The goalkeeper of the club, Du Jie, made a lob shot, and the ball went over the goalkeeper's head and he easily scored.

2:1, Laco leads again!

As soon as the ball went in, Jimenez on the sidelines smiled.

He waved his hand and asked Bergantinho to sit back on the bench.

After more than ten minutes of the game, he had already seen that Brozovic could fully protect Laco's center.

In the remaining time, many of the attacks by the club in the center were unsuccessful.

The score of 2:1 was maintained until the end of the game.

With a score of 5:1 in two rounds, Laco successfully entered the quarterfinals of the King's Cup.

In addition to La Coruna's promotion, the other seven teams that made it to the King's Cup are Barcelona, ​​Atletico Madrid, Getafe, Malaga, Bilbao, Espanyol and Sevilla.

Real Madrid and Valencia were both eliminated in the fifth round.

Real Madrid played the King's Cup seriously, but they lost 1:0 to Atletico Madrid away, and were tied 1:1 by Atletico Madrid at home. They had to bid farewell to the King's Cup with 1:2 in two rounds!

Valencia is different from Real Madrid. They didn't play seriously at all.

They won 2:1 in the first round, but in the second round, in order to preserve their strength, they sent out a half-main and half-substitute lineup away from home. The Spaniards seized the opportunity to win 2:0 and eliminated 2:3 in two rounds.

Su Wei was happy when he saw the list of the King's Cup quarterfinals.

Without the two strong rivals, Real Madrid and Valencia, the hope of winning the championship has increased a few points.

The King's Cup quarter-finals are also a two-round system, and the match date will be in the last two weeks of January.

In mid-January, a draw will be held to determine the list of the quarterfinals.

Before the draw, Laco still has the 20th round of the league to play, a home game against Granada.

The score of the first round of La Liga between the two teams was 2:2, and Su Wei was just a substitute at that time.

Now that time has changed, he has become the absolute core of Laco.

In addition, with the joining of Carrasco, Brozovic and other good players, Laco, playing at home, did not give Granada any chance to turn the tables.

In the first half, Su Wei used the [Heavy Gunner] skill to score a goal.

Carrasco also used the side to break through and assisted Salman to score a goal.

At the end of the first half, Laco was already leading 2:0.

In the second half, Su Wei and his teammates bombarded Granada's goal again.

Before the end of the game, Carrasco's shot hit the crossbar, and Du Jie made a supplementary shot and scored another goal.

3:0, Laco won a complete victory at home!

At the post-match press conference, the head coach of Granada said: "Laco's youth storm this year is too fierce! Su, Salman, Carrasco, Brozovic and other young bloods determined the direction of the game. We lost convincingly!"

Laco won, and Real Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia also won.

Laco is still one point behind Valencia in the standings, ranking fourth in the league.

But Su Wei is not in a hurry. There are still 18 rounds of the league to play. As long as he continues to maintain this momentum, he will be fine.

And compared to the league, Su Wei's attention to the King's Cup is higher at present.

Because there is no big problem in losing or drawing a league game.

On the other hand, the King's Cup cannot be careless in any game, and the draw is also very critical for this kind of cup competition. If you are lucky enough to be assigned to a relatively weaker opponent, the probability of winning the championship will be greatly increased!

That afternoon, the training class just ended, and Su Wei immediately returned to the dormitory.

Entering the room, the first thing he did was to turn on the TV and tune to the sports channel.

At this moment, the King's Cup quarter-final draw ceremony was being broadcast on TV, and the host was still introducing the draw rules.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Su Wei didn't want to open it, but he couldn't resist Salman's shouting outside the door.

"Boss, what happened? I wanted to call you out for dinner tonight, why did you disappear as soon as the training was over?"

Su Wei said: "Today is the King's Cup quarter-final draw ceremony, I must see which team we are grouped with."

Salman became interested when he heard it, and didn't want to eat anymore, and hurriedly replied: "Then I have to take a look and see who our next opponent is."

The two returned to the living room sofa and sat down, and the draw ceremony had already begun.

I saw that La Liga President Medrano, as the guest of the draw, had already stretched his right hand into a glass box.

The eight white balls inside jingled as he stirred.

The host stood aside and used

He said with a slightly excited voice: "Let's wait and see which team will be the first to be drawn."

Medrano took out a small ball, and then gently broke it with his hand. He saw that the small ball was hollow and a note was hidden inside.

Medrano opened the note and it was written: "La Coruña!"

Salman saw this and shouted: "Fuck! We are the first to be drawn."

Su Wei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Okay, I know, I'm not blind!"

Salman touched his head and said embarrassedly: "Haha, boss, the next one to be drawn is our opponent in the quarterfinals, right?"

Su Wei nodded: "Yes."

Salman put his hands together and began to pray: "God bless, don't let it be Barcelona, ​​Atletico Madrid, or Sevilla."

Su Wei didn't say a word when he heard this, because what Salman said was exactly what he thought.

If you can avoid these traditional strong teams in the quarterfinals, the probability of winning the championship will increase a lot.

As Medrano's right hand reached into the glass cabinet again, Su Wei was also praying that Laco could draw a good lot.

The next second, Su Wei was watching TV and was happy.

Because the team Medrano drew was Getafe, which was really a good lot!

Salman was so happy that he jumped more than three feet high from the sofa and danced with joy.

"Fuck! Good lot, really good lot!"

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Salman's shouting successfully attracted Brozovic next door.

After opening the door, he saw him standing at the door with a smile on his face.

"What are you two doing? Shouting, I heard it's very noisy in your room."

Su Wei said very quickly: "Let's watch it together, the King's Cup is being drawn."

Brozovic was stunned, and then he didn't say anything. He closed the door and followed into the living room, and then sat down next to Su Wei.

At this time, he saw the matchup list on TV and was even more excited than Salman: "Wow! This matchup is great. Our opponent is Getafe. We have successfully avoided Barcelona and Atletico Madrid. It's a good draw!"

Salman said: "It's really wow. If Barcelona and Atletico Madrid are grouped together, it will be even more wow!"

"Haha, who said it wasn't? I hope Barcelona and Atletico Madrid will be grouped together, let them kill each other, and then we will reap the benefits!"

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