Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 133

However, his condition was still discovered.I really don't know how Lin Ye will react!

Confused, she has a little expectation...

The hot forehead, even an ordinary person who didn't understand medical knowledge knew that it was a fever, let alone Lin Ye.

But when I just left Yuyuan Qianli's side, it was obviously normal, but now... even if your health is not good, it can't be so bad!

Not because of your own relationship!

Excluding all other possible causes of fever, Lin Ye could only think of this.

After all, the two of them held an umbrella, and she got wet a lot.

Carefully observe the wetness of the clothes under the snow. The right shoulder has been completely wetted, and even part of the rain has flowed down.

The white shirts on the neckline were all stuck to the skin, faintly revealing the traces of the underwear that should have been hidden underneath.

Both the chest and the abdomen are places where human organs exist, and Lin Ye remembers that ten years ago, under the snow, his physique was not very good. Once, even when he was wet in summer, he had a fever the next day. However, the fever did not go away even after the injection.Fortunately, the timely discovery was able to recover without damage.

I remember that Yang Nai was very anxious.I have been complaining about why she herself wants to play with Xue Nao or something.Then he vented his anger on himself.

Obviously he didn't do anything at the time.

The innocent self has suffered again.

And now, Xuexia was obviously feverish again.

But why I haven't said it until now? Does this girl really like to be strong?

Don't you know if you have a weak physique? Is it okay to talk about something? What if something happens to me?I'm still waiting for you to speak for me to complete the task!

If I had been holding on until I separated from myself, what would happen to Xuexia, falling to the ground and being rescued would be the best result.If it falls on the ground and no one finds it, it is a life-threatening thing.

It's really reassuring that you are like this.

No one can take care of such a persistent you, which is really worrying.I don't know which man will endure your personality like this in the future.

"I'll take you to the hospital right away..." Lin Ye originally wanted to send her back to her apartment. She had all the medicines in her place and was not afraid of anything. There was no problem dealing with fever by herself.

However, taking Xuezhi down to his own place, no matter how he thought about it, felt inappropriate, Lin Ye finally gave up this option.

As for going to the Xuexia Villa, Lin Ye thinks it's better to go, and then go there, Lin Ye can't help but do something extraordinary.

After all, those members of the Xuexia family, Lin Ye didn't even have the desire to meet again.

"No, as long as I go back..."

Lin Ye interrupted directly without giving Xuexia a chance to speak.

You are still like this now. If I don’t care about you, someone will care about you and contact your sister by phone. Now you don’t even have the energy to take out your phone.

After careful observation, Lin Ye judged Xuexia's current situation, which can no longer be described as bad.As if it was a fragile piece of paper, it would be pierced by a poke.

"Listen to me now. You can wait here with peace of mind. I will immediately go out and stop the taxi to take you to the hospital."

He directly supported Xuexia and sat on the ground, took off her somewhat damp coat, found the dry place in it, and tucked it into the chest and abdomen under Xuexia for her to hug.

"Remember, don't walk around, wait for me here. One minute, I will be back within one minute."

Without waiting for Xuexia's answer, Lin Ye rushed out quickly.

At this time, there is a race against time. If you delay a little longer, the fever under Xuexia will become more serious.

If she had a fever like she did when she was a child, would she have to finish her mission?For a person with a fever, Lin Ye couldn't guarantee that the other party would do what he said.

Moreover, no matter who the other party is, since I met him, I had to help her.


Looking at the back of Lin Ye running out, Xuexia opened his eyes vigorously, but found that his vision was blurred and the scenery outside was completely invisible.

At this time, Xuexia didn't dare to walk around, or even if he wanted to walk around, he had no more energy. All he could do now was to believe that the boy who made him wait here was the only one.She didn't know what she was thinking about, it was just that the scenes of the things she had experienced once again appeared in her mind.


Why is there not even a taxi at this time?

Seeing a car with lights in front coming, whether it was a taxi or not, Lin Ye stopped directly on the road and stopped a private car.

"Hey, you don't want to die..."

"Sorry, my girlfriend has a fever and needs to go to the hospital, so..."

"Get in the car!" The driver, who was still a little angry, saw Lin Ye's current appearance, his anger dissipated, and he raised his right hand and shook it back to signal to get into the car.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

Lin Ye ran back quickly.

The head hurts and feels uncomfortable, especially when the scene in the field of vision is still shaking. Xuexia wanted to take out her mobile phone to contact Lin Ye, because she felt that the time had passed for a long time, and it had been more than a minute, and she did not see him come back. .But he found that he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

The body became heavier and heavier, Xuexia only felt that he was falling sideways, but at the last moment, he felt that someone faintly hugged him in time and called his name.

"Xue Xia Xue Xia..." Seeing her own shout, Lin Ye knew that the matter was urgent.After picking up the umbrella and carrying it under the snow, he ran into the heavy rain.

Author's message:

PS: Thank you for the midnight life?, the stability of 2017, the book guest 1941117347, the private master, the Sakata family, the book guest 7564873429, the turtle is not a fish, Usami Masamune. Sla’s monthly pass, the blade of the master of private and the blade of Uncle Mi, the butterfly magic is really rewarding

Chapter 148

"Your girlfriend is very beautiful, you make her have a fever for such a girl, but your boyfriend is incompetent."

After seeing Lin Ye holding a girl in the car, the driver quickly started the car and drove to the nearest hospital.

Even if I only saw a profile face just now, but from the white skin with exquisite facial features, the driver has already judged that this is a very beautiful girl, even when he was in school, it was of the kind The school girl who was crushed by a distant view.

Because an ordinary person like a driver cannot win the favor of these beautiful girls, but his current life is also very good, and he is also very satisfied.

But seeing this scene of the young man always evokes his once young crush.If I could not be shy at that time and confess, even if I failed, it would be great, but I would never have this opportunity again.

"Sorry, it's me who is not well, I know that she is not well, but she got her in the rain."

The right hand on the steering wheel was free, and after a while, he threw a towel at Lin Ye.

"Wipe her! Don't worry! I just bought it today and I haven't used it yet."

It seemed that Lin Ye's concerns about hygiene were alleviated, the driver added.

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