Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 219

"Sakumi Ureshino, don't you want to confuse my question just now?"

Sakuraba spoke to Ureshino in a calm and serious tone.

Even if it was sent, Sakuraba had to figure out why Ureshino made the call.Now she is more concerned because of Ureshino's attitude.

She knew that Ureshino and Linye had not been in contact for as long as she and Linye, but what happened, Ureshino knew, but she didn't know.

Before she left the club today, Lin Ye's behavior was normal.What happened afterwards!What will happen then!

"If Ying Ting really wants to know, just ask Lin Ye yourself! Don’t say that I’m talking about the relationship at that time! Okay, let’s do it! Today I’m exhausted, I want to take a dip now Take a good night's sleep in the bath."

Once a person retreats from the state of excitement, he will soon enter a period of exhaustion.On the way to Chiba where Ureshino was sent back, I already wanted to sleep!

It was just because of Lin Ye's matter that she was still holding on.

But now, at least it is certain that Ying Ting is not, and a bit of a knot has been resolved.As for Shiba Kasumigaoka, Ureshino decided to talk about it tomorrow!

By the way, I remember that Lin Ye was going to the cafeteria to eat at noon tomorrow, so he had to order a portion for him.

Thinking of this, Ureshino began to remember what Lin Ye likes to eat.

And at this moment, Ureshino blushed.

I haven't become his girlfriend yet, so why did I think about it for him?Moreover, he became his girlfriend, didn't he take care of his diet and daily life?

Also, didn't I say that I wouldn't prepare lunch for him, one of this bastard still makes her so distressed.

Sure enough, he should be beaten by himself to let her vent her grievances.

"Didi di..."

Listening to the reminder tone on the phone, Sakura Ting shook her head helplessly, and then searched through the address book, showing Lin Ye's mobile phone number, and just before pressing it, her thumb stopped.

He blinked, staring at the number on the display, and hesitated.

It is obviously inappropriate to ask directly, and I didn't ask about this position.And if you really asked, Lin Ye would know that it was because of Ureshino's relationship that let her know.This contradicts what Ureshino said.

The most important thing is not to be misunderstood by Lin Ye.There have been a lot of things happening with Lin Ye recently, and her mind is also a little overwhelming.

When she turned to Bai Qi's number, Sakura Ting, who had been thinking about it, did not call it.

If Bai Qi knew, she would definitely use her enthusiasm to ask the bottom questions, especially Lin Ye.

She... can only look for an opportunity to inquire after school tomorrow.

Go directly to the classroom or something, when the heat hints that it is impossible.When the time comes, after the ministry activities are over, it's fine to wait. If I remember correctly, Lin Ye has always been the last few to leave.

Chapter 245

Lin Ye, who had recovered his consciousness, only felt a little pain in his head. Recalling what happened yesterday, Lin Ye only remembers that after training, he was pulled by those guys to drink.

Originally, in everyday situations, he didn't drink alcohol, but facing the warm greetings of those comrades in arms, Lin Ye also let go.

It's not just a joke to get rid of one's sorrow when drunk.And even after three hours of high-intensity training, although the depression has slowed down, every time and when I think about it, the state is always bad.

"This wine, you absolutely can't drink it like that next time!" Lin Ye remembered that he was right, he alone finally drank most of them down.

But the body really felt a little uncomfortable.

Looking at the head above the bedside table, Lin Ye was taken aback. This... is about to start class, only half an hour is left.

I'm going to be late.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ye quickly got up and washed a bit. If he came in a hurry, he could still catch up.

However, after smelling the smell of wine on his body, Lin Ye gave up the idea, put down his school uniform, and honestly took off his short sleeves and walked to the bathroom.

They sent him back. Zong Wu Gao's clothes were cleaned and neatly placed beside him. The dirty training clothes outside were gone, and all he had was the black short sleeves.

Looking at the hot water in the bathtub, Lin Ye soaked directly in.

It seemed that because of the water temperature, Lin Ye felt all over.

After training that year, in addition to having a big meal, it was the most comfortable to take a hot bath.But now that the whole person is immersed in hot water, this feeling is really refreshing.

As for being scolded by Hiratsuka for being late, Lin Ye had already ignored it.Anyway, the result cannot be changed. Go earlier and go later. The result of being late cannot be changed.

Now, Lin Ye still feels comfortable soaking in a hot bath before going.

When Lin Ye felt it was almost the time, an hour had passed. After finishing wearing them and finally putting on his pair of glasses, Lin Ye walked out of the apartment.

Now, his situation is just back to when he first came to Zongwu Gao.There is nothing to lose.

Moreover, the world boss has also completed several tasks. According to its temperament, the one that will come will only be difficult, probably only on the eve of his graduation.

Just recalling Xuexia Xuenai, Lin Ye sighed unconsciously, his decision was indeed correct at the time, and shouldn't be related to the Xuexia family again.

It has become so troublesome now.

Lin Ye, who has never brought homework back to his apartment, walked into Zongwu Gao’s gate empty-handed at this time. The security guard did not ask anything. She looked like a student in Zongwu college uniform, so she was relieved Let Lin Ye in.

There are not many students who are late, but there are some.After all, some students live outside, go back to school in the morning, and go home after school.


"Jingle Bell"

The class bell rang, and Xuexia was already sitting in his place.She does not regret what happened yesterday.

Now think about it, Lin Ye's last words are still full of vague concepts.If she were to think about it literally, she would definitely be wrong.

But... no matter what the real meaning is, it doesn't make sense anymore. He and her are no longer too intimate.

They have already broken up, and they, even the most basic relationship between members may not be.When Lin Ye said that she was taking leave for club activities this semester, she didn't know it was just a bit of euphemism that Lin Ye said.

Maybe... this is also good!At the beginning, whether it was himself or himself, in fact, he didn't want him to join this society.

The Ministry of Service lacks him... There shouldn't be any changes!

Looking back now, a lot of things have really happened in this more than a month!The Ministry of Service, which was the only one by herself, became more and more lively. The appearance of Yubihama, Bai Qi and others made her feel that the society was full of vitality.

It's not like what I have experienced before, being rejected by everyone.

Only now, this kind of thing has happened.Lin Ye will leave this club even more.

But Bai Qi, Yubihama and the others wouldn't be willing, they should be asking him to stay!

All this is for him to worry about himself!It has nothing to do with myself.

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