Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 201

Author's message:

PS: Thank you for using ink as dust, the blade of Aurora Sword One, and the monthly pass of Midchelda and the loser.Let me see if I have time to add updates next week. This weekend will not work. Even if I get my graduation certificate, I will still struggle with a wave of level 6 tomorrow. After all, the company processes capital!!!

Chapter 225 I'm Sorry

"Senior Lin Ye, after school, dessert..."

At this time Suzuki turned his attention to Lin Ye.

The party's Senior Sakura Ting is over, how can the other Senior Lin Ye let it go!

"No problem, but not after school today, just find some time after that" Lin Ye nodded and agreed, and looked at Yuyuan's appearance, "Then... Yuyuan classmates are also well together!"

As for what other people's eyes revealed, Lin Ye decided to ignore it.Of course, Biqigu didn't show any eyes from beginning to end.

There were more people, and I always felt that things would become complicated, so Lin Ye adopted an ignorant attitude.

Especially Yubihama's eyes like a dog who begged for food really made people's inner compassion rise continuously, but Lin Ye finally gritted his teeth and ignored it.

Moreover, the emotion that Yukino revealed from just now was a bit wrong.Could it be that I sensed that I was about to propose to her.

Feeling the ring lying quietly in his pocket, Lin Ye was actually a little nervous.

If Xue Na refuses, will she be embarrassed by the time.

But... it should be impossible!Once a girl like Yukino recognizes a boy, she will never change in her life. She has a tolerant character as long as she recognizes the object. Even if she looks very cold on the outside, she is very heartfelt. Gentle, Lin Ye even thought that Xueno would forgive herself even if she went out to find another woman.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Xue Na to leave her, unless she actively abandons her.But obviously, this may not have a chance to appear now.

He had no reason to abandon Xue Nao.


Once the Ministry of Service had no entrustment, everyone did their own thing, and Lin Ye played with his mobile phone in idle time.

Last week, the code word changed the novel, but now the novel has been handed over to the library, Lin Ye is temporarily preparing to take a break.There are five volumes in total, and two of them were handed over to the library, which was enough for a while.

Kasumigaoka Shiba contacted herself during the Golden Week to discuss the plots of her novels, and communicated with each other, saying that it was the meaning of the editor of Machida, and writers of the same age promoted and improved each other.


Lin Ye thinks about it, no need at all!He didn't rely on this to eat, or rather, he wrote because he was interested in ideas.After he finished writing, Lin Ye was not ready to write anything. If he was really urging him, it would be fine to postpone it by himself. At that time, it should be that Zong Wu Gao’s life is about to end, and he also needs to leave. It's time to enter a busier life.

At this time, Lin Ye's cell phone vibrated because of the arrival of the mail...


"Ahhhhhhhhh... I'm not doing it anymore, An Yilun, I'm going back, I have no desire to paint at all here!"

After school, staring at her drawing board for more than an hour, Ying Lili still didn't write, and all the inspiration was gone. The whole mind was filled with what happened to Lin Ye last Saturday.

Since that day, she and him will never meet again.

Even though I had accepted it at the time,... still couldn't let it go.

The irritability in my heart still lingers in my heart.Compared to thinking that Lin Ye has sacrificed at first, Ying Li Liming now knows that Lin Ye is still alive in a certain place in the world, but she can't reach it and can't enter his life. She...reconciled!

Why did you finally give up at that time!

Obviously, I should have been entangled.

In that case, the gentle forest leaves will be softened and...

However, I actually chose to let go at the time, really... so angry!

Now that I don’t know where he is, even if I contact him, I can’t ask him to come over!This is too embarrassing.

"! Yinglili, what do you need, I'll buy it for you right away!"

An Yilun, who was thinking with a pen in hand, also heard Yinglili's speech, and was shocked in a cold sweat. If Yinglili dies, he can find someone else to paint in this game.

Therefore, Yinglili is definitely not able to go.

He couldn't find a painter to replace Ying Lili in a short time.

"What she wants is a man, can you buy An Yi classmate?"

On one side, Kasuga no Oka Shiyu had already noticed Ying Lili's abnormality, but she always ignored it. She was waiting for the moment Ying Lili broke out.

The man she was thinking about was chatting with herself.This alone filled Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's heart with joy.Not to mention, during the Golden Week, Kasuga no Oka has changed the senses of Lin Ye.

"Ah, this, that... I definitely can't do anything, then Ye Sang will definitely have a solution, but he never responded to my emails from me, so I really can't help."

With a wave of hands, An Yilun was also very helpless.

The two male protagonists I found abandoned him, and An Yilun was already preparing to abandon the role of the male protagonist.Now think about the GALGAME he is going to make from the perspective of the male protagonist. The male protagonist rarely appears on the scene, so even if there is no male protagonist, this game can still be made.

But the premise is that none of the other members can be missing.

Therefore, now, no one should be allowed to leave.

Ying Lili stared at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu viciously.This woman who likes to fight against herself can always find the most appropriate words to fight her and make her feel depressed, but she subconsciously wants to deny it, but when she sees the smile on the corner of Kasugaoka's mouth, Ying Riri endures it.

In this regard, she is also very helpless.

In front of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, she had never had an advantage over the quarrel.

"An Yilun, you buy a bunch of men for this woman, so I won't go back today!"

Gritting her teeth, Ying Lili pointed her finger at Kasugaoka, her tone full of anger.

"Englili...Sawamura classmate" was glared at Yinglili, and An Yilun also changed her words directly, "This is too difficult! There are also men who use tack to describe something, is it a bit inappropriate."

Isn't "Taw" used to describe paper and banknotes? Is it that men are banknotes in Ying Lili's eyes, just for spending money.Well, it seems very appropriate to be a male vote.

But I am definitely not an ATM. After all, the money I earned from my part-time job is now all invested in the production of this game, except for buying my beloved figures.

The others have no extra energy.

Even if it was bought this time to please Yingli, it was only squeezed out between the teeth.

Chapter 226 I Know A Senior Also Called Lin Ye

"That, that..."

At this moment, Kato Megumi, who was finally ignored, made the three people notice her presence.

"Oh, Kato-san, what you want to say, I didn't pay attention just now."

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