Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 106

This is really a contradiction.Go back tonight to complete the plan for tomorrow, consider whether there are loopholes, and then look at the information of Dongma and Sha, hoping to find something related to the score, even if it is not available, to find the other party’s weaknesses and weaknesses. It's also good.

In order to get news about the score, sometimes you can throw it away.Anyway, it's not that I haven't done it, but sometimes I don't want to use this method.

After being in position for less than three minutes, Lin Ye's front desk squad leader Fuji Linyi sneaked close to his table, and stuffed a small piece of paper. Without looking, Lin Ye guessed it was written for himself.

What is so urgent, the class leader can't even wait for the end of class, and he has to pass a note to himself during class to ask.

It should be in the morning!In addition to this possibility, Lin Ye could not think of other possibilities.

Taking the note, the folded note read "Ye Jun Shou" on one side, and Lin Ye showed a helpless smile on his face.

I really don't know if she has any worries about his sister, she is really a sister.

My elementary school, junior high school, and even high school have never experienced such things as passing notes to girls.As for the university, I'm sorry, I went to the military academy, and there are no girls around to play with you such as passing notes.Moreover, strict discipline will not allow this to happen.

Since then, thinking that he had never lost such an opportunity again, Lin Ye was still a bit regretful.And this time when I came to the campus to experience youth, I had this opportunity again, and it was passed on by others. Lin Ye was still a little interested in this.

This feeling is very fresh and fun.It's great to experience it once.

'Ye Jun, what's the matter with the injury on your forehead, and put on the same pair of glasses again'

The monitor, she wouldn't think I was beaten by her sister!This still needs to be explained clearly, and Fujibayashi should not be let alone, after all, she is my nominal girlfriend in secret.

'No, I fell by myself, don't worry.As for the glasses, the frame was broken and needed to be repaired. After finishing writing quickly, I took the note and clicked on Fujibayashi's back to remind her that I could take it back.

Within three seconds, Lin Ye saw a small white hand stretched out with his backhand and took away the note in front of the table.

Within ten seconds, Lin Ye found that the note was on his desk again.

'If there is a relationship with my sister, I will apologize to you on her behalf.She actually cares too much about me.'An expression of apology was also drawn in it.

'It has nothing to do with your sister, it is really my reason.'


'you do not believe me.'


'That's good,'

'Okay, I get it now.'

At this point, the passing of the notes between the two officially ended, but seeing the bald-headed mathematics teacher at the table, Lin Ye knew that the other party must be angry.

It seems that what I did was too much.Instead of being a teacher, no, if you were an instructor, you would just kick it.I can only say that this teacher is really good and full of patience.There was no outbreak in this case.

"Well, classmates, please ask students to come up and do this question on the blackboard. Is there a voluntary one?" The bald teacher gritted his teeth while pinching the white chalk between his fingers.

Of course, the students below know who the teacher is targeting, and no one will deliberately oppose the teacher and touch his brow.

And even if it is not for this reason, generally, no student would take the initiative to raise his hand to indicate that he wants to solve the problem on the blackboard, because it would be considered as a kind of showy, of course, Xueba is outside this list.

"Since there is no such thing, I can only specify it myself."

Teacher, you also specified, don't you just want me to go up, and Lin Ye made up his mind as the index finger tapped the table slightly.Instead of being called up by the teacher, it is better to go up by yourself.

"Teacher, since there are no other students willing, let me do it."

"Since Lin Ye is willing to come up, this is really great. Then please!" The bald teacher was taken aback, and then he figured out the intention of Lin Ye's approach.Really can't underestimate the current students, all ghosts and ghosts.

Looking at the above questions roughly, Lin Ye has already found a solution. For Lin Ye, even if he hasn't been exposed to this knowledge for ten years, he knows the solution after a little thought.

What's more, the difficulty of this question is not too great, and everyone who has studied it should be able to know the solution.

"Very well, let's go down first! Classmate Lin Ye's solution is the most standard solution, which shows that he is listening well in this lesson, so you should also study hard, and then..."

The bald teacher suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the class was abnormal, and then thought that Lin Ye had joined in halfway, and had never heard him explain the method.For a moment, the cold atmosphere made him a little embarrassed, but at any rate he had seen the world and taught a book for more than ten years. Regardless of other things, he adjusted his mentality and started to lecture again.

Author's message:

PS: Thanks to Wok Lan, book guest 1941117347, Immortal Traveler and Midnight Life? Monthly ticket, Nero Claudius. Reward, Wok Lan, Wang Ke's blade.

Chapter 123-This Is Asura Field

After class was over at noon, Fujibayashi, who wanted to ask Lin Ye a few more words, saw that his sister was standing at the door, but after showing an apologetic smile to Lin Ye, he ran towards the door with his lunch box. go with.

It seems that the squad leader still doesn't believe what he said very much, really, tell the truth, how can no one believe it!

So many things happened in the morning. At noon, Lin Ye was of course going to the cafeteria to have lunch and relax.

After finishing the books on the desk, watching the classmates in the classroom are almost gone, Lin Ye was also ready to get up and set off.

"Why didn't you come here this morning?"

Just as Lin Ye pushed the chair under the desk, he heard a cold voice in his ears.

morning?Not here?It shouldn't be told to me!I didn't make an agreement with anyone in the morning.

Lin Ye then turned to the direction where the sound came from, but she saw her former tablemate, stood not far away from her, and looked at herself unhappy.

White skin, elegant appearance, delicate and slender eyes look more handsome and free and easy, and don't get close to my aura all the time, giving anyone a cold and arrogant image.

Seeing Lin Ye's puzzled look, Dongma frowned and continued.

"I ask you why you didn't go to the second music classroom this morning." Although she herself is very reluctant to repeat the words.

Can't figure out the meaning of Dongma's question, Lin Ye only thought that because of yesterday's events, she had a bad idea.

"It was only an accident that I went yesterday. If I go again today, it will really bother Dongma to practice piano."

Perceiving that Dongma's attitude was a bit wrong, Lin Ye still looked back at Dongma and pushed his glasses, looking very indifferent.

"The second music classroom after school today." Dongma stared at Lin Ye coldly, frowning slightly, and his tone was full of impatience.To be able to tell Lin Ye so much is already beyond her limit.

"This..." Thinking of the ministry's activities after school and going to repair glasses, Lin Ye thought for a while and felt that he should refuse.Moreover, for the unexpected invitation, Lin Ye couldn't understand the purpose of Dongma, what happened yesterday really had such a big impact.

As for those who have bad ideas and want something indescribable to happen, they are basically either dead or peeled off. Anyway, the result is not much better.

Dongma may not reach this level, but the necessary vigilance is indispensable.

Why does someone who usually doesn't communicate with others suddenly invite you? This shows that the other party has a purpose. As for the good or the bad, it depends on the situation.

"I have club activities after school, so with Dongma's invitation, I can only..."

Although he didn't understand what he said, it was enough for Dongma to understand his answer.

"Society, you have participated in club activities."

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