Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really didn't want to rule the world Chapter 266.

When Rice Sen saw the monster, when the "Patil" on his head was sighed, and after brewing the fireball in the monster mouth, she only had blank in her mind.

Huge fireball rushed to her, she could only consciously raise their hands, I want to protect myself, but she is clear, I want to protect myself.

It's just a little bit ... Rattong ...

Perhaps it is a prayer in her heart triggered a miracle. The blue light is now in front of her, protects her, blocking this fireball.

I have no pain, and the rice is hesitant to let go, I have seen a blue giant that gradually showing real body in the blue rays.

"Rattong ...?"

Agu Ru is slightly down, confirming that she is not injured, standing up, turning around to deal with the monster.

In the sky, the flashback team arrived again, and even with my dreams of the EX number.

Unlike the flash in the sky, I dreamed that the rice Sison arrogant, landing the plane in an empty, intend to find the Rice Sens.

But he first met the red.

"Red Mr.! Why are you here ?!"

The red panic refers to the ground: "Today's monster is a bit noisy, let me see the situation."

I dreamed of watching the underground, I looked at the monster of Agurus war, I remembered the right thing, I nodded and ran to Rice Sen.

The red look at the back of his departure, some confused : "Is me not obvious enough? There is a monster in the bottom of the bottom ..."

Silent Dark Rings: "..." You didn't say it at all!


I dreamed to the side of the Rice Sen: "Dao Sen, you are nothing?"

"Nothing," Rice Senxin answered a sentence, continuing to look at the blue Altman, "... Rattong."

But I have a big pile of questions to ask, he will first pull the Rice Senson's lottery, I can't help but ask: "Doctoral, why do you want to control a monster? Go to the urban area, right? "

Rice Sens heard his inquiry, finally put his sight on his body: "I want to change human ideas.

I dream, you have to think about it, why did you appear again?

Probably anger to human selfishness! I think, if you want to follow this anger, let people change the idea of ​​the heart, change those who believe that humans are the owners of the earth! "

Chapter VIII Circulating Rice Sense

In fact, I found that Rice Sensen, more than my dream. The aerial base has also discovered the Rice Sensen, but it is better than the heart, and I want to persuade my dream of Rice Sen, the commander of the Air Base is more cold.

"Contact Guii Base!" The stone chamber commander looked at the Rice Sen, who was talking to my dreams, and directly gave Qiao Joji, "let them immediately arrest the rice Senjing."

"Yes!" Jo Joji nodded and started contacting the Gioci base.

Soon, the Gioci Galler's Ground Site Search For Mr. Huawang rushed to here.

The red is hidden, with the non-human ear, and there is a dialogue of my dream and rice.

"Human will change!" My dream repeatedly tried to let Rice Senson's discovery now, "We are already changing, isn't it?"

Rice Sen turned his head and looked at him. It took some sick stubborn in the show: "Do you refer to natural control machine? Is it really changed? Human technology has been developed to manipulate nature, so it will only make humanity more Selfish, self-righteousness, and then even unscrupulous destruction!

Only human beings truly realize that the earth is more than human earth, only in front of the cruel facts in front of humans, in order to make human beings really awesome the earth, recognize the location of human beings and the earth! "

"Can't like this, this is completely wrong!" I dreamed in the past, and I would like to enlarge the voice, I would like to ask, "human beings will change, we have realized that their mistakes have been trying to make up for us. Under the wrong! Why is you not willing to believe this?! "

Rice Sen turned to look at the blue Altman who was working with Gormos, and the original crazy expression was eased: "Because I met a person, a person carrying the land of the earth ... Blue Altman ... "

"You already know it ..." I dreamed of the back of the Rice Sen, the expression is a bit complicated. "You already know, the Rattong is the blue Ottman ..."

So, do you want to carry your wish?

My dream is some can't understand, and some understand.

He can't understand the Poewarchel's practice in order to save its planet, but you can't understand that Rice Sen is also the same choice after knowing it ...

But he can also understand the love of the Rattong to the Earth, understand the feelings of Rice Sen, the feelings of the Rattong ...

But he still can't agree. There are other, better ways, why don't you want to see it, don't want to believe it?

Staring at the red and smiling in the corner of the corner, and suddenly revealing a very subtle smile, with a tone of a smoking, self-speaking: "It turned out to be like this ..."

At the same time, the second monster in the foundation finally crawled out of the ground.

"~" Gamenos! Your uncle! Come out ...

There are some unexpected problems in the geoscience of the magma.

Agu Ru is pressing Gamenos violent. However, Gameos skin is thick, the armor is hard, and the damage caused by Agu Ru's fists is very limited. Although Gamenos fighting capacity is not good, it really resists.

Plus, this is a monster being enhanced by the red strengthening ...

That's right, this monster is enhanced, and it is a batch that is strengthened when I just came to the earth ...

In short, now this Gamenos unexpectedly resistant, and it is unexpected. At no time, Agurus can't get it.

Therefore, the battle between two hormous things is stalemate.

On the emergence of Kitril, naturally attracts everyone's attention.

Rushing out of the ground, and found that in addition to Gornos, there is Agus Rigu: "..."

Gamenos: "..."! "Don't be stunned, hurry up!

Agu Ru didn't listen to Gornos, but he was soaked, and he left two monsters to prevent the front and rear piffles.

"Worse!" I noticed the second monster, and the next few steps were in the first few steps, and I put on the Blue Treasure cone in the clothes, and the rice surrounded by the rice, "Rice Sen Dess Now the situation has been out of control, I hope that you are best to go to a safe place now. Just, for the vine ... "

After that, he rushed to the monster, and the whole person hiped in the mountains.

The red light column is rushing to the sky, and the Gaia is heavy, and it is splashed on the ground.

Rice Sen is standing in the ground because of the movement of Gaia. But she didn't have an emergency, but her looked at Gaia ...

"My dream ..."

The hidden red silently looked at the four horm big things that were fighting together, silently sorrow, and turned into the direction behind him.

The Gioci base dispatched the troops have arrived. They did not find the red, the target directs to stand up, but they are reluctant to avoid the Drums.

"Rice Sen, you were arrested!" The lack of the lack of his own documents, and struck the people, indicating that they arrested rice.

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