Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 108

Although I don’t care about gossip, but...

At least tomorrow, some gossip people basically need to know.

For example, the second-year J-like Xuexia and music genius Dongma are competing for the transfer of Chinese students to enter their respective clubs... Such news is definitely there.

But considering the personalities of the two at present, Lin Ye is not worried, at least the two of them shouldn't care about outside messages and comments.

If you care, it won't be such a character.

In addition to the similarities in appearance and personality, the two still have something in common.

For example, at school, there are no friends and they are alone.

But now, at least there are members of the community that can communicate with Yukoshita, especially Yubihama's existence, which makes up for a lot, and Dongma's words should be all alone by now.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye felt that if the other party invited him, he would not feel lonely anymore!Yesterday morning, they met differently. The two people on the parallel line finally met at a certain point, so they mustered up the courage to invite themselves.Because at least she and she still have something in common in piano.

And it's still in the same class. When I first came here, I didn't have much intersection with other people. Perhaps it was because of this that Dongma invited himself.

Thinking of the source of the music, Lin Ye was a little bit moved, but at least not now, at least not this week.As for Bai Qi's task, the deadline is still very long. As long as Bai Qi asks for help at that time, he can spare the time to assist.

But now Lin Ye can only refuse.After all, there are tasks, but the deadline is approaching.

"Sorry, Dongma, I am very happy that you can invite me, but please forgive me for politely decline."

Seeing Lin Ye's refusal once again, Dongma could no longer suppress the anger rising in his heart, completely disregarding his own image, the slender hand originally used to play the piano pointed directly at Yukino under the snow.

"What's so good about this woman? She looks cold like a piece of ice. Do you like a piece of ice."

If he didn't choose his sister, he actually chose a piece of ice, and Dongma exploded directly.What is the difference between herself and her.She is taller than her, her face is no worse than her, she also has long black hair, and...

Thinking of the end, the shyness on Dongma's face flashed past, and neither of the two people present noticed it.

Lin Ye was embarrassed for a while. In fact, for comparison, Dongma, you are similar.But this is something I cannot say.

As for the result, it will only make this matter more complicated.

"Student Dongma, please get to know yourself before evaluating others!"

Although both of them are famous ice beauties in the school, as far as the attitude is concerned, Xuexia has performed better.Although the words were plain and mixed with coldness, but there was no excessive tone and behavior, but Dongma was like a dynamite bucket, and it felt like it would explode when touched.

But it was obviously not like this yesterday. It's better to say that the winter horse and yarn that I met in the music classroom yesterday are the rumored ice beauty.

So, what caused her to have such a mood swing, it was just because I refused her invitation, Lin Ye really couldn't think of a suitable explanation.The existing information conditions are too few.Perhaps after reading Dongma Hesha's information, he could find the answer.

Author's message:

PS: Thank you for using the Gwent card to bring smile, super high school grade, handle and wind mark monthly pass.Some teachers requested that the repetition rate of the thesis should be less than ten points. I have a classmate who asked the person responsible for revising the thesis on the Internet. They said that the requirements for the undergraduate thesis of your school are comparable to the master's thesis.So I am also desperate!

Chapter 125: He Is At least Better than You

Ignoring Xuexia's hidden irony at all, Dongma just stared at Xuexia with cold eyes and moved his red lips slightly.

"I know what kind of person I am. You don't need to care about Xuexiamen."

Facing the unfriendly Dongma, Xuexia certainly wouldn't treat each other with a good face.

Lin Ye knew that the muscles that had begun to tighten slightly on his tight face, and the cold breath exuding from his whole body, knew that this was about to reach the limit of endurance, and then it might be Yukino's unique poisonous tongue attack.

Thinking of the "war" that followed, Lin Ye tapped his fingers unconsciously, thinking quickly about the solution.

"That, Dongma, as for whether or not to go to the music classroom, let's talk about it later! And it has nothing to do with Xuexia, so it's not about destroying the friendship between classmates..."

"I don't think I will have a classmate relationship with Xuexia, and you really want to favor this woman."

"Student Dongma is right. We don't have the affection of classmates, so please don't talk nonsense, classmate Lin Ye."

What makes me partial to the snow!If I were partial to him, I would not tell you that.I'm not doing this for your good. If this matter doesn't involve me, I will definitely leave without saying anything.Rather than talking nonsense with you here, I still think it’s better to eat earlier.

The two in the classroom didn't accept each other, their auras were fully open, and they faced each other coldly.

The climate was already warming, and the temperature in the classroom dropped a few degrees. Everyone could clearly feel the chill.

"The two of you continue, I won't bother, I'll go to the cafeteria for dinner first."

Feeling that staying here made things so complicated, Lin Ye decided to leave first and then talk about it, Meimei's first had a meal before talking.The roast suckling pig flew yesterday, and Lin Ye was still a little sad.This is a rare delicacy.I can only go to the nearby mountains on the weekend to see if I can find some wild ingredients.

If the general is there, it will be easier to find.

"Wait, you can eat, but you have to tell me your decision first."

Seeing Lin Ye turned around to leave, Dong Ma hurriedly grabbed Lin Ye with one hand, the cold voice echoed in the classroom again.

"Student Dongma, can't you tell me, Lin Ye, but I have already declined your invitation twice. If I keep entangled, I will look down on you."

To be honest, Lin Ye was able to refuse the invitation of this musical genius twice, and Xuexia was still very satisfied. At least the other party still has a sense of belonging to the ministry, and the other party is not the kind of person who would mess up the square inch and principle by being invited by beautiful women. people.

"You don't need to look down on me!"

For Dongma and Sha, other people's attitudes towards her are dispensable, especially the attitude of this woman, she doesn't even care.

"Yukixa Yukino, when I first saw you, I was very annoying. Even now, my feelings for you have not changed in any way."

Stroking the black hair around her ears, Xuexia's expression remained unchanged. Facing Dongma's hostile words, she just smiled mockingly.

"Do you hate me, what does it have to do with me, or do you need me to express my thoughts about it?"

"Humph." Dongma snorted, embracing his chest, very dissatisfied with Xuexia's answer.

"I really can't figure it out. The famous Dongma student at the school would pester an ordinary member of my ministry. This really puzzles me."

"Because he was a waste of time in that unknown club."

"Wasting time?" Xuexia raised her brows when she heard this word for the first time. "So for Dongma, what is a waste of time?"


This voice is full of confidence and unwavering. If you want your mother to come back, you can only raise the piano level.

"That's true. For Dongma, piano is indeed everything, but for Lin Ye, it doesn't necessarily matter. After all, whether Lin Ye knows piano is one thing."

"At least better than you!" Looking up slightly, Dongma, who had an advantage in height, provoked Xuexia with a look of look down upon.

"So Lin Ye still has this hidden skill."

Facing Xuexia's unkind words, Lin Ye chose to ignore it directly.It's just asking for trouble if you talk to or something.

I know the skills, you don’t know much about Xuexia.At least as far as Chinese is concerned, I am not a level better than you.

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