Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 123

But Lin Ye actually thinks this guy did a good job.At least without his reminder, I would not have discovered this crisis.Otherwise, when the time comes, the strength of this door is caught in Ureshino's thin arm, and a few days of pain is necessary. If it is applied to the finger, Lin Ye promises to break it.

Lin Ye also felt very sorry to think that this little loli lost her finger.

"Lolly body?" Lowered her head and murmured aside, Ureshino showed a bright smile. In Lin Ye's stunned eyes, he pulled out a gun under her skirt.

"Allah Allah Allah..." Aiming at Lin Ye, his pale face was full of anger, and he said, "Student Lin Ye is really true, such a big crowd, not only embraces me, but also says that I am It's..., God must be punished."


At the moment he saw the gun, Lin Ye reacted directly and rushed behind the nearest bunker. This was already a conditioned reflex deep into his body.

But when he heard the sound, Lin Ye was relieved, it was just an ordinary BB shot, and it wouldn't hurt too much to be knocked down.She was leaning on the table, holding a chair behind her back, waiting for Ureshino Lori to finish her temper.

The girls I met recently were more violent, and all of them took out their guns. If it weren't for the sound of the gun, he almost pulled out the saber from his leg just now.I won't know what happened then.

My own knife is a special saber, a serious special military equipment, but it is very troublesome to explain. There is still no such thing happening.

"Student Ureshino, you are not like this..." Looking at the forest leaves hiding behind the table, Jian couldn't help but want to remind Ureshino.

"Hey, what did classmate Jian want to say? I was very grateful for reminding me that it is dangerous, but not everything can be forgiven. Do you think it is."

Looking at Ureshino with a bright smile, Jian can only silently mourn for the boy.He could hear clearly just now, what is pressing me a little bit pain, isn't it the same as seeking death.

"Kun Ureshino, you continue, I'll leave first." After saying hello, Jian was about to leave here.I'll discuss it with Kodachi later.After all, they almost made a big deal.

As he walked towards the restaurant's gate, Jian couldn't help looking at Lin Ye, facing Shang Lin Ye's eyes, even if it was covered by glasses, he still saw it, and his foresight ability was activated.

Darkness, darkness, the whole world seems to be shrouded in darkness, and the whole earth is covered with blood.It's like the end of the world, human civilization can only survive, and the entire picture is full of death.

Why do you see such a thing.

After returning to his senses, the whole person was terrified. The first time he saw such a doomsday-like scene, could that person's future be this, but, how could this world have...

Believe, veto, and believe again...contradictory.


"Jian, did you hear me on earth?"

"Hey, Kodachi, it's you!" Jian replied with a sigh of relief after wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"What did you seem to see just now?"

The only thing Kodachi could guess with the ugly face was this.

"I don't know, I can't believe it the first time this picture appears." He shook his head, and even the recovered Jian couldn't believe that the other party's future was the end of the world.

"What picture?" Kan's answer made Kodachi even more concerned.What's more, Kodachi, who knows Linye's situation, attaches great importance to Linye's information, because this is an existence that the shepherd who has no record in the library can't interfere.

And now Jian could actually see how she didn't care about it.

"The end of the world is like the end of the world scene, what I saw from that classmate is such a picture."

Kodachi, whose mouth was slightly open, was surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

This is not a joke!The world will have its end...

Author's message:

PS: Thank you for the blade of the Shuke back tower, we will resume two more updates next month

Chapter 140-You Have a Boyfriend

"Senior Ureshino, it's enough!" Among Bai Qi's trio, Kana Suzuki can be familiar with Ureshino. Suzuki rushed to Ureshino to persuade him.

Just now, when the thin and tall boy shouted "danger", the three of Bai Qi also reacted and Quan witnessed the whole process.

Of course they could clearly see the process of Lin Ye's rescue.

Among them, Bai Qi was even more reminded of the scene when Lin Ye saved himself regardless of his own safety.

Ye Jun, really is a good person!It is trustworthy.

And the one who felt most profoundly was Ying Ting. Although she knew that Lin Ye saved Bai Qi before, she was grateful to him, but then Lin Ye’s attitude made her feel disgusted, but now, I saw Lin Ye with my own eyes. After saving a person again, there is always an indescribable bitterness in my heart.

Is it really good to target him so much!Ying Ting couldn't help asking rhetorically.

"Since Kana said so, forgive him."

What does it mean to forgive me? Isn’t it running out of ammunition and can’t open it? This damn loli, if you meet you on the battlefield, I promise you will become my prisoner in minutes.

Seeing Ureshino stopped, Bai Qi rushed to Lin Ye's side, with a worried expression on his face.

"Ye Jun, are you all right!"

"It's just a BB bullet, no harm, and this table and stool blocked a lot for me."

Lin Ye was a little surprised as to why Bai Qi looked worried. The plastic bullets did no harm.

"It's not this, I'm asking about your hand."

Regardless of whether Lin Yetong agreed, Bai Qi directly pulled Lin Ye's left hand and checked it carefully.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Seeing that there were only two darker red marks on his arms, there was no bleeding or anything, Bai Qi was also relieved.

"It hurts!" Bai Qi asked carefully, touching it lightly.

"It doesn't feel much, it will be fine in two days."

"Why don't you go..."

"It's not necessary, and classes are about to start. I'll talk about the club activities in the afternoon."


"Bai Qi, let's go!" Ying Ting stopped Bai Qi who wanted to continue to say something. Since Lin Ye said so, it shouldn't be a big deal.

She also saw the wound just now. It was just a normal bruise, and there was no wound. So, just take a two-day rest. As for whether it hurts or not, it's up to him.

But if it was placed on her own body, Sakura Ting knew she would cry in pain.

In the scene just now, not everyone can do it. At that time, I hid behind the table like nothing was wrong.At this time, Sakuraba somewhat admired Lin Ye's reaction, and later faced the attack of Ureshino students, she was able to quickly find a place to hide.

"Well, Jun Ye, let's go back together!"

"Yes, but before that, I have to settle the lunch money first. Are you right, Ureshino-san."

"Of course, if you want to eat Bawang's meal, you must be prepared to be severely ravaged by me."

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