Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 243

This will hurt two girls, even more girls.

Do you really want to do this?

"Get off! I don't want to see the moment you cry."

Lin Ye gave the right of choice to Dongma. Without her knowledge, she would make the next decision for Lin Ye.


Even if Lin Ye's tone became calmer and pleading, Dongma still wouldn't agree.

She said that before she disagreed, Lin Ye would never leave.

Because this is her life rule, no one can make her violate, this is her only pride.

"Make a deal!"

In Dongma’s slightly surprised eyes, Lin Ye continued, “Since you want me to stay in this classroom so much, yes, five times a week, except on weekends, I can be there on time, but again, In exchange, let’s replace Xuexia and become my girlfriend from now on!"

"They all have long black hair, they all have good figures, their skin is the same white, and their facial features are a bit similar, so..."


Facing Lin Ye's words now, Dongma's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of anger that wanted to kill, and he slapped Lin Ye severely.

As expected, Lin Ye didn't choose to avoid it. He knew how much damage he had just said to Dongma.

But I have already decided to do this. It has already happened, and there is no regret medicine.

It's just that the glasses on the bridge of the nose have already flown out and reached the ground.

"You treat me as a substitute for that woman, how do you look down on me!"

"Isn't this very good? It fulfilled Dongma's wishes and made me still..."

"shut up!"

Wanting to see Lin Ye's calm eyes when Dongma waved his palm once, what lies in his calm eyes is indifference to everything. At this moment, Dongma's heart trembled suddenly, and his waving hand stopped in the air. in.

"The slap just now is what I deserve, so the matter ends here. Since Dongma student is unwilling, then don't stop me anymore. I have already given the conditions and they will not change."

After staring at Dongma with dark eyes for a second, Lin Ye stepped forward, bent down and picked up his eyes, checked it and put it on again.

"I can't promise you to be your girlfriend."

The elder sister becomes the younger brother’s girlfriend and engages in romantic relationships. It is crucial that the younger brother regards the older sister as a substitute for his ex-girlfriend. Dongma absolutely does not want such things to happen.

Don't talk about human ethics, if she is noticed by others, she, it's wrong, it's his future that Dongma cares about.

"That's really a pity, then Dongma classmate can let go, otherwise I don't guarantee what I will do to you."

His eyes signaled Dongma to step aside, Lin Ye's tone was unusually calm, and he couldn't hear the word'regret' at all.

"What do you want to do to me?"

"Isn't this something that I already knew, of course it was to tear off the clothes on Dongma student body, and then..."

With a slight smile, it was a girl who knew what Lin Ye was referring to.

"Do you dare to do this?"

"Others may not be able to do it, but... if it is Dongma, you will definitely endure it silently. You can't even yell. It's impossible to call the police. Because you will try to hide things. Coming down, because the object of violence against you is me!"

Lin Ye always had this hunch, and what if he called the police?He had a solution, but he was using this to scare Dongma.

"How could I not call the police because of you!"

"Then we can try." A quick step rushed in front of Dongma, Lin Ye pressed Dongma in front of the door, and Lin Ye took both hands directly.

The struggling Dongma couldn't break free at all.

You must know that even a woman like Shizuka Hiratsuka can't be Lin Ye's opponent, how can Dongma succeed!

Author's message:

PS: Please allow me to think slowly and write slowly!I can't think of a good plot during the transition time.

Chapter 269

There should be no problem for the second time.

Lin Ye thought so.

Facing Dongma's struggle, Lin Ye fixed Dongma's body with only a slight force, and then leaned down against the other's red lips.

Seeing the forest leaves gradually approaching, Dong Ma struggled even harder, the tightly clasped hand wanted to break free, but the huge grip from the opponent's palm made Dong Ma no way to resist.

After gritting his teeth, Dongma's eyes changed, and he lifted his knee up, ready to give Lin Ye a cruel gesture.

Of course, she is aware of the weakness of men. Although she is her own younger brother, she still dared to do such things against her will to herself. She must teach her a lesson.

Let him feel the pain.

Of course she has weakened a little bit in terms of strength.


The raised leg still did not play its role, and Lin Ye gently stroked his leg to the side, and lost his head. At the same time, Lin Ye’s body was completely close to the winter horse, and his legs were also covered. Lin Ye got under control.

"Let go of me, I can forgive you like this..."

Dongma, who prefers simple violent coping methods, can only make Lin Ye give up through verbal communication.It's just that the threatening tone will only increase the desire for men to continue.

Offenders, constantly moving forward, are a major feature of men.

"I don't want Dongma to forgive me. Instead, what I expect is...struggling, screaming and calling the police, but here, can Dongma do it!"

Biting his lips tightly, Dongma felt helpless in his anger.

As Lin Ye said, it is impossible for her to call the police.If it's another person, she promises to send him to the Metropolitan Police Department, but if it's Lin Ye, this won't work.

"Student Dongma's body feels really good! Compared to..."

"shut up."

Roaring, Dongma's eyes were full of burning anger.

"If you think of me as a substitute for that woman, I will never forgive you."

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