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