Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

Altman I really didn't want to rule the world Chapter 222

Does the star make money? ZG has not felt that the so-called money is easy to make, she only feels this is a very annoying job.

She only one week of training, the results are very good, but this does not mean that she is relaxed. Does human beings learn so much? Acting, singing, dancing, etiquette, speech ..., etc., and because she is going to be able to arrange it separately.

Therefore, Zgg is very suspicious, this group of human beings are not special for themselves, actually arranged so many things to learn ..., with the ability of human beings, a month of school? !

If you don't want to say, you don't let her expose it, Zg has already smashed the so-called entertainment company!

After a week, Zgg was graduated from the training class, followed by Cleezis.

Chrisis helped her to arrange the location of the city to the city, the purpose is to lead Zhang Jie and red. Of course, if you can catch one of them, it is better. From Mezad, they may have to get news about nothing.

Finally, I aimed at the two people sitting at the school. Zgg is not interested in closing his eyes. She is getting more and more missing the TV and snacks at home ...

The red and Zhang Jie should have arrived there and find that two beautiful Zad. I hope that when she arrives, Meisad is still alive ... I don't know if I have a monster who will become a card after death ... I have no memories ...

Zg remembered Chrisis to give her information. The two beautiful Zad came here from abroad. They stayed in a resort in a resort, and they influence the residents living there, let them become very cruel.

That is an experiment. Zg has clearly remembers their previous practice.

Mezad is very interested in thinking, they will try to spy the minds of creatures, then try again and again to affected those living sides, let this planet's life into the violent violent, final In the endless battle, you will be destroyed.

After the last small town trial, Mezad changed the experiment, and even because the earth was exceeded, two were dispatched one time.

Zgg originally not cared this. Anyway, after the Meidad is big, it will always show the horse foot, found and eliminated. But Chrisis lets it make her a red and Zhang Jie.

She is very trust in Chris, and she has not asked. The right is to help Zhang Jie and the red.

The van gradually entered into the city of Nishi-machi.

The dim light covers the entire town, the flashing electric light, accidentally has a transparent white huge jellyfish. On the road, quiet, only the sound of the ribbon, everything, all of which are incomparable to this small town.


Within the small town, the red and Zhang Jie are standing on the street, near the two, have been fainting in the street, unpaid personnel.

Zhang Jie hugged the little girl a young girl, walked around, and put two people as a meat pad, put the child up, and carefully helped her patted the dust.

Finally, I looked at these residents on the ground. Zhang Jie felt some headache: "Don't you help them directly cancel control?"

The red turning should look at the other direction of the street. I repute it in your mouth: "It is mainly afraid of rude disappointment and will hurt these humans."

Zhang Jie listened to here, looked up at the sky. Just see the clouds between the clouds, two giant jellyfish flashed.

"Directly started?" Zhang Jie took out turned into a transformed device and was ready to start transform.

The red is not anxious, he refers to the other side of the street, saying: "There are many people come again. It looks like it is planning to contain us."

Zhang Jie has long known that Mezzard will do this, so he wrinkled, and wants to quickly solve the monster. However, to deal with the first step in these two guys, it is to first take the two guys from the space.

"The speed of speed, you use Gorderas to get the two guys first, we have solved early, go to the hot springs earlier."

The red is looked at Zhang Jie, and I took out the dark ring, but I couldn't help but hit Zhang Jie: "I don't think about it. There is a monster, and there are so many victims, within a day, Hot springs cannot be reopened. "

After the red, it also realized that Zhang Jie expressions in this matter have gradually becomes pushed.

These two abominable monsters have turned into a hot spring trip to labor, and they are dead!

It is found that Zhang Jie suddenly rose, "???"

Hunting the card, the black dark round of the hand lit with a slight red red, gold card through the red ring, shot to the sky.

I only saw a red light, rushed into the cloud, shorter silence, the golden light waves spread from the clouds, dyed the gray clouds into gray color, giants hidden in the gray clouds The jellyfish is completely revealed.

This has not yet finished, the monster of Goldras appeared in the sky, showing a low, two blue electric lights appear from the clouds, and the speed is very fast, two Mead, will From the space between the space.

Golderas' vain gradually disappeared, the golden time and space industry completely launched, and the entire town was covered in it, completely partitioning the possibility of Madath again entered the different space.

Zhang Jie saw the monster appearance, and the fruit was broken.

Silver light column starts up, when the rays have retired, Saarvian silver body appears in the town.


The unusual energy reaction brought by the time and space industry will soon be detected by the air base.

"What happened?" I dreamed of going to the side of the pier and asked.

The pier looked at the energy fluctuations on the computer in front of the computer, immediately reported: "Point779 D3 has an abnormal phenomenon, and the on-site picture has been cut to the main screen."

My dream, the stone room commander, and the director of the embankment turned to the main screen, and saw the two Mead and the Saiervia that appeared in the radiance.

"Is Saarvia!" I dreamed of picking up the helmet and rushed the command room. "I went to the scene!"

"My dream!" The stone room failed to call me, but finally didn't stop, but turned to look at the screen on the main screen.

"It's another guy ..." Director of the embankment looked at the two Mead, the expression was serious. No one can't think that the monster that has appeared will appear again, and there are two in one time.

In the stone room, I remembered the previous Watte, and the expression is gradually cold and hard.

The same monster appeared again, this does this do it mean, will there be a Goba army, or a Madhada army, or even other monster army?


I dreamed of the EX number to come to Yingshan-cho.

There are two monsters in the Dynasty, Toyi-cho, Saarvia.

The arms on the street did not change into the intention, but quietly watching the increasingly close these residents.

The annoying phone ringing is coming, it is from the mobile phone held by these residents, and the other hand is holding a stick, and there is no expression in front of the red. Come.

On the other side of the street, the phone voice has also passed, and the red is not looking back, and there are many controlled human bags over there.

The crowd is getting closer and closer, and the phone is more and more annoying. The red turned head glanced at Saiervia who had already smashed a beautiful Zad, and slowly took a card from the card box.

He said before, you can't help these human solutions, but it is necessary to control human monsters, and there is still.

Chapter 36, what Zgg has experienced?

The monster card in the red hand lit up slight golden light, the large piece of golden particles spilled from the card, gradually spread to the increasingly close crowd.

Saarvia was still focused on the monster, but did not notice that there was a different in the crowd behind him.

After the golden particles are completely spread, it is difficult to be perceived, but the inconsistent particles are in people's breathing, and it is easy to succip them.

These granules were inhaled, and the human beings controlled by Mezad were all docked. Their face stiff expression began to relax, and then revealed a fantastic smile, and his eyes became blurred.

The things in their hands were random, and the sticks and mobile phones fell on the ground, but no one cares.

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