Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 170

There is still plenty of time now, so it’s okay to slow down. Also, she is the same as Kosaka Enoka and Umi Sonoda, who are very interested in some things here.After all, it was the first time to enter a boy's room.

Moreover, now in a girls' school, there is no chance to get along with boys at all.Although they did not intend to fall in love, they are still somewhat interested in things of the opposite sex after all.

After a round of inspections, Nan Qinli judged that one of the rooms over there belonged to Lin Ye, but Lin Ye was the only one living in such a large apartment, which made Nan Qinli feel a bit wasteful, but it felt like Lin Ye. Ye's family must be very good.

As for what I came to live here, after this thought came to my mind, it was quickly suppressed by Nan Qinli.

He has nothing to do with Ye Jun, so how come this kind of thought arises!If Ye Jun knew about it, then... you wouldn't be considered a very frivolous girl!

"Okay, I see." Because I boiled the water in the morning, I just pour the water after putting the tea leaves in the paper cup.

"Hey, three, although the temperature is not high, it is still a bit hot."

"Thank you." Nan Qinli smiled and took the tea that Lin Ye handed over.

"That...Thank you, but there is one thing, can I please?" In the eye contact with Kotori and Kokai just now, Kosaka Enoka has come to the conclusion that if he does not say it, it is impossible to have this opportunity Up.

Even if it was misunderstood by Lin Ye, she didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Well, you guys don't want to see my bedroom, do you!" Not to mention that you can guess from the other person's expression, and Lin Ye knows a little bit about this kind of thing. The purpose of their coming here at the time, It's basically because of this.

"This...that..." Kosaka Enoka touched her head and smiled awkwardly.

As for Nanqinli and Sonoda Haiwei, they glanced to the other side, not daring to look at Lin Ye's eyes.

Just let Xiaoguo take care of the embarrassing things alone.

"It's okay, it's not something that you can't see people. I thought you weren't going to say it!" After saying that, Lin Ye walked towards his room, and they let them see if they wanted to. They are optimistic, and it is just this time that they can take out the things they will take tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be Ying Riri, and the day after tomorrow will be the novel and Sakura Garden. By the way, the little Lori Ureshino also promised her to go to Tokyo during the Golden Week, so she should be together for the next four days. Enough.

Later, I will send a message to Xue Nao to see her arrangements.

When Lin Ye turned on the light in the room, Nan Qinli and the three finally saw the boys' room for the first time.But unlike what he had imagined, Lin Ye's room was unexpectedly clean and tidy.

Especially the quilt on the bed really surprised them.

The square, with obvious edges and corners, the tofu-shaped quilt suddenly attracted their attention.

"Student Lin Ye, did you stack this quilt?" Kosaka Enoko asked with some uncertainty, but in fact she also knew that there could be no other people besides Lin Ye. After all, Lin Ye just said that this apartment is He lives alone.

But this quilt is really good, comparable to the internal affairs of soldiers seen on TV.

"Who else is there besides me!" Lin Ye, who opened the cabinet and found the clothes, didn't care about being suspected. "I learned it in high school military training."

"High school? Military training? Do students from Zongwu High School participate in military training?"

Nan Qinli was puzzled. He only heard about the state of China on the other side of the sea.

"I only transferred to Chief Wu Gao this month, and I was in the second grade."

"Oh, that's it!" Nan Qinli understood. It was probably Lin Ye who participated in military training when he was in high school in Huaguo and learned relevant things.But even so, the quilt layer made her feel ashamed.

The quilt in her house is the degree of straightening. Compared with this, it is simply a difference.

"Student Lin Ye, you fold the quilt to this level every day, don't you feel tired and time-consuming?"

Nan Qinli was a little embarrassed, but she still asked. She felt that she couldn't keep on doing this every day.

Just selected the clothes and threw it on the desk, Lin Ye was taken aback, a little wondering why stacking a quilt would waste time.

"Actually, you guys think too much, and you can call me Lin or Ye, or Ye Jun. I feel a bit troublesome to hear you call me by my name."

When he walked to his bed, Lin Ye directly grabbed a corner of the quilt and flicked it hard. The entire quilt was flattened on the bed, causing Nan Qinli and the three to feel heartache.

The quilt that can be regarded as a work of art is gone, even if they know that it will definitely be lost every night when they sleep, but it feels completely different from when they see it in person now.

"You can fold it in 30 seconds, so it's a waste of time! And, don't you think it is pleasing to see this quilt?"

Under the gaze of the three of them, the disappeared dried tofu quilt appeared in front of them again, and the time was less than thirty seconds.

The three of them swallowed subconsciously, this speed, this quality, they may not be able to reach for a lifetime.

"Ye... Ye Jun, it really doesn't waste time, I know now."

Now that Lin Ye said that he could be called by his name, Nan Qinli did not refuse, and she also felt that the full name was rather strange. Although their relationship is not good, Nan Qinli hopes that their relationship can change. Well, even if it's just a friend's degree.

Author's message:

PS: Thanks to UlickNormanOwen, wow, hahaha, Tsukinose Winnett’s monthly pass.Seek all kinds of support, new books also require support

Chapter 189

"Well, I'm going to change clothes next, aren't the three?"

Pointing to the clothes on the desk, Lin Ye is about to change his school uniform, and he will go to Tokyo later, and there will be an agreement with Ying Lili tomorrow. This clothes is definitely not allowed to be worn.

"Wait" The timid Sonoda Haiwei actually raised his hand, Lin Ye was very surprised, this girl's personality was not like this."Just... Xiaoguo said just now, to check Ye Jun's room to see if there is anything wrong."

Being so stared at by Lin Ye, Sonoda Haiwei was a little shy, hiding behind Kosaka Enoka, watching Lin Ye carefully, fearing that Lin Ye would do anything bad to her.

"Omi, you..." He didn't expect that Sonoda Kaimi would betray her at this time. Kosaka Enoka looked at Lin Ye a little embarrassed, very embarrassed.

"This, it seems that you really like activities like treasure hunting in the secret room, so I will give you one minute. You can find all the places in it, but remember, you must not mess up."

After Shizuka Hiratsuka almost saw the photo last time, Lin Ye hid all the confidential things. What he prevented was to prevent this from happening, and he would get out of the way he didn't expect.

When I came to this school, this apartment really welcomed new guests one after another. I don't know who the next one will be.

Yubihama, Bai Qi, or Sakuraba...

Hearing what Lin Ye said, the three people's eyes brightened, Kosaka Enoka and Sonoda Kai directly rushed to the two sides, regardless of what kind of lady style, they searched for the so-called bad books, but Nan Qin Li had nothing. Action, but she was also very interested just now, but it seemed that she didn't want Lin Ye to see her indecent side, that is, she stood in place and smiled apologetically at Lin Ye.

"Under the bed, no." Sonoda Kai, who leaned over on the ground looking for it, didn't find anything.

Looking at Lin Ye from this angle, it happened to be able to see the curved buttocks and part of the underwear. Although he couldn't say that he was a gentleman, it was not very polite to stare directly. Lin Ye chose to glance away. , Looked at Kosaka Enoka, and this one was even more powerful. Standing on the stool, he stood on tiptoe to find out if there was anything above the cabinet.

Lin Ye yanked, how could these two girls be so experienced, and the places they were looking for were so tricky. They didn't look for drawers, cabinets and so on. Instead, they were the first to look for places that were not easily detectable.

But even if they rummaged through this room, it was impossible to find anything, because Lin Ye didn't have any bad reading.

As for the demand, well, let's talk about it!Ten years have passed by alone. Although he almost did something like that to Xue Na a few days ago, it is now back to normal, and Lin Ye also has self-control ability.

Moreover, Xue Nai is his girlfriend. If there is a need, it seems that... is also possible.Of course, the prerequisite for all this is that Xue Nao is willing.

Thinking of this, scenes from the hospital were played in front of Lin Ye's eyes like a movie, remembering the soft and elastic touch, white skin, and... Lin Ye cast his gaze towards the apartment where Yukino was located. .

It just so happened that Sonoda Hai was not carefully searching for this location, and the underwear under the short skirt was almost completely displayed in Lin Ye's vision compared to the previous ones.

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