Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 172

"Then you can only move back to live in the future, and your mother will not agree with you to live outside."

Yang Nai did not choose to tell her about the transfer.Xue Nao would definitely refute this matter, and if he just moved home, although people would refute it, the degree of rebellion would be much lighter.

It can also lay the foundation for things to be said later.

Xue Nao, who just wanted to refute, was stunned by what Yang Nao said.

I finally moved out from there, but I want to move back, but I have to break up with Lin Ye. Yesterday, I mustered my courage and did some things I could not do in my life to continue the relationship with him. But now I have to tell myself that breaking up is impossible.

Her feelings for him are real, maybe not many, but they are real, affecting every part of her emotions, so Xueno never wants to give up because of the pressure in the family.

Moreover, what Ye said, she would solve the family affairs, but... in the face of Xuexia, a family with status in the political and business circles of Chiba, can Lin Ye really fulfill his promise!

When this most unwilling problem appeared in front of Xue Nao, Xue Nao hesitated.Can Lin Ye really solve it? Faced with the Xuexia family, even if his family is in a good family background, he is in China, but here is an island country.

This is a hurdle that cannot be crossed.

If it is true that Lin Ye said, elope, put everything here and escape to China, but it is like facing the helplessness of his own family, wouldn't Lin Ye have it!

But giving up like this, way!

"I can..."

Xue Nai gritted her teeth, as long as she gave up the financial support provided by her family, then she must...

"Give up! Xue Na, you who left the family, can you go there!"

If Xue Nai wants to be self-reliant, although it is hard, it is still possible after all.It's just that Yang Nai didn't want this result. She couldn't imagine what would happen if this matter spread to her mother's ears.

It is even possible to bring Yukino back under house arrest.

However, how much spirit medicine had been poured into Xue Nao by the man named Lin Ye that allowed Xue Nao to make the decision to leave the family.

"Do you really want to entrust yourself to a boy who is still in the second year of high school, he... will he really accept you like this? Have you ever thought about what would happen to you if you encounter such a situation? , He approached you...Is it really because of you and not the Yukinoshita family behind you?"

Of course, Yang Nai didn't know the facts, but since she wanted Xue Na to give up, she had to show a reason for her hesitation.

Bing Xue, smart Xue Nai hates these things, but she also knows clearly, and she can even guess that some men approach her but plan to have both human and financial resources.

However, why this time, in such a short period of time, it was Xue Nao that fell, Yang Nao wouldn't believe that she could confuse her sister with rhetoric.

Author's message:

PS: Thanks for the special retro style 3964 reward.When I woke up, I was shocked... Thanks to Wang Sangma, Wang Sangma, the monthly pass of Midnight Life?.

Chapter 191


She believed in Lin Ye, but facing her sister's rhetorical question, she couldn't answer anything.

"Also, what you need to know, even if you do, your mother may not do anything to you, but what about the international student?"

Since it was impossible to open the gap in Yukino's body, it would be fine to find the flaw in that man.

Since Yukino liked him so much, it was enough to use him as a threat.Although a bit despicable, it is indeed the most appropriate method at present.

In fact, Yang Nai didn't want to do this, but his mother knew about their affairs. Even if she wanted to deal with it, she couldn't do anything.

The decisions made by one's own mother are generally hard to change.

Unless Lin Ye possesses the value that is enough to make his mother who is strong and profit-oriented, obviously, from the data, there is nothing special except for a slightly better family situation.

Moreover, the daughter of Yukoshita's family married to Hua Guo, which has a bad influence on the father's career. After all, the mother hopes that his father can go further and go to Tokyo to be a member of Parliament, or a member of Congress, and even that...

But if the family has a daughter married to the country on the other side of the sea, all this will only be a luxury.

To blame for this, the two of them were too careless. Walking on the street with Xue Na on his back, they were actually seen by the mother in the car.

If it's just a friendly relationship, even if the mother notices it, she has a way to let her mother continue to let her go, but... things that are not between friends at all have been done, and she wants to intervene, only to arouse the mother's disgust of.

Today, the mother's choice for Xue Na is not to stay away from that man, but to transfer directly to another school, even with arrangements already in place.


She didn't want to give in, but faced with the pressure from her mother and family, she felt she couldn't resist.Even now, at the age of seventeen, facing this, he has no confidence at all.

Ye, this time... where are you?Isn't it... OK, do you want to solve it for me?

My eyes stayed on the cell phone on the table, just dial a number to inform Lin Ye of this matter.But... can I really rely on him?if……

Moreover, didn't I say to be independent?

Therefore, Xue Nai is always unable to move.

But I always feel that this is really good...

She hesitated...

"If Yukino can't do such a thing, I can do it for you."

There was no choice for Xue Nai, Yang Nai directly made the decision for Xue Nai.She knew her sister, faced her mother, and knew how to choose for the boy she liked.

It's just that I can't make up my mind now.

Then, as her sister, it is possible to help her solve it.She has always done this.

"Don't bother my sister, I will talk about it, it just takes time!"

Looking back at Yang Nai's squinted eyes, Xue Nai said calmly.

Maybe that's good too!Xue Nai remembered the moment Lin Ye was about to let go yesterday!

"Yes, it just so happened that your mother also asked you to go home. Let's spend Golden Week at home! Yukino, you haven't been back in a long time!"

A bleak smile flashed past, and Yukino nodded in the end.

What method can be used to make Lin Ye give up!

He and he are really twists and turns, are they destined to not be able to be together!

However, Xue Nai, who had sent her sister out, did not expect Lin Ye to send three girls out of his apartment.

Who are those three girls and what is their relationship with him!These questions surfaced in her mind for a moment.It just didn't come forward to say hello.

But Lin Ye saw Yono next to Xueno, and chose to pretend not to see anything, and the three of them walked into the elevator with Kosaka Enoka.

Although Xue Nai's current expression made him very concerned, it would be easier to understand if Yang Nai was here.That damn sister control might have done something that made Xue Nao headache again.

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