Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

Altman I really didn't want to rule the World Chapter 244

The red smile looks at the back of him. Look, the last time he moved the small star monster and succeeded this person.

It's a task of guys.

After this small episode is thrown, the red is in full swing, and finally, the final success should be hired into the free reporter of a newspaper.

Sure enough, this is still suitable for him.

Looking for a good job, the traffic turned around and took a little photo about some emerging sects, and returned home.

Zg has been left again and will continue to work.

Zhang Jie sat alone, sitting on the sofa, seems to be in the god. It has not seen traces.

Zhang Jie was closing his voice back to his thoughts. He looked at the red, suddenly opened: "I sent it to my dream. I think, give her to XIG is the best choice."

The red is nodded. He has long guessed that it will develop this.

Zhang Jie is not a fool. He has not received his own negotiation that he can make a decision on behalf of mankind. Therefore, it is the best way to handle the people who can make a decision that can make a decision on behalf of mankind.

"Since you have handled well, should you continue to find a job?" Hunting looked at Zhang Jie, like a devil, "I remember that you were fried before."

Zhang Jieton's time is not too good, he looked at the red, just like what the devil was.

And the red is completely ignored his expression, directly returning to the room, and then throw a more devil: "Dinner, you solve it."


Take the night, the red is in the room. He didn't pay much attention to the newly appeared strange monsters. At this moment, a large amount of information had to be checked out to write a manuscript.

To be honest, this strange strange session is really too much. It seems that frequent monster events is still afraid of people. As far as the appearance of Liangya, you can't let them be safe.

Suddenly, he slightly turned to the window.

There seems to be in the outside, from their houses. It seems a big light ball?

He suddenly took a meal, looked at the manuscript in his hand, let it put down, change your clothes ready to go.

Big news is coming!

When he was out of the room, he saw Zhang Jie who had already changed his clothes. Obviously, he also wants to see the situation outside.

The two will go out together.

They followed the trajectory of the light ball, and finally arrived in the forest in the suburbs.

That big light ball plowed a long trace on the ground, and finally stopped in the center of the forest.

Near the light ball has fallen a lot of bodies of small animals that have been forth and escaping.

Zhang Jieyi recognized the origin of this light ball: "This is the light ball made of oxygen-made."

The red raised hand took a few photos, and then began to ask about this light ball: "Oxygen oxygen? Isoiled?"

"Well, there is a monster because of the pollution of humans in the oxygen, and they want to change this planet back to an oxygen-free planet, and this light ball is used to dissolve oxygen."

The red sight transferred to the body of these animals on the ground, but also took a few photos before he continued: "It is caused by human beings. Do you want to manage?"

Zhang Jie did not hesitate to nod: "Although it is the fault of humanity. However, the earth cannot change back to an oxygen-free planet."

"No, I said, you can give it to Gaia. Say, this is the world of Gaia." The red pair checks the photo in the camera, while talking.

"Who is the world." Zhang Jie shook his head, looked at the big light ball, whispered, "I just do some, I should do it."

"But I still suggest that you will give Gaia to solve. Humans need to recognize their own mistakes to correct."

After the red full, confirm that the photos were taken, and they turned and plan to leave here.

Zhang Jie looked at the big light ball, suddenly: "The mistakes made by human beings have not only this one ... but even if this is the case, I still want to protect human beings. Not a great reason, just because I am a human, I I like human beings and believe in humans. "

Chapter 58, Sg's Concert

Zhang Jie continued to listen to the red words in the end. I don't have to solve the monster now.

He remembers that this monster in the original drama has not caused too much casualties, and those bullets will soon be destroyed.

Zhang Jie looked at the huge sphere. In the heart, the monsters who haven't seen it have not been seen, and they are secretly "sorry" for those who want to live alive.

He is to protect the current Earth and protect the present human. So, sorry ...

Zhang Jie was determined, turned to keep up with a red footsteps.

But waiting for him to turn, but see what has stopped and seems to see something.

"what's happenin?"

"Deep Sea monster said that it has gone to new friends in the sea." The red salad slightly, showing him the monster card in his hand, "I hope to continue to find new friends in the sea."

Zhang Jie suddenly has a bad feeling ... Gaia World, the sea monster is so many ...

"This monster is Raylos." Zhang Jie looked at the monster on the card, "I remember the monster of the Diga, because the human nuclear test is the monster."

"Is it originally called Raylos?" The shampoo is the microphone.

"Your monster, you don't even know the names ?!"

"The name of the monster is generally named by human beings." The red authorities said, "Deep Sea monsters, grace, Raylos is in the future, and is named after being named."

"Isn't you named after you?"

"That trouble. And, I am not good at naming."

Zhang Jie: "..." Your monster will cry! It's been a long time to stay in your hand, is there any name? !


The next day, the red traffic has been written in two press releases, gave it to the newspaper.

Zhang Jie asked my dream, and then told me what I did, and rushed to the beach and met with my dream.

The red is not followed, but he put Retilos to the sea ...

What is the fighter of the sea, there is no attention, but when he finally returned Raylos and its new partners, Raylos said it was very happy, and expressed strong, still want to match. Willing to play in Ervia ...

After Zhang Jie returned, the appearance of a stretch and seems to have a shadow of Raylos ...

The red is willing to think about it. He is pleased to take the request of Raylos to ensure that the next time will let Saarvia will play with it.

: "..."

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