When it comes to Ling Feng, Norton seems to be in the same spirit suddenly. On his expression, he doesn't seem to care much about Ferrero's reputation, which makes Ferrero feel that Ling Feng has become Norton's idol? On the ancient continent, many people who became famous in World War I or some legends were especially worshipped by mercenaries. Like those who are supreme and holy, they are all fans. Even Ferrero himself had admirers.

Mercenaries chasing after stars are no less than extreme fans on earth.

Therefore, Norton's performance is still normal in the eyes of everyone.

"Ling Fengsheng? What happened to the thieves?" asked morrod.

"No, Ling Feng didn't do much," Norton said excitedly. However, the old morode, Ferrero and others are curious. They didn't do anything. What are you excited about. Norton seemed to realize that he had gone too far, so he went on: "however, the thief group didn't beg well, because Ling Feng and others were accompanied by the Tianlong mercenary group, who had fought the three thieves together

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