Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 179

"Of course, Ms. Machida Yuanzi doesn't have to worry that I will be embarrassed by this. I just don't worry that the characters in my work have been destroyed."

With the hesitant expression on Machida Yuanzi’s face, of course Lin Ye knows what the other party is thinking. After all, it is a group that has to consider interests. If he really does comics in the future, if he is really embarrassed by this, he will not allow him to set conditions. It would be very troublesome.

"This, in this case, there is no problem." After thinking about Lin Ye's current age, Machida Yuanzi can also understand.

"By the way, I almost forgot. I think about the organisms that appear in the novel, there will definitely be some peripheral ones. In terms of profit, I can reduce the distribution, but I request that I also have the right to use it. In other words, I If there is a company that can also use these patents and property rights, I also hope that Ms. Machida Yuanzi can also agree to this article."

I thought that the other party was an ordinary high school student, but the one just overturned her idea.With the right to use these characters and images, if they really start a company to sell, their interests will indeed be affected.But so far, if you really wait until Li Linye starts the company and has a good sales channel, the popularity of this novel has passed, and the rest is drizzle compared to now.

"Yes, this is within the scope of my authority, there is no problem."

Author's message:

PS: Thank you for your monthly pass.

Chapter 199

Walking to the computer next to him, Machida Yuanzi edited the documents, and then printed out the new contract, and then as long as the two parties signed their names and stamps, the contract was officially over.

"By the way, classmate Lin Ye, I don’t know where you were in high school. Although you said that you could complete three volumes in July, if you know your residence, it will be more convenient for me to get the manuscript in the future or other things. You ...And be considerate of our difficulties as editors!"

When he walked to the position, he asked Lin Ye. Finally, he noticed that the atmosphere of Lin Ye was a bit wrong, and Machida Yuanzi's tone was pleading.

Normally, when I meet a male novelist, I don’t always have to dig my heart with her when I see her, but this one is not. He always looks at her with this indifferent expression.But thinking of the black ponytail girl next to him, she also understood.

In front of such a girlfriend or a crush, she always has to behave better. After all, she doesn't have much advantage in appearance, so Machida Yuanzi thought.

"Sou Takeshi, over in Chiba, Ms. Machida, if you are not too troublesome, you will be fine if you come here. Call me when the time comes and I will tell you my address."

"Zou Wu Gao?" Machida Yuanzi was startled, and she couldn't believe it, "You said you went to school at So Wu Gao!"

"Yes." Lin Ye nodded, could it be said that the editor in front of him also graduated from Chief Wu Gao, or that he has an acquaintance who is also in Chief Wu Gao.

"I don't know what's wrong with Ms. Machida."

"No, the problem is nothing." Machida Yuanzi shook his head slightly, "I just think it's a coincidence. Another author of mine is also a student from Sou Takega."

"Really? But it is normal for the total number of tens of thousands of students to produce several light novel writers."

Lin Ye nodded your head as if he understood it, then he knew it, but he didn't say anything more.

"You really can see it, I told you my rare beautiful girl, why are you interested?"

I remembered that Shiyu called herself a moment ago and said that the new novel had encountered a bottleneck. Although this one wrote a science fiction novel, the emotional dispute between the hero and the heroine was very complicated. If we could communicate with each other, It’s okay to promote it.

As for whether the two can get together in the end, Machida Yuanzi has no hope at all. Even if they agree with each other in writing, Shiyu's other conditions are much better than this one. Oh, yes, this is a rich second generation. In terms of family background, it can be a big plus, but Shi Yu's arrogant look definitely doesn't take it seriously.

How can the popular writer Xia Shizi care about the man's family background!The money she earns alone is enough to lead a prosperous life.

"No, I don't have much interest. Instead, I think Ms. Moroko Machida is more attractive to me than the beautiful girl writer I haven't met. Or we can talk about it."

If you want the other party to give up the entanglement in this area, you must let the other party know how strong you are in this area.According to Lin Ye's observation, even the editor-in-chief of the library, at best, is just a few years after graduating from university. He doesn't even have a boyfriend and wants to fight with himself. That's too far.

"Oh! You are not afraid of the misunderstanding of this student Ying Ting next to you?"

Glancing towards Sakura Garden, Machida Yuanko reminded.

"If Ying Ting gets angry, I will be happy instead, and's impossible."

Lin Ye spread his hands, very helpless.

After carefully thinking about Lin Ye's words, Ying Ting reacted and figured out what Lin Ye wanted to express.Her cheeks were slightly red, and she wanted to hit Lin Ye next to her, but because of Machida Yuanzi's existence, she was too embarrassed to do anything.However, it is completely possible to stare at Lin Ye fiercely at this level.

In getting along with Lin Ye, I can always feel that he has a good attitude towards spurring girls recently. Isn’t it the same way before? It’s just that after coming to the new school, I was silent for a while, now I have adapted, my nature is exposed, and I start To the old line.

Thinking of Bai Qi's character, Ying Ting felt that if Lin Ye came a few times like this, she would have to be shy. From now on, it seems that she must pay attention to Bai Qi's.

"You really are..."

By this time, Machida Yuanzi didn't know what to say.

"Then, this is a reprinted contract. Lin Ye, you are looking at it. If there is no problem, we can sign the contract. By the way, Sakura Ting, your pen name is your real name or something else?"

"That..." Lin Yegang picked up the pen and prepared to sign. He hesitated when Machida Yuanzi said this.Even if the current identity is fake, you still have to stay here for at least two years in the future. A pen name or something seems to be necessary.

I remembered the appropriate pen names in my mind, but in the end all came up with codes that I had used before, what a sword!Spikes!It's totally inappropriate to use a pen name as a kind of thing.

Just as Lin Ye was considering his pen name, the door of the meeting room opened directly after being knocked.

Machida Yuanzi, who turned around, wanted to see who opened the door without her consent and did such a rude thing, but when she saw the other person’s appearance, she could only It's helpless.

Although I told Shiba that I had a meeting in the conference room, it was too inappropriate to come directly in this way, but she had nothing to do with it. Machida Yuanzi, who was familiar with Shiba’s character, could not be beaten. If the other party really carried the load or something, she would suffer a lot.

"Shiyu, I said you came in somehow..."

"I knocked on the door, Miss Machida."

"Eh" Machida Yuanzi sighed, but now that Shiyu is here, this is just the right way to introduce them to the two light fiction writers from the same school to get to know each other, and later creations can also progress together.

Moreover, even if Lin Ye said that just now, Machida Yuanzi promised that Lin Ye would definitely be excited to see Shiyu, after all, she was amazed when she first saw Shiyu.

Moreover, Machida Yuanzi had long looked at Lin Ye's indifferent appearance, and she wanted to see Lin Ye with a panic and regretful look.

"Then you are just right. This is the author who just submitted the manuscript from our library. You are from the same school as Shiyu. They are both students of Zongwu High School. As for what grade?"

Machida Yuanzi frowned, and turned to Lin Ye and asked, "Lin Ye classmate, you are in the senior martial arts high grade, Shi Yu is in the second grade, maybe you are the same age!"

After hearing the familiar name "Shi Yu", Lin Ye felt like he was about to finish. Of course, he must have a little expectation before the end. It is entirely possible that he has the same name without seeing a real person.

But the result is...

Chapter 200

But when he looked carefully at the other person's figure, Lin Ye was already desperate for his familiar face, familiar figure, and the long legs wrapped in black silk.

He was very confident in his disguise. Even if Shiyu Xiazhiqiu appeared in front of him now, Lin Ye could guarantee that she could not recognize herself except for a sense of familiarity, but her name was heard. , Then, needless to say, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can definitely recognize him.

Seeing that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was staring at her mouth with a ruowu smile, and her sharp eyes with anger, Lin Ye knew she was on the run today.

However, at least I have to make Kasugaoka Shiyu shut up, and I can't tell Yinglili and the dead house An Yilun about this, otherwise my high school life will be over.

The most important thing is of course Ying Lili. She treated her the way yesterday, but on the third day she knew that she was going to school in Zongwu High School. Imagining Ying Lili's desperate look, Lin Ye swallowed a few saliva unconsciously.

"Can I choose not to answer this question? Miss Machida."

Now that he was recognized, there was no need to change his voice. Lin Ye even straightened his waist, formally sitting in front of him with Machida Yuanzi.

"Eh" Machida Yuanzi can't figure it out, it's not because of age, what can be kept secret.

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