Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 165

Lin Ye nodded and admitted in Ying Ting's somewhat puzzled and curious eyes.

"Yes, I can be considered to be in the range of willfulness. Many things are based on my own preferences. I don’t care whether it’s right or wrong, and don’t care about others’ opinions. Do it. This should be willful."

Also... really enviable!Being able to choose her own way of doing things based on her own love is what she desires, but she cannot do it. People around her have too much expectation of her, and she must respond to this expectation, so She can't be as headstrong as Lin Ye.

"What's wrong. Ying Ting classmate?" Looking at Ying Ting who was faintly lost in thought, Lin Ye was a little puzzled.Even if this is not a good quality, it is not necessary to be like this!

"No, nothing!" Ying Ting shook her head a little embarrassed, "Let's go back!"

After receiving the umbrella that Lin Ye handed over, Ying Ting turned off the computer and arranged her things, and she was about to leave the ministry.

Although it is not too late, it is getting darker. In this weather, it is better to go back for dinner and rest earlier.

Moreover, she had been planning to leave a long time ago, but because of the temporary heavy rain, she stayed in the ministry to play some games, although Lin Ye had seen her expression and behavior at the time.

Even more like that happened with him, I always feel that my heart is upset because of Lin Ye...

Author's message:

PS: Thank you Qiang Qiang and the loser for the monthly pass.A chapter in the evening!The text is beginning to get stuck, allowing me to think about life.

Chapter 182

"Actually, there are some things, I know the position I did not say, but now that I have the opportunity, I will say it!"

Walking with Ying Ting on the way back, Lin Ye finally decided to speak.What Biqigu said to him still worked.

"Student Lin Ye said this, it really doesn't match your usual performance!"

"Yes, I think so too." Without denying Sakura Ting, Lin Ye continued, "Sakura Ting hates me, right?"

"Eh, this..."

If you hate something, the first reaction is to deny it, but Sakura Ting can't deny it when thinking of her previous views and actions about Lin Ye.

Even if it was just for Bai Qi, she knew what her attitude towards Lin Ye was.

"It's okay. It's normal. It's not my first experience to be hated." Lin Ye shook his head and said that he didn't care.

I hate a lot, think I die more.Lin Ye didn't care about such pure emotions anymore, and it had nothing to do with Passerby A's thoughts, but he still cared a little bit about people he knew or knew.

And now, Sakura Garden was at least at the level of someone she knew.

Thinking that there are less than two years of high school life, Lin Ye didn't want to have a bad relationship with Ying Ting.He wants to give Yukino a harmonious community life, so his relationship with other people is also important.

"Student Lin Ye, you used to..."

There are not many words, but there are not a lot of things revealed. What Sakura Ting can think of is that Lin Ye was squeezed out and oppressed at school.

Is it because of this that he brought a flat mirror to hide himself.

Such boys are also excluded?

However, considering the events of Xuexia and Linye himself, this is something that can be understood.

"Don't think too much, and it's all over. What we are going to talk about now is about Sakuraba-san hates me."

"This..." Sakura Ting was also very embarrassed by being said directly, but finally nodded in agreement.

Maybe they can solve some problems after communicating well.

In fact, I have had such thoughts in the past two days, but I just don't know how to speak.Moreover, it always feels embarrassing to date a boy or something.

"If I remember correctly, it should be the noon when I finally agreed to join the Ministry of Service. Sakuraba-san showed such feelings for the first time, right?"

Ben's embarrassed expression was instantly replaced by surprise. She had no idea that she would be discovered by the other party when she showed disgust for the first time. It was too...

Could it be that I was too obvious to be discovered.

The expression in the girl’s outfit is the best result. Lin Ye smiled and continued, “I said before, don’t care, we are like... as if we are not friends yet, then we will treat it as ordinary The discussion between the members of the staff is just fine. Although it will be embarrassing, there is no need to have too much psychological burden. I will not misunderstand you and make unnecessary judgments because of your dislike of me. Classmate Ting has always belonged to classmate Ying Ting."

Slightly opened her mouth, Ying Ting wanted to say something, but in the end she did not speak.

"That's it! Since Sakura Ting still has some worries, then I'll talk about it first. If there is something wrong, just point it out at that time. Anyway, even if you are going to scold me or hit me, I have no objection. After all, Just now..."

Ying Ting shook her cheeks red, and her eyes moved down a lot, she didn't dare to look towards Lin Ye.

"As far as I know, the relationship between Yingting and Bai Qi is very good. I think there is absolutely no problem with this. Then, you must be very concerned about the fact that I saved Bai Qi. I already knew it!"

"Yes." Ying Ting nodded and agreed. She always let Lin Ye speak by herself. Ying Ting also felt embarrassed. Of course, the one just now was that she really didn't want to answer, because she was too shy to reply. ."At that time, Bai Qi notified me besides contacting her parents when she was injured. Because I was not at ease, I passed away after school."

"The three of us were in contact because of this incident." Seeing Ying Ting began to answer, Lin Ye began to take the next step. He remembered that Ying Ting was also living in the school, and there was not much distance from the school gate.

"As for me, I really hate troublesome things. At first, after classmate Bai Qi thanked me, after sending out the invitation, I directly refused. Later, I refused again in the cafeteria. Maybe I was a little indifferent in attitude. Student Ying Ting became disgusted, but in fact, the only thing I wanted to express from beginning to end was "rejection"."

"But you..."

"You know, it's really uncomfortable to be disturbed by someone eating lunch, and it's still stared at by five people. No matter how good it is, I think it's strange to have a good face. Could it be that Sakura Ting has never met before. Have been to such a thing."

It is of course unpleasant to be disturbed when eating. What's more, when I was planning to enjoy the food in the canteen, I finally used the speed of eating in the army again. There was nothing except being full.

"Hug... I'm sorry..." remembering that Minister Xuexia had taken the other party's dinner plate back then, the other party's reaction made her subconsciously ignore this one. Now that she was mentioned, she felt guilty in her heart.

"No, the matter has passed, and even with this reason, my attitude towards classmate Bai Qi was really bad."

"No, I'm the one who caused this kind of emotion for no reason. I'm sorry." At this time, Ying Ting stopped and bowed to apologize. Lin Ye was shocked by this attitude and sincerity.

Just an apology is enough, is it necessary to bow, but thinking that they had been alone, Lin Ye accepted it.

"Sakura Ting, if you don't get up again, the students next to you will think that you are asking me for dating and I didn't agree."

"Wha...what..." Sakura Ting quickly got up and looked around to see how many people were there, only to find that there were no other people besides Lin Ye with a smile on his face.

"No, isn't there no one, Lin Ye, you deceived me?"

Sakuraba, holding an umbrella, pouted and pretended to be angry.

How dare to tease her with this kind of thing!

"You look in that direction, aren't there many people?"

"Yes, but that's too far away. It's impossible to see things clearly here. You can only see a rough idea." At the end of the conversation, Sakura Ting realized that it was because of the long distance that only a rough idea could happen. This kind of misunderstanding, you can't see yourself clearly, what does it matter?

Ying Ting felt that she really hated the boy in front of her.

Author's message:

ps: Thank you readers for your great support.The night is still a special episode, I always feel that it is better to end the special episode soon!

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