After reading the ranking list, Su Wei suddenly felt the fierce competition in La Liga this season.

"From the first to the sixth, there is only a four-point gap, and from the second to the sixth, there is only a one-game gap. I guess if I don't pay attention, I will fall out of the Champions League zone. The pressure is huge!"

While he said he was under great pressure, he lay lazily on the bed, browsing his phone leisurely.

It's relaxing to have a holiday, and I can't help but miss the big lobsters in the seafood restaurant and the Spanish beauties in bikinis on the beach.

Just as he was thinking about whether to ask Salman to go out for a walk, the phone rang suddenly.

Su Wei looked closely and saw that it was Eduardo calling.

He rarely calls me, and usually texts me for small matters.

If I get a call now, it might be something important, so I answer it immediately.

"Su, are you at the base?" Eduardo's voice came from the receiver.

"I'm here, what can I do for you?" Su Wei asked.

Eduardo said bluntly: "Since you are here, come to my office when you have time in the morning."

"Okay, Mr. Eduardo."

After hanging up the phone, washing up, and having breakfast in the restaurant, Su Wei slowly went to the office building.

Arriving at the door of Eduardo's office, he knocked on the door, and then a voice came from inside, "Come in!"

Su Wei pushed the door open and saw Eduardo sitting behind his desk, flipping through a thick stack of documents.

"This old man is really hardworking!" Su Wei thought as he walked to the desk.

At this time, Eduardo also stood up.

Then he pulled Su Wei, and the two sat down on the sofa shoulder to shoulder.

"Su, congratulations on being selected for this round's best team. It's a great achievement. The last time a Laco player was selected for the best team was Pablo three years ago."

Su Wei smiled and replied: "Thanks to the club for training, and thank you Mr. Eduardo for giving me the opportunity."

Eduardo chuckled and said: "You fought for the opportunity yourself. From the beginning of your trial, I saw that you are an extraordinary player."

Faced with the compliment of the old man, Su Wei smiled and said nothing.

It's good to just listen to such polite words. It's really stupid to take them.

Thinking of this, Su Wei got straight to the point: "Mr. Eduardo, I think you called me to the office, I must have more than just said that I am an extraordinary player, there must be other things, right?"

Eduardo was happy to hear this, and then changed the subject: "Su, have you found your agent?"

Su Wei shook his head: "Not yet."

Eduardo continued: "It's like this, Su, I'm preparing a new contract for you, can you handle it yourself?"

Su Wei was slightly stunned. Is this going to give himself a salary increase?

He nodded hurriedly: "Of course no problem, I can do it myself."

Eduardo stood up, walked to the desk, picked up the stack of documents, and then returned to Su Wei, smiling and saying: "Take a look first."

Su Wei took the new contract and read it carefully.

Eduardo made two cups of coffee and waited patiently.

One million euros annual salary, the contract period is three years, and the penalty for breach of contract is as high as 20 million euros.

Su Wei looked at the new contract while silently calculating in his heart.

"One million euros a year, three million euros in three years, converted into Dragon currency, that's more than 23.6 million! Wow, playing football is really profitable!"

Su Wei spent half an hour reading the contract from beginning to end, and then he said faintly: "Mr. Eduardo, the current annual salary is no problem, but if I gradually grow up in Laco, and even help the club enter the Champions League, I wonder..."

Before Su Wei finished speaking, Eduardo smiled and said: "Su, what you said can really come true, why not give you a raise, our club hasn't entered the Champions League for a long time, I really miss the days when we dominated European football!"

"Haha, yes, I grew up watching Super Laco when I was a child. Laco at that time was nothing to say. Now I will try my best to help Laco Club achieve a comeback. I also love it here, so I agree to this new contract."

Eduardo heard it and patted Su Wei on the shoulder with a face full of relief.

"Young man, keep working hard. As long as you can help the team, the team will never treat you young people unfairly."

After painting the pie, Eduardo couldn't wait for Su Wei to sign the contract.

Such a treasure can't slip through your fingers.

Su Wei said it doesn't matter. His current annual salary of 1 million euros is comparable to Celta's offer.


Even if he goes to Barcelona or Real Madrid, his annual salary is about the same.

Moreover, in those traditional giants, whether he can play as a starter is an unknown.

After all, they have no shortage of reserve talents. Even if the main players are injured, they still have a strong bench depth.

On the other hand, in La Coruña, he can guarantee that he will start every game and increase his exposure in La Liga in the early stage. This is the most reliable way to become famous.

At that time, even if there are restrictions in the contract and the penalty is as high as 20 million euros, Su Wei is also convinced that the giant clubs pursuing him will not hesitate to pay the penalty and bring him to their giants.

For the reborn Su Wei, this long-term vision is still easy to calculate.

Thinking about this, Su Wei smiled and said, "By the way, Mr. Eduardo, can you add a share of the image rights in the new contract?"

Compared to the annual salary of one million euros, Su Wei feels that the image rights can bring huge benefits to his future self.

Eduardo was stunned. There were not many players in La Coruna who could get the image rights, only Pablo and Farina.

Because the popularity of La Coruna players is generally not high, the image rights are not valuable.

Take Pablo, who has played for the team for more than ten years. La Coruna gave him 80% of the image rights, but it did not exceed 500,000 euros a year.

In fact, in Eduardo's mind, La Coruna's image rights are more of a respect for veteran players.

Thinking of this, Eduardo asked, "How much do you want?"

Su Wei said bluntly, "60%"

Eduardo nodded readily, "Okay, I'll give you 60% of the image rights. I'll modify the new contract in the next few days, and we'll sign it later."

Su Wei smiled and said, "Okay, thank you, Mr. Eduardo."

La Coruna showed enough sincerity, and Su Wei didn't care about the gains and losses at the moment, so the negotiations between the two sides went very smoothly.

Everything was settled, and Su Wei got up and said goodbye.

Eduardo sent him to the door, then extended his hand and the two shook hands in a friendly manner.

"Su, you are the future of our Laco. A million-dollar annual salary is not high, but it is the most we can give you. However, I promise you that as long as the club's situation improves, we will definitely give you a higher annual salary!"

Su Wei pretended to be very moved and nodded: "I firmly believe that Laco will definitely get better and better."

Eduardo: "Well, I'm glad you understand us. We will play Barcelona this Saturday. Come on, let's do our best and let the whole La Liga see the strength of our Laco!"

Su Wei said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will never let the Laco fans down."


In the next few days, Eduardo's work efficiency was very high.

It can also be said that he was really afraid that Su Wei would run away.

After all, Celta was still eyeing him covetously a while ago.

He said that he would wait a few days to revise the new contract, but the next morning, Eduardo couldn't wait to send the revised new contract to Su Wei's dormitory.

Su Wei saw that the clause on personal portrait rights had been added, and he signed it immediately.

Thinking that he would be a Dragon player with an annual salary of 1 million euros starting next month, he was in a good mood.

He knocked on the door of the dormitory next door, called Salman, and then made an appointment with Xu Manman. The three of them set up a seafood feast in the most luxurious restaurant in La Coruna!

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