Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really didn't want to rule the World Chapter 290 of the World.

The red turning head looked at the exciting young people, seeing the video equipment in his hand, said excited: "I didn't want to meet the monster that I have already extracted in the earth, it is a destiny! "

The red blooming ring: "..." Is this universe that develops a strange hobby? !

Chapter 6 Second Crosshant

Two monsters did not pay a few people while playing difficulties.

But as a roar, there is a monster that appears in the battlefield.

"It's a monster Red King!" The youth once again excitedly called the name of the monster, "this is the most fierce monster!"

Watching him, I finally couldn't help but ask: "Take the liberty to ask, you see the monster, why do you have this ... happy?"

According to reason, should it be afraid of plus? For example, you next to your teammates, is it normal to react? !

"Hey? Because 50 years ago, the global monster was extinct." The youth has answered a sentence, and I realized that this problem is not asking his teammates, but a "alien" asked.

So, is this curious and love for extinct species?

The red scripture is that the world's special shots, it seems that this kind of beauty is very lovely like ... But you are now the real monster! Not hand and pictures! Calling such a loud, isn't it afraid to attract the attention of the monster?

Fortunately, the attention of Leide is full of two positive fighting monsters, and it seems that there is no minority to notice.

The Leide Wang Mu felt broke the battle of the two monsters. It took Tyles to open the Tyles. It's easy to retreat Sadra, and then start a VS II, and successfully Take the wind.

Reide Wang Tiansheng's skin is thick, strong and endless, the two monsters added it difficult to cause harm to him, but the Leide Wang took two weird beasts, and fell out.

After the Tyles is fell, it can't climb it. Sadra did not serve again, but it and Teristong, two monsters were still fighting Reide King, it went to itself, so it was directly locked by Reide King.

Soon, Leide's powerful arms contain Sadra's long necks, the arms of the arm, actually hard to learn Sadlara.

This means can be said to be quite fierce.

However, the red shady saw the youth jumped around, just like a little fascination: "Yea! Reide win!"

The shout of this little bliss finally attracted the attention of Reide.

The young teammates immediately unprofit, and the monster, only young expressions were nauseated, and finally realized the danger.

The red loud hand holds the shoulders of the Ling, preventing her from immediately rushing to solve the monster.

Reide was angry and took out his neck and sent an roar: "Hey ~" This group is small, is it to provoke your uncle? ! I didn't want to run, I still dared to call! Are you challenging your grandfather of Leide? !

Lad King is very angry. It is happiness that there is a small stone, running a few steps, lifting the foot, kicking this stone to the people of the show.

The Zap of all the jumped immediately, avoiding this piece of Ladwang, but a very huge stone for everyone.

Leed King didn't plan to stop, it took a discarded armored car again.

"Aiming at that car!" The day shouted, and looked up and aligned the armored vehicle.

His players also quickly lifted their guns and shot against armored vehicles.

The red sauna will take a few steps after pulling the Ling, disappearing here.

Ling just blinked, and found that he appeared in another place, and Reide is very far away from her, far from it, only the finger is so big ...

When the girl suddenly flew, she turned to look at the culprit, and the mouth was not questioned.

"There is a troubled guy over." The red looks up and looks at the sky.

There, a silver-column is rapidly falling, the destination is the Leide King, and Terresnd, which is standing again.

The silver light group was smashed in the ground, so that the earth was trembled. When the dazzling radiance returned, a silver red two colors, and the body-minded Altman appeared from the rays. His head has a trident lamp-shaped light emitting organ, and there is also an arm on both arm lights.

"It is the Galaxy Altman!" The surprise called the name of the people.

But soon, she is strange to : "Strange, the monster is big, is there a Gilflow Altman?"

The wrong words did not pay attention to her, but carefully talked about this new Altman.

Silver white light ... and still have dark ...

This is definitely not normal Altman, he has never seen that Ottman is the dark coherence.

Plus Ling's words. This may be an intrudator, but it is also a traveler.

The red scriptures have previously encountered the first traveler. The trail ownership has a system, got the strength of Dark Belia Altman, this is the strength of Galaxy Altman, is it dark?


Feeling his mind, he was hanging on the lumbar, the dark circle was slightly lit: "..."! Quickly! Tell him! You can get a dark Altman's card!

The red is not angry, he looks at this Ottman to the two monsters, and evaluates his strength.

This striker is also quite good, he has two monsters, still occupies the upper wind.

Although Terresnd can only be planted, this Leide is really good.

Soon, less than a minute, when he was in a straight line, he didn't drop out of the silver light, and two monsters were drove.

The Ling around me is not in the gilly, she is very uncomfortable, staring at the Galaxy, and the long sword once again, the momentum wants to rush in: "Actually grab the old lady's monster! Look at the old lady His "- "" - "

"Children's family don't talk throughout the day." The red raised hand and took her back, "The guy is not weak, you have no big skills, what do you do?"

"No need to become big, the old lady can also" - "" Ling looks like anxious, in her opinion, the other party is grabbing her lunch, she hasn't eaten yet!

I know that this person has a mist to eat a monster: "... Don't make trouble."

The final resilience was in the arrest, and she took her away from her.

Soon after the two left, a woman appeared in their place. This is the previous threat to the red Ruth, Kate.

Kate looked at the position of the two people just stood, and frowned tightly: "How will Ling be staying with that guy?"

However, seeing that Ling seems to have not been hurt, she is not too deep, but turned to the group of humans, especially those who have found in the monster in the monster, and that Ottman.

"Raymond, you have to become stronger soon ..." She muttered, turned to leave here.

Chapter VII Luan Aier and Galaxy Altman

Next, in order to appease some unhappy girl, the red festival found a monster and helped her solve lunch.

As a exchange, the red is set out of the information about Galaxy Outman.

"Spark people even ... Road Siier ...?" The red shanty smashed his eyes, he had a hunch, and the traveler was likely to get the glory of Altman's light and road Schiyer.

It's too interesting, it can get dark, I have gotten it ...

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