Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 157

"This...I think it has nothing to do with Dongma classmate!"

It doesn't matter, how could it be okay, but this is a woman who might be her own brother-in-law, how could it have nothing to do with me.

"You two are boyfriend and girlfriend friends. You confessed and agreed with each other."

Seeing Xuexia's expression of surprise, Dongma smiled triumphantly.She had just made the right bet, knowing that this woman under Xuexia would not be the same as those ordinary women, she would accept the confession first and then kiss or something.

Moreover, she saw that Lin Ye was kissing Xuexia just now, but Xuexia finally gave up the struggle.

Are men so hungry?But if he is a man, indeed, facing a beautiful woman like Yukoshita, he will really be excited.

"Since none of you have officially admitted, it means that the relationship between you is just an ordinary relationship."

"No, we at least..."

"Do you think that a kiss means something!"

Dongma clenched his fists, moved a few steps closer to Lin Ye, and walked to his side.

"like this……"

It shouldn't be a problem to kiss his younger brother by himself. Dong Ma forced to bear the shame of his heart and kissed Lin Ye's lips, but Lin Ye hid his head sideways.

Dong Ma had no idea that Lin Ye dared to avoid it, and Xuexia was shocked by Dong Ma's completely unexpected behavior.

"You still owe me a life."

The Dongma without him can only use the favor of saving Lin Ye at that time.

Sure enough, under Dongma's words, Lin Ye opened his eyes slightly, his body paused, and then Dongma kissed him.

Feeling the cold but soft touch of Dong Ma on his lips, Lin Ye only felt that the Big Bang would be coming.

Even if Xue Na didn't go crazy, she wouldn't simply let herself go.

Chapter 174

Seeing Lin Ye and Dongma kissing together, Xue Nao didn't make any movements, or even made any sound, just standing by and watching silently.

Of course, the cold eyes revealed a cold sight.The object is not the instigator Touma and Sa, but the forest leaves who have not resisted.

I just kissed myself and told me that she had done something that betrayed her, whether she would forgive her.If it weren't for her, she knew that what happened in front of her was just a coincidence.

Xue Nao must suspect that Lin Ye challenged her bottom line and endurance in setting up the game.

After three minutes later, after Dongma released the leaves, he smiled triumphantly and said to Yukino, "This way... we are a horizontal line, so..."

"Student Dongma, I really didn't expect you to have a hobby of kissing my boyfriend!"


Didn’t I just show the relationship? How come I became a boyfriend.

"Although he proposed to break up with me, I did not agree at the time. Therefore, the relationship between the two of us is still boyfriend and girlfriend."

As if he was a little confused about what Xue Nai said, Dongma turned his head and looked at Lin Ye.After Lin Ye nodded awkwardly, his face changed slightly.

But it is still pretending to be calm.

This kind of thing happened before, but she didn't know anything.In other words, except for the two of them, no one else knows.

But Xuexia Xuena actually agreed to Lin Ye's confession, and was asked to break up afterwards. This is really surprising news.


"I've been asked to break up, and I'm still by his side, Xuexia, I really don't know what you think."

Xue Nao's expression did not change at all when he said to Dongma.

"This has nothing to do with Dongma, but I simply don't want to break up with him!"

If it was only this level, Yukino could still speak out.

After speaking, Xue Nai also pulled Lin Ye's left hand, with her fingers interlocking, as if she was declaring sovereignty.

At this time, Xuexia Xuena completely gave Dongma and Sasha a different feeling. Even the expression on her face was still flat, but the faint satisfaction and happiness revealed in her eyes made her unable to tell. a feeling of.

Maybe Lin Ye would be happy with this woman!Although she hated this woman as always.But just throwing his sister aside, Dongma and Sa would never agree.

"After the Golden Week, come to the second music classroom every day, otherwise, you know the consequences!"


Of course Lin Ye didn't want to go, but facing the tough Dongma, considering Xue Nao's normal school life, he sighed.

"I can't be there every day."

"three times a week!"

Feeling the slight force of Xue Nao’s small hand on her left hand, Lin Ye knew what Xue Nao wanted to express, but it was even less. Seeing the impatient expression on Dongma’s face, Lin Ye seemed unable to lower it anymore. .

But I don’t know, Ha need to try.

"Twice, I can spare up to two days, and the deadline is until the end of this year."

In eight months, Lin Ye felt that it was almost done.

If Lin Ye really feels his head will be bigger until graduation.


Seeing Xuexia's slightly dissatisfied expression, Dongma's mouth curled up with a smile.She just wanted to see Yukoshita look dissatisfied.

This made her feel a little bit of victory, and made her feel that her brother still belongs to her.Deep down, she still knows that she will not be herself for a lifetime with her brother, but at least now, she can take up more time before her brother officially marries someone else.

"I'm going back!" Dongma, who was holding his hands, dropped his hands and said to Lin Ye.

But seeing that Lin Ye just looked at her calmly without any reaction, he clenched his fists a little dull, and then continued, "There are a lot of hooligans at night, it's very dangerous."

It's all said, if you are trying to understand and pretend to be confused, it won't work.

Although Xue Nai will be very dissatisfied and unhappy, it is the best choice to send Dongma back honestly at this time.As for the later, just explain it to Xue Nai.

"I see, I will send you back."

Hearing Lin Ye's affirmative reply, Dongma was full of smiles and raised his eyebrows, as if provoking Xuenai.

Lin Ye didn't know exactly what caused Dongma to target Xue Na like this, because of himself?After thinking about it, there is a possibility, but the proportion should be very small. It is more disgusting among beautiful girls!

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