Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

Altman I really didn't want to rule the world Chapter 270

"What happened?" I dreamed to two people, anxiously, "the anti-gravity system has problems?"

The expression of the stone chamber commander is a little black, although he used to be very dark, but at the moment, it seems to be serious because of the expression, but it is more dark: "Some people invaded the main control room."

"What ?!" My dream is shocked, I looked at the electronic door on the side, I can't talk more, turn around and ran away.

"My dream!" The director of the embankment tried to call me, but it was stopped by the stone chamber commander.

"Let him go." The stone chamber commander looked at my dream disappeared in the back of the corner. Director of the embankment, "Director, you contact, prepare to blast from the bottom of the main control room."

"Yes!" The director of the embankment nodded and immediately left.


My dream is fast in an unmanned place, decisive transformation, using the light quantum instantly, appears in the main control room.

As he thought, invading the main control room, the computer of the base, is really a rattanner.

A Blackwood Vermit saw Gaia's emergence, and the calm looks at him: "You are coming."

Garied asked: "What are you doing?"

"Just like you see." In front of the Rooy Palace, the Data of the above circulation, "Just because there are these things, people will have boring hope."

"Hope, is there anything wrong?" Gaia tried to convince the Rattong.

Everything happened today, I feel uncomfortable. But he knows, compared to the Rattong Palace is only more uncomfortable.

In Ruito Palace, the indifference between the expression: "The opponent is rooted, and human beings have no hope."

It is like the thing that happened today, human beings are good, technology is good, they can't save human.

Chapter 84 Chapter Veterinary Base

"What are you going to do?" Gaia looked at the Rattan Palace, and there was less patience. "There is no human beings fighting side by side, you plan to rely on yourself, or rely on the monster?"

"To deal with strength, you should use the power." Rattan is a smirk, "the earth contains huge power, and it will be stronger, entrust me!"

Gaia, suddenly looks to the wrist of the Rattong, the light there is really much powerful than before, and it is not even better than him.

"It's impossible! Your thoughts must be wrong!" Gaia is an incredible, the earth wants to destroy humanity, this is impossible!

"Agu Ru is a person who truly saves the earth! My dream, I originally thought you were one of them." The Vatthan is a little disappointed to watch Gaia. "Do you have to be enemy with me?"

His wrist, the blue light, the blue light begins to flash, and he will wrap him up soon. When the light faded, Agustu appeared in front of Gaia.


The pier and Joe Ji have arrived in the position of the computer host of the aerial base.

The computer host is designed to have a cylinder that penetrates the main control room and the base of the base, which is to allow precision instruments to fight out of external attacks. But at this moment, this is a fairly difficult job for two people who want to control the host.

The pier looked at the cylindrical column standing in the center, and looked at the abyss around the cylinder, swallowing the throat water. Not her fear, but it looks really dangerous here.

But under the urgency of Jo Ji, she had to step on the edge of the ladder, climb down.

At the beginning of the design of this construction, why didn't you think that the internal accident is required, what is the state of the host control? !

But complaints are returned, and the pier is still honestly climbed down, and finally climbed to the overpass of the connecting host.

Suddenly, the entire aerial base shakes, and the pier almost fell directly into the deep abyss that couldn't see the deep abyss, so in time, hugged the footbridge under the feet.

The anti-heavy force devices of the aerial base have been broken by the Rattan Palace, and the entire aerial base has dropped even more!

"Duns, you are fine?" Jojo grabs the ladder, worried about the pier on the overpass of the guardrail.

"Nothing!" The mouse stabilized the body. When the base was shaking, he went forward, rushed to the host, helping the fence around the host.

Jo Ji saw this loose, she also learned the look of the gun, rushed to the mainframe, helping the railings of the other side.

Then both people turned on the housing of the host.

I look at my eyes with Joe Ji, and I went to the front of the host. I looked at the above-faced data lines, and she gave himself to myself: "I can!"

After that, the expression on her face is firm, completely worship, and calm down the hand, start to control. What she wants is to complete the protection of the host, capture the host from the intruder's hands, and then restore the anti-gravity system.


The director of the embankment led the seagull to the bottom of the main control room. The Hills of the Seagull Base and Mike have the structural map of the aerial base, and look for a position that is suitable for blasting.

After some careful contrast, Mike finally confirmed the location.

"If you are here, even if you blast, there will be no more affected." Mike finally selected the position.

The main control room is covered with dense linen, such as the same data line as nervous cells. It is necessary to find a circuit that does not affect the entire control room, and it is also necessary to attack the main control room. It is really a technical personnel. Level. Fortunately, in Mike, it is an elite person, quickly finds the right position and size.

"How much is the diameter of the blasting?" Shenshan captain trust his team members, he knew Mike's professional level.

"45 cm."

Get the answer, the Shenshan team leader nodded, looked at the tail captain waiting for a long time: "Tail, please!"

Although the tail score captain worry, after a period of hard training, the captain of the tail and the captain successfully became the first godner of the aerial base, so at this moment by him to blast, it is not yet.

The captain of the tail score took out the power of the right burst bomb, installed, and aligned the location of the microphone, deduct the trigger, accurately hit the target.


In the main control room, Gaia and Agurus battle were together. Agu Ru is deeply known to the concerns, he continuously emits light bombs in the main control room, and it is anxious, and you have to move around, protect various instruments.

After the hard student endured two hits, Gaia found the opportunity, kicked the arm of Agu Ru, interrupted his attack. The two Olympia opened the close struggles.

The progress of Gaia is very fast, Zhang Jie's teaching is not reserved, whether it is energy to use, or close to the fight, Gaia's progress is beyond imagination. At least, Agusru is unexpected.

Agu Ru thought that after more power, he would defeat the Gay, to deal with Cyrivia, but now he wants to be wrong.

Agu Ru's heart is a hundred, thinking about what to do next.

Suddenly, he flew out of an energy bomb. This is the burst bomb emitted by the tail of the underground XIG, and Agu Ru is not biased in the place where they are scheduled to attack.

This blasting is unfair, although there is no harm, Agustu is still hitting a step.

He looked down at his feet, and XIG was prepared to have a strong attack main control room.

His time is not much.

Agu Ru is a hundred turn, between two hands, the blue energy ball begins to condense.

Gaia recognizes this action, so he is also condensed with a red energy bomb and then release it.

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