The first phase of the test ended, and there was a short ten-minute break.

Su Wei sat on the lawn, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the sidelines involuntarily.

Eduardo and Jimenez were still standing on the sidelines.

Su Wei looked at Eduardo and murmured: "Old man, I helped you at noon, you have to help me too, I'm a potential stock..."

Eduardo couldn't hear Su Wei's voice.

At this moment, he was talking to Jimenez about the first phase of the trial training that had just ended.

Eduardo asked, "How is it, are there any good players?"

Jimenez glanced at a report card handed over by his assistant, raised his head and said unsatisfactorily, "Except for the kid named Moreno, there are not many outstanding players in this group."

Eduardo smiled and said, "I think the boy from Dragon Country is okay. You gave him a D, which is a bit too harsh."

Jimenez frowned and said, "Even if it's a B, what's the use? There are a lot of such players in the Glory League. They can play in low-level leagues, but after landing in La Liga, they can only be abused."

The Glory League that Jimenez mentioned is the U19 League organized by the Spanish Football Association.

This league is the highest-level youth league in Spain. More than half of the players who came for trial training today came from the Glory League.

It is indeed the top U19 league in Spain, but the success rate is very low.

According to official Spanish statistics, less than 10% of Glory League players have the opportunity to play in La Liga and La Liga.

More players can only play in La Liga C or go to other unknown small leagues in Europe.

There are even many players who have no ball to play after the age of 19 and can only choose to change careers and retire.

Eduardo nodded and said, "Well, his skills are not particularly outstanding, but he has characteristics."

"Characteristics? What characteristics?" Jimenez didn't see it at all.

Jimenez watched the first phase of the test.

In his eyes, Su Wei is just an ordinary rookie player.

"Yes, I have seen his video, this kid is very fast!" Eduardo said.

Jimenez didn't say anything, he was suspicious.

How fast can an Asian be?

Can he be faster than Ronaldo? Or faster than Bale?

Jimenez thought Eduardo was a little exaggerated, but due to Eduardo's qualifications, he didn't refute it.

The conversation between the two soon stopped.

At this time, the second phase of the test began immediately.


The second phase is a test without a ball, and even the goalkeepers have to participate in the trial.

The 100-meter, 60-meter, and 25-meter shuttle runs mainly test speed and flexibility.

On the track beside the field, several assistant coaches were ready with stopwatches and starting guns.

"Everyone, get ready. Let's start the 100-meter test first." A leading assistant coach shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, Su Wei immediately stood up from the lawn, and a barely perceptible smile quietly bloomed at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, it's finally my strongest turn."

Moving his head and neck, shoulder joints, waist and hips, Su Wei warmed up with full concentration, ready to show his skills in this event.

The 100-meter sprint, one person in a dozen seconds, went very quickly.

Most people's results were in the eleven-second range, and some even finished in twelve seconds.

Su Wei was the last to appear, and the twenty or so people in front of him finished quickly.

The second to last person to appear was Moreno, who had just received an A grade in the test.

This guy is not tall, only about 1.7 meters, with bulging muscles on his thighs, and he looks like a player with great explosive power.

Sure enough, 10.91 seconds!

As soon as his result came out, the training ground was boiling.

Compared with the ABCD classification of the previous test, some players may not be convinced, why are you A and I am B.

This 100-meter test is more intuitive, and you can tell who is awesome and who is lame at a glance.

As soon as Moreno's result came out, the other players were convinced.

"Fuck, this guy runs so fast!"

"10.91 seconds, and this is the result recorded by hand. If it is measured electronically, it is probably about 10.6 seconds."

"Amazing, I remember that Ronaldo seemed to be only 10.5 seconds for the 100 meters..."

"Moreno is really amazing!"

"Nonsense, he was in the best team in the U19 Glory League last season."

"Among us, I think he has the best chance of passing



Su Wei tilted his head and listened to the chattering in his ears.

Suddenly a coach shouted: "Su from Longguo, it's your turn."

"Here I come!" Su Wei walked quickly to the starting point.

At this moment, the players who were trying out had all finished running 100 meters. While everyone was resting, they focused their attention on Su Wei.

As the only Asian on the training ground, Su Wei undoubtedly brought his own attention.

"Is this guy from Korea? Or from Fuso?"

"Looks like Longguo."

"Longguo? This is the first time I've seen Longguo people on a European court."

"Me too..."

"I thought they only knew how to play table tennis!"

"Me too..."

"Do you think this guy can run under 12 seconds?"

"I bet 10 euros that he can't."

"I bet 20 euros that there is no way an Asian can run fast? "


While the crowd was still talking, Su Wei had already put his hands on the ground and was ready to start.

The surrounding discussions also drifted into his ears.

Being able to understand what others say is not all good. At this moment, Su Wei was very angry.

"Damn, these idiots, I'll scare you to death later."

Su Wei just had the idea when he heard a voice in his ear: "Ready!"


As soon as the starting gun sounded, Su Wei rushed out suddenly, like a cheetah.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters, fifty meters...

Su Wei ran so fast that the trial players who were watching gradually showed surprised expressions.

In just a few seconds, they had already made a preliminary judgment from Su Wei's agile figure that this guy was a running expert!

Jimenez on the sidelines was also slightly surprised: "Huh? This guy runs very fast! ”

Having been engaged in football for more than 30 years, he has seen countless players.

He could tell at a glance that Su Wei’s 100-meter result was not simple.

The assistant coach standing at the finish line to count the time, stared at Su Wei who was getting closer and closer, and occasionally glanced at the stopwatch in his hand with his peripheral vision.

Six seconds...

Seven seconds...

Eight seconds...

Nine seconds...

Seeing that Su Wei was about to reach the finish line, he had not exceeded ten seconds!

“Oh! It’s amazing, did this guy practice track and field before?”

The assistant coach’s eyes widened, and his right hand holding the stopwatch was shaking slightly.

When Su Wei crossed the finish line, the assistant coach quickly stopped the stopwatch, and then couldn’t wait to check the results.

Ten seconds!

This speed is simply Bolt on the football field!

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