Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 213

Just after get off work, she was about to change into her own clothes. At this time, Ureshino didn't care about it. She stuffed her school uniform into her bag and ran at full speed toward the school gate wearing the clothes of a waiter.

If Lin Ye really dared to lie to herself, she would never let him go.But rather than letting him go, Ureshino still thinks that what Lin Ye said is really the best.

Author's message:

PS: Thank you to the other side of the world, the starry night space, the blade that the wind is waiting to be buried, the newborn month, the monthly pass that the wind is waiting to be buried.Progress is a bit slow, but after thinking about it, I still write slowly, and strive to have a complete process and ending for the character I want to write...

Chapter 238 I'm Just Going to Vent Out

Xiaogizeng Xuecai was a little worried, and she was very discouraged to see that the rooftop at this time was empty.

After returning home after school, she hurried back because she checked the time and the school was not closed because something was left in the classroom.

However, who could have thought that when she took something and walked towards the school gate, something fell from the sky and almost hit her head.

The thing is not big, but no matter how you think about it, it is too dangerous. Even if it is not life-threatening, there is still pain.She is very afraid of pain.

But... after getting closer, Ogizeng Yukina realized that this was not something like a stone, but a decorative box.

Unable to help the curious little Kiso Yukina chose to open it, but against the setting sun, the diamond ring lying quietly inside reflected the charming brilliance.

For a moment, Ogizo Yukina only felt that her attention had been taken away by it.

Women like shiny things, and Ogizeng Yukina is no exception. Moreover, this kind of profound ring makes her have a lot of associations.

After repeated confirmations, Xuecai was sure that this was a real diamond ring, and, on the inside of the ring, was engraved with a name and a date.

And the date is today.

Especially when she saw the word "Snow" on it, Ogiso Xuecai's heart trembled, thinking that she had written her name!Only after repeated confirmation of the next word, she promised that it was another person's name.

Even if your own "dishes" are scribbled and simple, it's impossible.Moreover, I feel that the owner of this ring is so rich, and he has to engrave words and numbers on it according to his own notes. The money required is not a small amount.

After a round of inspections, Yukina Ogiso locked the roof of the community building.Because the windows facing this side are closed tightly, except for the things that can be thrown out on the rooftop, she can't think of other places.

However, looking at the empty rooftops, Yukizou knew that she was a step late.

Next, what should I do!

The guy I met on the way here is very likely, but the other person's face is very flat, not at all like an anxious or sad thing.

Whether such a ring is lost or dropped, it will make people anxious.Therefore, the possibility of that boy is still very small.

But what should I do?

Discovery notice?It is still a bit too difficult to find people based on this handwriting.She is already a third-grade student, she is very busy in class, and goes to tutoring classes on weekends.

After all, if you want to be admitted to a top university, you don't need to work harder.

Unable to think of a suitable method at all, she sighed while struggling with Ogiso Yukina, and was about to go home first.Something may be discovered over time.

This... precious things, just keep them for the time being.

When you find the owner, return it!


"Eight minutes and forty-two seconds! It seems that Ureshino-san took a lot of effort to get here."

Lin Ye was a little surprised when this violent little Lori ran at this speed.

With this breathless look, Lin Ye suspected that the other party would have asthma if he was quicker.

"Whose fault is this, tell me! Classmate Lin Ye."

The way Ureshino gritted his teeth made Rinba's mood a little better.

Is it a temporary intention? It seems that it won't be wrong.

"Is it true what you said on the phone? If you dare to lie to me, I will never let you go!"

I ran over because I had the opportunity to go to the training ground and experience real guns.If she was deceived by Lin Ye, she would definitely check everything about Lin Ye, and then spread it on the Internet, in order to relieve her hatred.

"It's true, it will be there in 30 seconds after picking up our car!"

At this time, Lin Ye saw Ureshino arrived, and walked away from the school.And Ureshino, panting, had no choice but to raise his feet again and follow him up.

"Student Lin Ye, why did you suddenly remember going to that place and also thinking of me..."

This is the thing Ureshino can't figure out the most right now, whether Lin Ye has encountered something, or just simply wanting to go there to Wanyitong.

She knew that after spending time with Lin Ye these days, Lin Ye knew her hobbies, so she didn't want to pursue her with this!

Thinking of this possibility, Ureshino still became alert.It is said that many boys who seem to be decent and decent will cheat girls away and use drugs...

But remembering what Lin Ye did to Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Sakuraba Yuzao at that time, Ureshino chose to believe Lin Ye.

"I just want to vent it!"

"Fa..." His mind short-circuited for an instant, and his walking body stopped in an instant. He did not react to what Lin Ye said, "You want to vent... what do you want to do to me..."

Holding the clothes on his chest tightly with both hands, Ureshino stepped back tremblingly.

She felt the danger, maybe it was a wrong choice to come here.

Also, she believes in the wrong person.But here is the main entrance of Zou Wu Gao, it is still very safe, although...

She didn't see what Lin Ye looked like when she started, but when she saw the five hooligans knocked to the ground by Lin Ye, she was able to guess that Lin Ye's skill was very powerful, and she was definitely not his opponent.

So, all she can do is escape.

"You flat loli, now, I have no interest, don't worry, just ask you to go over and play. Of course, if you want to go, I will not stop you."

The black car not far away sounded its horn, and Lin Ye walked straight over.

The playful words made Ureshino's vigilance the greatest, but the other party's plain tone made Ureshino hesitate to think too much.

Seeing Lin Ye got in the car, Ureshino stomped his feet anxiously, then trot a few steps, and followed.

She really couldn't let go of this opportunity.

Missing this opportunity, she didn't know if there would be any similar opportunities in the future.To know that place, not everyone can enter.The relationship is not enough.

Sitting in the corner of the car, Ureshino watched Lin Ye on one side, while observing the interior decoration of the car on the other.After seeing the logo belonging to the Yinhe Group Security Company on the driver's chest, he was also relieved a little.

At least, what Lin Ye said is basically consistent.

Chapter 239: My Conditions Will Not Change

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