Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 145

Although I don't like this gun at all.

"I dare not dare after that." Ushiye put her hands on her hips and looked very angry. She was thinking about how to rectify Lin Ye.

Moreover, this opportunity is also rare. The members of the ministry are here, and Ureshino will not think that Lin Ye will do anything extraordinary, and Lin Ye will not feel like this to her.

Of course, there are also many people who have one thing on the surface and another thing behind them. As for whether Lin Ye is such a person, she doesn't know.

"No, it's a waste to leave such an important thing with me."

"It's fine if you know it." Looking at Lin Ye, he lowered the gun to his side. After a helpless tour around, he could only take it.The thought of what Lin had done against the wall made her annoyed.

Lin Ye must vent his dissatisfaction with him in this way.

Didn't it mean that I saved myself yesterday? Didn't I already say thank you? Really, a man is so stingy.

If Lin Ye hadn't rescued her at the time, she would have chased her directly and slashed anyone who dared to snatch her gun.Only now, she regretted it. If she thought that Lin Ye would do this to retaliate against her, she should have given him humanitarianism at that time.

"If you want me to forgive, just show me your sincerity!" It's not enough to forgive as simple as that, you have to satisfy her.

"Speak up, Ureshino-san! As long as I can do it, there is absolutely no problem." The problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. It is not good to say that, but it is more useful.

Please have a luxurious meal, or buy a piece of clothing, Lin Ye has no problem at all, just as it is for his daughter...No, it's the sister who spends it.

"Hey" Ureshino is very satisfied with Lin Ye's current attitude, "It's really okay to do anything, if you spend all your pocket money, then I'm really embarrassed."

Deliberately make a look embarrassing, but the result will only make it difficult for boys to refuse.In front of girls, especially when there are other girls, no one will say that they have no money, even if they have no money, they will hold on, and then privately think about their parents or friends to help.

However, Ureshino still underestimated Lin Ye. He usually doesn't spend much money, but it doesn't mean that he has no money.

"It's okay. If I don't have enough money to pay when I get to the place, I decide to mortgage Ureshino-san there. Anyway, in this country, there are still many men who like beautiful girls like Ureshino-san."

Lin Ye pretended to be very serious, and then spoke some very connotative words.

Author's message:

PS: From the initial collection of 2717 to 1610, and then upgraded to the current 2712, this is the return of readers who once abandoned the pit, or new readers have greatly joined.

Thanks to Wuheyoujing, guhgfhhh, mulberry, butterfly dream, sky wind, autumn breeze-fallen leaves, morning sun falling into hell, monthly pass of the dead's whispering, uncle's reward, lovesickness, silent sigh, Autumn wind-blade of fallen leaves.

Chapter 161: Biqigu's Despair (Part 2)

As soon as he said this, it was not only that Ureshino jumped off the stool and gave Lin Ye two feet directly, and the eyes of the members of the ministry around here looking at Lin Ye also faintly changed.

However, Lin Ye just helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose and continued, "Then, Miss Ureshino! If I don't say it now, I will just give up as Ureshino-classmate."

With his cheeks bulging, Ureshino is a little depressed, but he can only stop here. After all, the work time is about to come. "Weekends, Tokyo, accompany me to play, and I will leave the payment and delivery to you during the period."

If Lin Ye can really agree to this promise that there is no upper limit on consumption, Ureshino will be really curious about who this guy is.

Obviously looks very ordinary.

"Yes, not this weekend, during the May Day Golden Week! I should have no other arrangements."

Yubihama was a little moved, feeling that he could find a reason or something. After all, Ye Jun was so good to talk, he could even agree to such a request.

And Bai Qi, who was standing next to Ying Ting, lowered his head for an instant, and also sighed slightly.


"Sorry, I'm very sorry, Biqigu-student, I accidentally changed the deacon uniform into a maid costume. I'm really sorry."

Holding his face, Bai Qi lowered his head and apologized to Biqigu.

Of course Bai Qi knew that he was not careful when he first realized that he did this, but later, he felt that Biqigu was also very good in wearing a maid outfit, and she was very interested, so he continued to do it.

Originally, she was going to make Lin Ye a set of deacon clothes, of course, it was possible to become a maid costume in the end, but Lin Ye actually said that he had COSPLAY costumes, which surprised her, thinking Lin Ye is the second lover. A dimensional boy, she felt that even if Lin Ye was such a person, she couldn't say anything.

Everyone has his own hobbies, she can't say anything.

Looking at this situation, Lin Ye was fortunate in his heart that he chose to bring his own clothes. Although the clothes were called COSPLAY clothes by himself, he knew that they were 100% original products, not COSPLAY at all.

And there are any cosplay suits that can be used in cosmic space, which is almost the same as a space suit in this world.

Biqigu held the maid costume in both hands, his face was crying without tears, and his eyes were almost staring.

He wants to wear women's clothing, it's not as good as Totsuka, but he is looking forward to the moment Totsuka puts on women's clothing, Totsuka will definitely be more lovely than now.

It's just that I really didn't have a chance to see it.

"Ye Xuechang, Ye Xuechang, can you open it? I've been looking forward to the things inside for an afternoon."

In the morning, Lin Ye brought the suitcase with the equipment to the Ministry of Service. At noon, some members of the Ministry of Service came to have a meal in the ministry room. They were all interested in the COSPLAY clothes that Lin Ye brought. Among them, Suzuki and Yubihama were the most excited.

But they were all dismissed by Lin Ye saying "I knew when I handed out the flyers".

"Password, password, senior I want a password." The urging Suzuki put his hands on the password lock, looking very worried.

"Very simple, seven or nine."

"What? It's that simple."

If she had known such a simple password, she should try it decisively so that she could see it at noon.

The sound of the lock unlocked with a "click" sound.

The suitcase is already full of people, well, except for sitting on the seat and looking at the outside scenery indifferently under the snow, and looking at the maid's clothes on the hand with a look of loveless Biqigu.

After the suitcase was opened, what you saw was a red-purple COSPLAY suit and a steel helmet.

And looking at the style and sophistication of the production, everyone who saw it was shocked.

He picked up the clothes and stroked them with his right hand. Bai Qi felt the fabric carefully and wanted to know its material, but couldn't think of what material it was made of.

It always feels very upscale.

Sakuraba, who picked up the helmet, flicked a few times, and then listened carefully to the metal sound, looking interested.

"This helmet feels like aluminum alloy! But it doesn't seem to be, can you tell me something about it, Lin Ye."

"Yes, yes~ Ye Jun, what is the fabric of this dress and why is it so comfortable to the touch."

"Sakura Ting-senpai, Bai Qi, you are too cunning, do you think it is, Yuihama-senpai!"

Suzuki, who hadn't got either of them, jumped up suddenly, preparing to fight against Bai Qi and Sakuraba together with Yubihama.

"Hey, Xiaomei and Xiaozao are too cunning, I want to see too."

Yuhihama responded decisively

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