Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really didn't want to rule the World Chapter 280 of the World.

Because of the sky, Bribros and the red unknown monsters are quietly floating in the air, not participating in fighting, and has not left the battlefield. It seems to be waiting for their opponents.

I dreamed at the two monsters in the sky until the communication between his wrists suddenly wanted to sound.

My dream opened the communication device and saw the stone chamber commander of the picture: "Commander!"

"My dream, where are you?"

"I am in Tokyo!"

"The transformation of the aircraft has been prepared, and each fighter will fly around the world," said the stone room commander said a good news, "You are ready!"

"Well!" I dreamed of nodding, I hang up the communication.


In the Giii base, the Lightning Team, the Falcon, the Cool Dragon Dragon, and the Hoshan Captain of the Seagull is ready.

"Ten of you will fly to the world, accept the instructions of the Alchemist Star, put into operation." The stone chamber commander began to get down the order.

Director of the embankment gives a supplement: "Haiglis team and communication team, support me dream, and Saarvia, and the monsters of the Earth."

The orders of the two have been reached, and thousands of leaves are considered: "Every space, this may be the last task of XIG! Please everyone, please!"

"The name of the task is - Gaia," Stone Room Commander made the final summary, "XIG's warriors, fight for honor!"

He raised his hand and went out a military ceremony. The opposite pilots made the same move, after they were sitting on the fighters.

The various tones of the base are constantly remembering, each sound represents a fighter ready, and represents a preparation work has been completed.

"The flashing team, we are about to fly, it is the other side of the earth, no problem ?!" The captain of the tail is displayed on the fighters, and smiling two players in the fighter.

"There is no problem, guarantee the completion task!"

"This task is not ordinary, no problem, lady?" The Cup Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Team also smiled.

"No problem!" Cool Dragons two female players than a month thumb, revealing a confident smile.

"The French team is responsible for the Asian part." The team leader of the Falcon team is more serious. Their squad is always prepared by sacrifice, the responsible sector is also the most recent location from the main battlefield, but this does not mean they will fear, "Lin,", thank you, have always followed me. Thank you! "

The Falcon has always been the most dangerous task, but the two players followed by death, and the Falcon has always been able to fight.

"Because you are, the Mi Tian captain!" Lin smiled and said. They are because of the Milita Captain, they will follow the return. And in the future, they will continue to follow the rice field.

"The last task of the Falcon team is to successfully complete!" The head is more determined.

Seeing that the players are ready, the Shenshan, who has been as a deputy head of the embankment, smiled slightly, raising his hand to play a gesture for the guideller before the plane, indicating that it is ready, can take off.

Everyone in the Giii base, looking at the door of the gale, a plane flying out of the chart, then spread, flying to all over the world.

"Be sure to succeed!" Thousand leaf staff looked at the plane, and sincerely hope that everything goes well.

Next, the command guidance of the fighter is the work of the Alchemist Star.

"Every fighter has a guide," Kaishi is in the final description, "uses a manual way to adjust the irradiation angle of the reaction force irradiation device, correct calculation.

And the rest, you will rely on intuition! "


At this moment, around the world, countless monsters hit the monster of the earth. Their number is too large, and many monsters are surrounded by no number of insects without resistance, and then they are exhausted.

However, there is still a part of the monster to rely on the energy savings of the sun, escaped the situation of being dried down.

But then, they have to face, that is, countless monsters gather together, while condensed monsters - Gayed Westby.

Gayadsidi has sharp forelimbs, good at mell, and the long snake of the abdomen is even more difficult.

Many Earth monsters are not opponents, but there is no monster to escape, even if they die, there is no withdrawal back to the bottom.

When the ten fighters appeared, these monsters even hit the Gidecy ratio around the side, and they cited the energy of the light. Obviously, know what they should do.

XIG's fighters appear on the same energy aggregate, ready to be ready. The monster also issued a brightly ready-to-have bomb at the same time.

The golden light bullet hits the air fighter, and then gathered by the gold discs, the difficult adjustment angle, change the trajectory of these energy, and towards another direction.

Even if you have a constant attack, constant harassment, but the monsters of the earth will still struggle to stand up, and then condense the energy in the body.

A golden light flew from the black clouds, and then got to the same direction - Tokyo!

"It's coming!" Rattan turned to look at my dream around, "I am dream, is it ready?"

"Well!" I dreamed, I looked at the light column of the sky, showing a smile, "Violet, can fight with you, I am really happy, it is also very proud!"

The Rattan House heard, couldn't help but laugh: "I am, my dream."

Chapter 95 Chapter Gaia and Agurus Reproduction

"Light?" Bribros did not smirk, raised his hand to release several red-black energy bombs, and wanted to interrupt the aggregation of these lights.

However, Qilong with a void issued a plurality of electric light from the small head in the tail, and the light flashed one of these lights, and then threatened the two monsters floating in the air.

This hit successfully made Bribros lost the opportunity to intercept these lights, so the angry Bribritz immediately turned the direction refers to the direction, and gave it to the Dragon.

Super Gobs and Super Bartss are very eye-catching, and they will make the dragon, forcing His Firefighting.

The red and blue light suddenly appears, in the rays, Gaia and Aguru's figure gradually appeared, and blocking these artillers one by one in front of the dragon.

More blue in Agurus again, two black textures extend from the shoulders to the chest, which turned into a V2 form.

It is a two golden ripples that extend from the shoulders of Gaia, and the red silver on the body is more deep, which evolves into a high form.

Got two of the global monsters, there are more energy in the body, more powerful, and strength is also stronger.


"It is Gaia and Aguru!" Lingzi said a little excited, "Gaia and Agurus appeared! They appeared again in the rays just appeared!"

Two Altman, especially the emergence of Gaia, let the people who see this scene cheers. It is more trusted by people than the monster of the red and the earth.


Gaia and Agurus have appeared, and one of the Austria will contain the superbabe and superbats of the Dragon, and save the Dragon.

"Gaia, Agu Ru." Bribroz also stopped attacking, it took the wings, overlooking the two Ottman, "You finally came out."

The red unknown monster floats around it, and the bright light bulb looks at them, and I will have a laughter.

Gaia and Agurus have a look at each other, and take a look at each other. If you raise your hand, you will release a red blue two light bomb to attack two monsters.

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