Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 135

Xuexia saw Lin Ye "shoo" and ran out without waiting for her to say anything.

Looking at the needle in his hand and the hanging potion, Yukoshita smiled like a mockery.I didn't expect to have a fever when I got caught in the rain.

He took a look at the blue and white hospital gown he was wearing now.As for who changed the clothes, Xuexia didn't worry much.Now I don't feel any abnormality in the body.

Since Lin Ye hadn't done anything to herself during the period when she lost consciousness, then such a thing...Finally, Xuexia still felt that it might not be more appropriate.

Did not really do anything? Xuexia couldn't guarantee it.There is no pain in the body, but if the other party just feels the advantage, I can't know it.

By the way, I remember that in the car I was sent over, I seemed to be wiped all over by Lin Ye with a towel.

At this time, a blush appeared on Xuexia's pale face.Lin Ye touched his body, and not only his face and arms, but also other parts.

This allows me to marry someone in the future, and whether I should kill him is better. However, the other party seems to be his boyfriend. This should also be normal!

Xuexia was not sure about this.

Now she is conflicted, and she has no idea what to do.

In less than 30 seconds, Lin Ye brought the doctor and nurse to the ward.

The doctor started an examination for Xuexia.

"Student Lin Ye, where's my clothes?" Xuexia asked without seeing his clothes after looking at the ward.

Originally, I wanted to ask about what happened after yesterday, but now that the doctors and nurses are there, she is embarrassed to speak up.But no matter what, she wanted to thank Lin Ye for sending her to the hospital, even if she became the culprit Lin Ye.

Lin Ye needs to take a large part of the responsibility, but Xuexia does not deny Lin Ye's help to him.

"This... I took it to the laundry shop near the hospital to wash and dry it. Now that the doctors and nurses are here, I will get it for you. It should be almost there."

Thinking of the clothes under Xuexia yesterday, Lin Ye was taken aback when he got it.Because Zou Wugao’s jacket was black, it was soaked in the rain, and it was difficult to see the degree of wetness. After taking the forest leaves in his hand, he found that the outside under the snow was already soaked. As for the shirt, let alone said.

Before that, because I was too concerned about things under the snow, Lin Ye didn't find it when looking for the drenched part of his coat.

And the underwear is Lin Ye...


"Your boyfriend is very good to you!"

After the doctor left, the nurse replaced Xuexia with a new potion.This bottle has already bottomed out.

Xuexia was stunned for a moment, a little confused as to why the nurse would say that.Even if you send yourself here, it should be quite normal!

"Yesterday when he brought you to the hospital, he was very nervous. Because it was off work time and the doctor on duty was absent, he just dragged the doctor back from other places and prescribed medicine for you."

Seeing the astonished expression on Yuukishita’s face, the nurse smiled and continued, “Not only that. After the prescription is over, I will go through the hospitalization procedures for you, so I’m not going to talk about it, but I found out when I was waiting for the elevator. The elevator is still on the top floor, but he took you down the corridor and ran to the inpatient ward on the twentieth floor. But you may not feel it when you are in a coma."

"But his physical fitness is really good. He didn't see him blushing and panting after running for twenty floors holding you. And he was guarding you all night, and he ran to the nurse's station to call us every time before the drip was done. I replaced it for you in the past. And you have to know that his whole body is wet, and only after you know that everything is done with you can you deal with your own affairs."

"Really, thank you Miss Nurse for telling me this." Xuexia pursed his lips, nodded to thank the nurse.

She really didn't know this. If it hadn't been for the nurse, she might not have known it in her life.Lin Ye's temperament would never be the cost of showing off to her or others.

She can still be sure of this, after all, she has spent a lot of time together.Although she has a lot of dislikes in daily behavior.

"It's really difficult to have such a person in charge who is strong and handsome." The nurse didn't care about Xuexia's reaction and continued.


Is Lin Ye's appearance in the ranks of handsome? It doesn't feel like no matter how you think about it, shouldn't it be right to be described as ordinary.

"Oh, yes, it is really not appropriate for him to be handsome like that." The nurse reacted and began to organize adjectives. At that time, seeing the boy did not feel handsome to her, but it was inexplicably attractive.

"It belongs to the one that is more attractive as you look! Especially those eyes, you can't imagine how they look like when you take off your glasses. It seems that you have a good vision and you can see what he is really like. If it were me I can't see the difference between the front and back of his glasses at all."

"Thank you……"

Xuexia was taken aback and smiled.She didn't know what the nurse said, but she also knew that the other party was kind.And, the eyes?Xuexia became a little concerned.

Chapter 150: Conversing under Xuexia

"It's okay, this is what I should. I just hope you can cherish him. After all, there are very few boys like this, and they are all remembered by many girls. If they are not careful, they will be taken away by other girls. My husband was also very ordinary when he was in high school, and only after seeing what he had done did he realize that he is a more suitable man for a lifetime, so..."

As if thinking of her love, the nurse was a little bit shy, and at the same time her work was done.

Yukoshita looked at the nurse in front of her. She was about 30 years old, but from what she said just now, Yukoshita heard that she is already married, but she can marry her high school lover and it is obvious that she is now like this It is also a happy life after marriage.

This is really a bit envious.After all, she also knows that very few couples can reach the end of their love in high school.Is it just her?Although she has a boyfriend, she also knows that this is only on the surface. The two of them will be separated after all. As for the time, she is not clear.

Also... worry about it?

Thinking of this, the corner of Xuexia's mouth made an arc.The most likely person in the club is Bai Qi. By the way, Yubihama seems to be interesting to him.

"Oh, your little boyfriend is back, I won't say anything." With a friendly smile, the nurse left the ward with the medical equipment.

It's still okay to say this when two people are there. If the boyfriend is there, the nurse is too embarrassed to continue, and she has already said everything she wants to express.

Saying this to the nurse, Xuexia was only embarrassed and then changed back to the usual indifferent look.

When passing by Lin Ye, the nurse smiled at Lin Ye.And made a mouth shape that made Lin Ye work hard.

Lin Ye smiled.

Lin Ye never ignores the kindness of others.

Because this is one of the most sincere feelings, is the beautiful existence in this world.

"I put the clothes here, and it's 6 o'clock in the morning. After hanging up this bit, according to the time, the school is not in class. I don't know Xuexia, what your plan is. If you don't want to go to class. , I’ll just call Hiratsuka-teacher to ask for leave."

Lin Ye prefers Xuexia to choose to stay in the hospital, but he can't make a decision for Xuexia.

Trying to shook his own hand, Yukoshita found that although he was still weak, he still felt okay.At least it's better than staying in the love hotel where she sheltered from the rain yesterday.

"No need to ask for leave, I'll go back to school for class." If I don't go to class, there is nothing I can do in this ward.

Except for her in the school, the ministry, and the apartment, she can hardly find a place to stay in other places.

"Okay, then I will contact Yubihama for you and let her assist you in going to school."

It's better to talk to Yukinoshita about some things. If you make her angry, you don't know what will happen to her.

Moreover, like Xuexia, Lin Ye also knew that when he was really angry, he would definitely treat himself indifferently, so that would be a really bad thing.

"You have something?" Lin Ye's words caused Xuexia's brows to frown, and she didn't want more people to know about her illness and fever.

Thinking of Yuhihama, she always felt that things would become troublesome if Yuhihama knew about it.

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