Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 238

"Allah Allah, Lin Ye is still as popular as ever. This time I have two beautiful girls to accompany me for lunch. You are really amazing!"

At noon, Dongma asked to go to the second music classroom after school, but Lin Ye did not refuse. As for the place for lunch, besides the biscuits and bread, Lin Ye could think of the sunbathing cafeteria where Ureshino was.

Lin Yegang didn’t have much time to sit down. Lin Ye who ordered the meal was waiting, but in less than a minute, Bai Qi and Ying Ting came over, and they were sitting in the same picture as Lin Ye. table.

At this moment, Ureshino came up with the set meal, and after opening his mouth to Lin Ye with a smile, placed it in front of Lin Ye.It's just that the tight hands are all saying that I am very angry now.

Lin Ye could only shook his head helplessly.

Too many things have happened in the past two days, Lin Ye already felt that he could not react at once, and directly chose to cut the mess with a sharp knife. Although it sounds easy, it is actually impossible.

Unless he is not prepared to stay in Zongwu Gao. least you have to wait until you are about to graduate and leave Zongwu Gao to do so.

Other people may be able to ignore it. Fujibayashi, who has a relationship with him, is not good. He needs to know her thoughts and attitude towards herself so that he can be sure of his behavior.

After all this happened, Lin Ye was very contradictory with Fujibayashi, but it was also very contradictory with Fujibayashi when he treated himself. Lin Ye was very sure about this.

Just now received the email, Fujibayashi Apricot clearly told herself that all of this had not happened, I am me, she is still her, of course, her sister Fujibayashi Shigaki was brought up again without being able to harass her sister.

Lin Ye nodded and agreed.

Although he was very concerned about the love behavior of men and women, after a long absence, Lin Ye also felt that it was enough for the time being.

He is not the kind of person who can't stand it, but after experiencing it once, he will inevitably still have some illusions.

Although, regrets exist after all!But considering Fujibayashi's character, it can be understood.

"Yes, I'm great, Ureshino-san is satisfied with that!"

Lin Ye was completely perfunctory and made Ureshino pouted and stared at Lin Ye fiercely with dissatisfaction. After that, she left. Now she still has a job and cannot stay here for too long.

Of course, she is the biggest here. She talks a little bit about being lazy and nothing, after all, no one dares to say anything.

But Ureshino belongs to the kind of more serious and responsible person, and the things that should be done well must be done well.

"So, Bai Qi, did Ying Ting have lunch? If not, just have a meal here! Just treat it as my treat!"

In terms of time, it is impossible for the two girls to finish their meal in such a short time. After all, they do not have their own eating speed.

Moreover, eating others is the shortest, and that other people's method, after eating his own meal, Lin Ye refuses something like that, and the other party will accept it a little.

"We..." Bai Qi had no desire to eat at all now, but under Ying Ting's eyes, he ordered a fried rice after all.

The three of them remained silent all the time. During the meal, they did not say anything until the end of the meal.

"Student Bai Qi, if you have something, you can talk!"

When they were absent yesterday afternoon, Bai Qi and the others would ask, and Xuexia, who would not hide it, would answer that he had asked for leave and did not participate in club activities this semester.

There is no important reason to not join the club for a semester, but it is completely impossible.

Therefore, after the discussion, Bai Qi and Ying Ting came here as representatives.It was only the discussion at that time, their minister Xuexia was always absent-minded.

Xuexia knew very well that Bai Qi and the others would not succeed in getting Lin Ye back, because those things that happened to him and him would only be embarrassing if they wanted to live in the same department.

As for the classroom, there is no way.

Even Xuexia thought that when Lin Ye was in third grade, he would not be in the same class with her.

Author's message:

PS: Thanks to the desperate me for the monthly ticket to send death, the desperate me to send death, the blade of the August incident, the sacrifice, the desperate me to send the death reward.

Chapter 264 The Future of Each Person in the Ministry (Part 1)

"Is it important for Ye Jun not to participate in club activities this semester? I can help if I can. Everyone in the ministry is very happy to help."

Her eyes flickered slightly, and Bai Qi was full of expectation. She didn't want Lin Ye to find another excuse to leave the ministry. After all, she took a long vacation in less than a month. Doesn't this mean she wants to leave the club?

The eight-person ministry is complete, and if Lin Ye leaves, the ministry will be different.

"Sorry, something happened, but the reason can't be told to classmate Bai Qi, so please forgive..." Lin Ye showed a slightly apologetic smile and tactfully rejected Bai Qi.

Knowing the truth will only make Bai Qi try his best to get himself back.

The girl's enthusiasm was even stronger than Yubihama.

"Since Lin Ye is unwilling to explain why, if the Ministry of Service has a commission and needs help, can I ask Lin Ye for help?"

There was some concern that Bai Qi would further inquire about Lin Ye, but Ying Ting had to speak first and cut off Bai Qi's thoughts.

Bai Qi wandered between Yingting and Lin Ye, then pulled Yingting's skirt with his right hand, "Xiaozao, I..."

"Bai Qi, leave it to me! Classmate Lin Ye is really unable to participate in club activities temporarily, and will go back when things are over. Say yes! Classmate Lin Ye!"

You have asked so, and let me say no!Doesn't this only make Bai Qi worry!

"En, yes, the matter is over, I will continue to participate in club activities as always. You know I almost never absent from club activities last month, I feel that classmate Bai Qi can issue me an outstanding member award."

"No way!" Bai Qi shook his head vigorously and denied Lin Ye's proposal.

"Hey, that's really a pity!"

Lin Ye didn't expect Bai Qi's answer.Don’t you usually just pass by with a smile?

"No, no, I mean I don't have the right to issue it. The award should be given by Minister Xiaoxue anyway. I am also a member of Ye Jun. Also, does our Ministry of Service have this award? I have never heard of it. Chlorella, could it be that it existed before we joined, but we didn’t know it?"

It would be weird if you have heard of it. It's just a deliberate fabrication.

At this time, Bai Qi's serious attitude made Lin Ye somewhat helpless.

"Bai Qi, what Lin Ye said is just a joke, don't take it seriously!"

A trace of helplessness flashed across Sakura Garden.Bai Qi is like this, many jokes are taken seriously.

"So... it's just a joke!" Bai Qi showed a regretful expression.

"So, then, Ye Jun, what's the specific time? It's really not that you won't participate in club activities this semester, right!"

It always feels like September, so far away.You must know that it is only May now. Although there are two months of vacation in the middle, there will be no forest leaves in the two months of school life. I always feel that if this continues, the feelings will fade.

She didn't want the feelings between the people she saw to fade.

"Normally this is the case. I have asked for leave from Minister Yukoshita, and Hiratsuka-sensei has also agreed."

"Then...Let's do it! Anyway, I will definitely contact Ye Jun. Don't feel annoying to me then."

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