Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 112

Bai Qi, who has picked up a lot of garbage, still has some sweat on his forehead.

"You want to find a helper, right?"

"En, yes, after all, the opportunity is rare."

"I'll find one to show you, so you know what to do."

"Hey, Ye Jun, go find one, but I always feel like you are hitting up a conversation."

After thinking about it, Bai Qi was a little embarrassed, his fair cheeks were slightly rosy.What if Ye Jun really succeeded in hitting up a conversation!

"To strike up a conversation? That's right."

Find strangers to join your activities, this is not what it means to strike up a conversation.Lin Ye did not deny either.

"Ye Jun, what you said is very good at chatting up?"

Ye Jun won't be really experienced!However, there is obviously not too much overlap between the daily life and the girls. At first, I talked with him coldly.

"Does this make me think?"

"Think about it?" Bai Qi asked, tilting his head, a little puzzled, "do I still need to think about it?"

"I'm thinking how many people did I strike up?" Lin Ye showed a wry smile, but his eyes were carefully watching Bai Qi's reaction.

"Eh eh eh, how many people did you strike up with, Jun Ye?" In an instant, Bai Qi's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.Could it be that Ye Jun is the kind of relatively frivolous boy who is very suitable for girls to chat.

If this is the case, I really couldn't see it before!

"Student Bai Qi, please be prepared, I am going to strike up a conversation with you." Lin Ye deliberately coughed a few times, and glanced around.

"Ah! Really, Ye Jun, don't make such a joke."

At this moment, Bai Qi understood why Lin Ye said so.Isn't this just teasing her, Ye Jun, this is really true.

"Don't you think I'm accosting one now?"

"I don't count it."

Seeing Bai Qi's mood improved, Lin Ye also breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them are now two people in the same boat, and if something happens to Bai Qi, he will be unlucky too.

"That's it! Then I think Bai Qi, if you go to a lively place in the park, you will definitely be hit up."

"Wh, what? Wherever there are conversations, they are all being teased." The blushing Bai Qi turned his head, looking upset on my face.

Although it was as Ye Jun said that he was accosted by boys, but in the case of such a person, he couldn't say anything, just ran away shyly.

If a girl like you is not accosted, aren't all other boys blind.But seeing that Bai Qi was still shy, Lin Ye didn't plan to continue teasing.

The Sakura Garden in the distance came over here, Lin Ye didn't want to cause any more misunderstandings.

"Then Bai Qi, I'm going to strike up a conversation and give you a demonstration."

Lin Ye took a word directly and walked towards the girl who had just entered his field of vision.

"Wait, Jun Ye, no need!" Bai Qi, who just wanted to stop Lin Ye, realized that Lin Ye had no intention to stop, and then he had to give up.

Looking at his back and the color of the bow tie, Lin Ye guessed that the other party was in first grade.

"Sorry, classmate you..."

Lin Ye, who had just stopped in front of the school girl, was taken aback, and the one he was looking for at random to strike up a conversation turned out to be someone he knew.

Fortunately, it wasn't Kasumigaoka and Yinglili. If the girl was blond and black, Lin Ye turned around and left.It was not very embarrassing to meet at this time.

"You are... the senior who ate in the sunbathing canteen before, right?"

Suzuki Kana is still a little impressed with the one in front of him. Although the other party’s hairstyle has changed a bit, the iconic reflective black glasses still leave a deep impression, especially the special service that the other party proposed. of.

At that time, he also made myself shy and cranky.

Author's message:

PS: Thank you Tianlanfeng, Fenghen, book guest 58130603091 and Isshiki's monthly pass, Chamo and Isshiki's blade, and Nero Claudius for their rewards.

Yesterday, the paper was debated, and then the old class was stunned to death. It could only be hard to modify and draw pictures, waiting for the second debate at the end of the month.

Chapter 129 Suzuki Kana joins

"I didn't expect you to remember me, Suzuki-san, right?"

Lin Ye was a little surprised that the other party could still remember him. Now he is the kind of person who can forget at a glance. When placed in the crowd, he belongs to the first level of passers-by, and there are people who can remember this. It's really touching.

"Senior said that I have a very bad memory. Didn't the senior even remember my name?" Suzuki Kana said to Lin Ye with a high smile on her face.

That's because I have a good memory.It takes a long time for ordinary people to remember even the names of their classmates.Not to mention people who have only met in the cafeteria.

"By the way, senior, what are you doing?"

"Campus cleaning, club activities." Lin Ye smiled while lifting the garbage bag in his hand.

"Hey, the senior is doing volunteer work. This is really amazing!"

Although it is generally better to treat the other party’s words as a joke in this situation, Lin Ye sees only sincerity in the eyes of the other party, so...

"Almost, but did you see the chestnut-haired girl with a light green ribbon over there?"

Pointing to Bai Qi who was picking up rubbish in the flowerbed and looking to him from time to time, Lin Ye's face was a little helpless.

If you are worried, just come here directly, making it seem like you are peeping now.It's okay to know the facts, but the Suzuki Kana in front of him is obviously about to misunderstand.

"I can see it, but she seems to have been looking here since just now, could it be..."

"Yes," Lin Ye nodded, with a serious face, "She is very optimistic about you."

Suzuki was startled, and didn't understand what Lin Ye meant.

"This... shouldn't you be optimistic about seniors?"

"What about her!" Lin Ye felt that if Bai Qi recruited more friends, her plan should also have a higher success rate.Moreover, this school girl is okay based on her previous performance. If she is willing to participate in activities later, it should be no problem to bring her to the club.

As for Yukoshita, she may be disgusted with herself, but if Suzuki applies to join herself, even if it is through her own, she will agree, because she is Yukoshita.

In this kind of thing, you won't be arrogant.

"No, Bai Qi, she is actually not good at speaking in a lot of people's places, but in order to overcome this, I just wanted to invite other students to participate in the activity, but in the end it failed, so..."

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