The two of them were busy.

"Su, are you busy recently?"

"Not bad, what's up?" Su Wei asked.

Vigreli smiled and said, "It's not a big deal, I just have a few companies here that want you to be their spokesperson."

"Endorsement, can you wait until the team is on vacation? We have to train every day recently, and I can't spare much time."

"Don't worry about this, I've talked to them, they said they can go to La Coruña to shoot commercials, and the time is not long."

Su Wei thought for a while and said, "Okay, come over when you have time, and bring the contract for me to see."


Every agent is very active in making money.

In the evening of the next day, Vigreli went to La Coruña.

Not only Vigreli came, but also Elsa.

In a local western restaurant in Laco, Su Wei was slightly surprised and delighted when he saw Elsa.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen this woman for a long time. It would be a lie to say that he didn't miss her.

After all, the two had played poker in the hotel for a night. After that poker, Su Wei experienced the wonderful taste of entering the bridal chamber after his rebirth.

Thinking about this, Su Wei smiled and said, "I really didn't expect you to come too."

Elsa asked back with resentment, "Why? Don't you welcome me?"

Su Wei waved his hand hurriedly, "Of course not, I just felt a little surprised."

Elsa joked, "There are only surprises, no surprises?"

Su Wei laughed, "There must be surprises!"

At this time, Vigreli said beside him, "I'm sorry, she heard that you will play against Real Madrid in a few days, and she insisted on coming with you, saying that she wanted to watch you play football, and I couldn't stop her. "After explaining to Su Wei, Vigreli said to Elsa: "Elsa, Su and I have some work to do. You go out and play. I'll find you later." Elsa rolled her eyes and complained: "Dad, I haven't eaten yet, are you going to drive me away?" After the voice fell, she also acted coquettishly to Su Wei: "Su, you won't let me go hungry, right?" Su Wei chuckled and said: "It's not a secret. We are all family. Let's eat first." Su Wei treated them to this meal, and the three of them ate and talked. When they were almost done, Vigreli took out a stack of A4 paper from his briefcase and handed it to Su Wei. "Su, these are the companies that want to invite us to be spokespersons recently. There are seven companies in total. They are all first-class large companies and the remuneration is also very generous. Take a look first..." Su Wei took it and looked at it. The first one was a car brand from the devil country, and the endorsement fee was 5 million US dollars a year. Su Wei frowned slightly. The Japanese were really stingy. They only paid five million dollars a year? Not even Euros.

If he accepted this endorsement, his father would probably beat him up first when he got home.

The Su family was a good family. Su Wei's grandfather had fought against the Japanese.

Su Wei immediately said to Vigreli, "Vigreli, don't accept the endorsement of Fuso in the future."

Vigreli didn't quite understand and explained subconsciously, "Su, they pay well, and this company is an internationally renowned brand. It is very beneficial to enhance your global influence!"

Su Wei said decisively, "Let's not talk about how much they pay. I don't like this country, so I'm too lazy to accept it."

Vigreli then reacted and nodded hurriedly, "Okay, I respect your choice."

Su Wei continued to flip down and spent more than half an hour looking at the other six, and even eliminated the endorsement of an ugly countryman.

They are just like the Japanese. They are very stingy and clearly look down on people.

On the contrary, the other five endorsement contracts made Su Wei feel very satisfied.

And these five endorsement contracts were all signed by well-known large enterprises in Longguo.

The first one was Hongxing Erke, the second one was Huawei Mobile, the third one was Wahaha, the fourth one was BYD Auto, and the fifth one was Life Insurance.

Hongxing Erke offered 3 million euros a year, and Wahaha offered 5 million euros a year.

Huawei Mobile was rich and gave Su Wei a five-year contract, which was no less than 6 million euros a year!

Life insurance was 4.5 million euros a year, and BYD Auto gave a six-year contract, which was equivalent to more than 5 million euros a year!

Seeing this, Su Wei smiled. It was estimated that these large local enterprises in Longguo came to him mostly because the last friendly match with Evergrande when he returned to China made them discover huge business opportunities.

In fact, since Su Wei became famous in La Liga, these large local enterprises have paid attention to Su Wei.

But they are still hesitating. What is Su Wei's influence in China?

It was not until Su Wei returned to China and played a friendly match with Guangzhou Evergrande that they decided to ask Su Wei to endorse their products.

Among the five contracts, Hongxing Erke gave the least, but Su Wei did not blame them.

As a reborn person, he knew that Hongxing Erke almost went bankrupt in the future because of the debt crisis.

Fortunately, after a wave of help from tens of millions of netizens, this responsible national enterprise stood firm again!

For such a national enterprise that does not forget its roots, Su Wei also wanted to help them, so he signed the contract very readily.

And they asked Su Wei to be the spokesperson because they wanted to use Su Wei's fame in Europe to expand their brand effect, open up the European market, and make their company a world-renowned brand!

Next, after a few strokes, Su Wei signed all five contracts.

This money is earned too quickly. Just tidy up your hands, sign a few names, and you can earn tens of millions of euros every year. This is much better than playing football!

After finishing the contract, Su Wei handed it to Vigrelli.

He looked at it again and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, then put it back into the briefcase.

After doing all this, he said: "Su, wait for my news in the near future. I will contact you when it is time to shoot the commercial."

Su Wei nodded: "Okay, hurry up, I really don't have much time when the King's Cup and the Champions League knockout rounds start."

Vigrelli smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't delay you."

After the business was over, he still had a lot of things to do, so he was ready to leave.

Turning his head to look at Elsa next to him, he asked, "Elsa, I'm going back. Aren't you going to watch the match between Laco and Real Madrid? I'm going to Madrid for a transfer. Let's go together. I'll book a hotel for you in Madrid. You just wait there."

Elsa refused after hearing this, "No, the match is still three days away. I finally came to Laco. I want to play here for two days before going to Madrid."

After that, she smiled at Su Wei and said, "Su, you have to be a good host these two days!"

Su Wei nodded, "No problem."

Vigreli frowned slightly and blamed, "Nonsense! Su still has to train, how can he have time to entertain you?"

Su Wei waved his hand and said, "It's okay, training is over, I have time."

Vigreli looked at Su Wei, and then at Elsa. He couldn't guess what the former was thinking, but as a father, how could he not know what his daughter was thinking.

Su Wei is a few years younger than Aisha, but after a year of contact, Su Wei's maturity and stability have left a deep impression on Vigreli.

With Su Wei taking care of Aisha, Vigreli is not worried at all.

Sometimes he thinks that if Aisha can be with Su Wei, it will be a good thing.

Su Wei is tall and handsome, plays football very well, and can make a lot of money.

To be his son-in-law, it must be too high for their family to marry.

Thinking about this, he didn't say anything more and stood up to say goodbye.

Before leaving, he also specifically told Aisha not to cause trouble for Su Wei.

Aisha said angrily: "I know, you should leave quickly, if you are late, you will miss the plane home!"

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