Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 210

I am obviously young and beautiful, with a good body and a good personality, how can I not meet it!

... different.

But Ying Lili didn't dare to refute this thought in her heart.

She clearly knows that Hiratsuka teacher is good for her.

But the teacher didn't know that with this addition, Lin Ye had already saved himself twice.

Last time, three years ago, Lin Ye rescued himself from the terrorists, but this time, despite his own safety, he rescued himself.

She knew that Lin Ye didn't need any compensation, but... she lost her most precious thing and could never find it again.

Moreover, because he thought that Lin Ye had already sacrificed, the joy that appeared in his heart when he saw him again in despair, really made his whole person excited.

Such ups and downs made this man imprinted deep in his heart, and he could no longer forget it.Because every time I saw other boys, I would subconsciously compare with Lin Ye, and the results were all too far.

Especially today's An Yilun is also compared, the two are not on the same level at all.

"En, teacher, I know, I won't do anything like this again in the future."

Yes, she wouldn't be doing such a thing. It's better to say that this time it was really just an accident. It was just an impulse that she had at the time, which almost caused irreparable losses.

Even if something happens to Lin Ye and Kato-classmates without saying what will happen to him, even she will feel guilty.

The roof fell to the ground, at such a height, even if it was immortal, it would be seriously injured, but fortunately, because of Lin Ye, this tragedy did not happen.

Chapter 235 Break Up (Part 1)

In the end, because of anxious explanations to the police, Hiratsuka gave a simple explanation and left.

After seeing Hiratsuka Jing left, Lin Ye knew that the matter was truly over.

As for the subsequent protective net, Lin Ye believes that Shizuka will solve it.

", I..."

Anyway, the three people present already knew about the relationship between himself and Xue Na, and there was no point in hiding it. Therefore, Lin Ye chose a more intimate name.

"You like Sawamura classmate..."

Lin Ye was sweating coldly.

He said yes to Ying Lili just now. If he said no at this time, it would definitely not work, and Ying Lili by his side was staring at herself.


Lin Ye hoped that Xue Nai would never get excited, let alone think about bad things. He believed that when he got along with her, he would be able to explain clearly.

I actually have a time to explain to others, come here and become really fast!

Ying Lili did not interrupt and say anything to make Yukoshita give up.She knew that if she said so now, it would only make Lin Ye feel disgusted with herself.

"You just wanted to make an appointment... If I remember correctly, it is Shiyu Kasumigaoka, right!"

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu nodded slightly, Xuexia continued, "I want to invite Xiazhiqiu students to eat!"

"I... yes..." Lin Ye could only nod his head in the end.

This is a fact that cannot be refuted. If you deny it, it will only make Yukino and Kasumigaoka and others look down on him. Kasumigaoka's words are nothing but Xueno's words, Lin Ye still try his best to show his good side In front of her.Of course, this style of behavior is also not in line with his principles.

But the reason for the dinner, he couldn't explain it.

I took enough advantage of Kasumigaoka Shiyu on the tram, and now I invite you to dinner and apologize.Not to mention that it would have an impact on Shiyu's reputation, and his image would also be destroyed.

For close people, Lin Ye didn't want to be known about his bad, irritable, bloodthirsty side.

"Can you ask Sawamura and Xiazhiqiu to leave here? I have important things to discuss with Ye alone."

Maybe we can break up with Lin Ye for this reason!

Even though, at the moment when I saw the forest leaves fall, my heart was full of heart-piercing sadness.

That feeling was felt for the first time in my life, the pain of losing important people, the happiness that was lost, and the sorrow and sorrow of Lin Ye and other girls when they were intimate.

Because of Lin Ye, his life suddenly became more colorful and more flavorful.

"I see, Yukoshita!"

Pulling up Yinglili directly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu walked towards the Tiantai Gate.

Although Ying Lili was a little unwilling to leave, seeing Lin Ye nodding slightly, she finally followed Xia Zhiqiu.

They were all very curious about what happened next, but...the parties wanted them to leave, and they refused to stay cheeky. As for eavesdropping, it is even more impossible.

If this matter is known, at least Ying Lili would never want Lin Ye to have any bad impression of her, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, Ying Lili would not do it herself, of course she would not want Xiazhi Qiu Shiyu lying down. Eavesdropped behind the door.

"Xuno, what do you want to tell me?" Lin Ye asked when Ying Lili and Xia Zhiqiu had left.

Because of the sudden incident that Ying Lili was about to jump off the building, Yukino was directly interrupted by the very important things that Yukino was about to say to herself.

Fortunately, Ying Riri and Kato are all fine. If something happens, not only their relatives will not let go of themselves, but Hiratsuka will not let go of herself, and even herself will feel guilty.

Although such a relationship will not last long.

It is okay to say that it is cold or ruthless, but it is true.After such a thing happened, I would only choose to continue living.There will be sadness, but it will disappear over time.

But to be honest, Lin Ye didn't want anything to happen to these two young girls. The key point was that he knew both of them.

Moreover, Lin Ye knew that Xuenai had something to say to him about the matter just now, but Lin Ye believed that he would be able to explain clearly.

If it was the matter of Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Yinglili just now, Lin Ye was convinced that there was no problem with it, and Xueno would give herself a chance to explain it.

And Xue Nai looked at Lin Ye with a faint smile on his face, and in the end he could only gritted his teeth, preparing to speak out what had already been decided.

I was already planning to break up with Lin Ye, but before seeing him nearly fall to save Kato and Ying Riri, at that moment, Yukino clearly felt his feelings.

She really liked the man in front of him.However, facing the pressure of the family, she... really had to give up.

Moreover, the sentence Ying Lili said, "You don't want me anymore," it made Xue Nao obvious that the golden girl with two ponytails really liked Lin Ye.Perhaps she is more suitable for Lin Ye than herself!

After all, it seems that classmate Zecun knew Lin Ye several years earlier than she did.At least compared to her feelings of no more than ten days, she would be deeper.Although, emotions cannot be compared with time at all.

Moreover, I thought of Bai Qi and Dongma, Yubihama, those excellent girls seemed to Lin Ye... Suddenly, Yukino realized that many women around Lin Ye had a strange affection for him.

And among these people, I seem to be one step ahead due to some accidents. Otherwise, according to my own estimation, without the things at that time, I would never have thought that I would be tempted by boys, and almost Night time.

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