Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really didn't want to rule the world Chapter 225.

Zhang Jie shook his head: "I am planning to wait, there is always a bad premonition."

The red is looking up, looking at Agu Ru issued a blue light, enveloping the Gaia, converting Gaia to Altman of the anti-substance.

Gaia In an instant of the transformed, the photon transient appeared in the protective cover of the Achimata.

Achima is like a large starfish with seven-legged foot, and the power is not very strong, and has been beaten by the Gaia unilateral.

I will no longer pay attention, there is no problem with this side, so he is aligned with the universe.

An Alview of Altman or a bit of credibility.

"It intuitive!" The red suddenly opened, praised.

"Ah?" Zhang Jie was not clear, and he saw the red and glazing staring at the universe, and it seemed to see what interesting thing.

"Let's go, let's take a picture." The red event has a wrist, "the worm hole in Juping Track, there is something is being guilty."

Zhang Jie nodded and took out the transformed instrument. A black white twice flashed.

If Agurus turns a feeling, he only saw an air. Both people who stay there will not see the traces.


On the wooden track, the spatial pleats brought by a worm hole are like a corrugation on a black lake.

One silver, black, two long-phase Altman appeared near the wormh, and in front of them, there is a foot ten mechanical monster.

"This is ... Jin Gu Bridge ?!" Saarvia recognized the top ten mechanical monsters opposite, "Is it none?"

He remembered the original, the Gaia world did not have a King Guqiao. Then these monsters can only be manufactured.

The red looked at these Jin Guqiao and asked Saarvia around: "Which world of these robots is the monster?"

Saarvia knows what he means, the Gaia world is not, does not mean that there is no other world, but can prove that there is no world, a monster that makes a large quantity of King Guqiao.

But he sinked it, replied: "There are many, Jin Gu Bridge has appeared in many special stuffs, but mainly in the world of light."

"Max?" The red readed Max.

"The Max world is also."

The red sore, looked at the opposite machine monster, said to Saarvia: "One person is five?"

Saarvia nodded and rushed up.

But before it is about to rush, it is blocked: "They are likely to be self-explosion, be careful."

This is the lesson of the last Wattei, where you don't want to go back to other worlds or odd places to go fishing.

Saarvia did not understand his meaning, but also nodded with caution and wrote this sentence.

The two Austria took five Jin Guqiao, and the tacit understanding will lead to the place where the cave is.

The red-opened black Ott barrier, blocking a laser that is launched by a golden ancient bridge, avoiding another light, arm, black dark energy gather, forming a lot of light, an instant, an ancient bridge.

He rushed out of the surrounding circles of the remaining four Jin Guqiao, his hands wiped on the head, two black ice ax flew out, and was hit by the red and then rays, the two ice ax turned eight.

Eight ice axes rotated, brought black and shoddy, cutting on four King Gu Bridge in addition to a lot of wounds, soon, he quickly destroyed these mechanical monsters.

Some of the destroyed somewhat actions, the flashing lantern turned into red, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and finally, the four mechanical monsters are self-explosion, and in the fire of the explosion, a black The crack appeared, and the metal fragments after the monster exploded were all swallowed, and there was no left.

On the side, I was still surprised in Cyrivia, which was entangled in five Jin Guqiao, and he understood the meaning before the traffic.

This is the setting of this, just to prevent red! ! !

Five golden bridges were self-burst, and five Jin Guqiao, which were entangled in Saarvia, also stopped the movement, and the body began to become red, no matter what three seven twenty eleven, started self-explosion.

Saarvia is not right, immediately stay away, watching five Jin Guqiao in the original explosion, and finally disappeared in the dark time and space crack.

Cyrivia: "So what is these monsters do ?!" If a word is not coming, it is self-explosion. !

"It is to come to me." The red scripture said, he looked behind him.

Gaia is holding a Achima, flying to this. After him, Agu Ru is still following.

Gaia is nodded to the two o'clock.

Saarvia turned to Agu Ru, I saw Agu Ru quietly standing there, waiting for a few seconds, only raised his hand, seal the insect hole with a light.

At the moment the worm hole was completely closed, Gaishi flew out. Obviously, Agustu is calculated for time.

Saiervia is a bit surprised. The original China Agu Ru is hesitant to leave Gaia forever in the anti-bacterial world.

However, let him surprised that Agu Ru is in the event of Gaia, using transformation of light, converting Gaia back, and there is no hesitation.

Augu is actually hesitant, because he and the red is present, or ...

Chapter 39 Taros and Nag

The four Ottman returned to this scene of the Earth and was taken by Guard's satellite.

Several people of XIG are somewhat happy to see this picture.

If the power of Altman can be united, the earth will be able to defeat the roots. After all, no one wants, there is a bucket between the four powerful Ottman, then let humans have to compete with some of them, even some to fight.


The four human spotted colors fell on the ground, showing the aroma of four people.

I dreamed with Rattong, extended his hand: "With you, we will definitely protect human beings!"

The Violeng looked at his hand, and turned the line of sight to a red body, and then completely ignored the hand of my dream: "Don't make a mistake!"

When he finished, he didn't leave.

I dreamed of his back, I said: "I believe you, because we are all selected by the earth!"

In the future, they will fight together, guard the earth!

Zhang Jie nodded agreed. The red looks at the red light that suddenly lit up. Obviously, the light of the earth is also agree with him.


After I dreamed back to XIG, he was called by the stone room alone.

The stone room looked at my dream and slowly said: "The above is temporarily recognized as a friendly army. I am very happy."

This is the result of his many applications. Of course, it will not have this incident and the natural control of the machine.

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