Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 248

Maybe Ye Jun would feel irritable and hate her because of this, but... she didn't want to be silent anymore.

With her lips trembling slightly, Yubihama wanted to speak, but didn't know how to get the topic out of the way, and squeezed her little hand tightly, hating her unworthiness.

If this continues, Ye Jun will leave, and the time for class will be getting closer and closer.

The girl's expression fell into Lin Ye's eyes, Lin Ye sighed, and Lin Ye, who understood Yubihama's character, knew that it was very difficult for Yubihama to speak directly.

Moreover, even though it was early, students in the uniforms of Sou Wu Gao gradually appeared.

"Let's go to the park over there! I think Yuihama-san has something to look for me!"

Stretching out his finger to the park in that direction, Lin Ye said.


Yubihama nodded heavily, and wanted Lin Ye to cast a grateful look.

Now the sky is still raining, the benches in the park are already soaked, and they can’t be seated at all. Rinba and Yubihama stood quietly in the park with umbrellas.

The rain fell on the umbrella surface, making a sound of'da da da'.

With his head down, Yubihama finally made up his mind, raised his head abruptly, and looked firmly at Lin Ye.

"Ye Jun, go back to the Ministry of Service! This is my commission!"

Even if Lin Ye asked for leave, he was still a member of the Ministry of Service. As long as Lin Ye regarded himself as a member of the Ministry of Service, he would not refuse his request.

Because Ye Jun has always been a gentle person.

With a wry smile, Lin Ye shook his head slightly and gave Yubihama a desperate answer.

"Sorry, Yuhihama-student, I can't accept this commission."


Verbatim, you can feel the sadness in Yubihama's heart.

"Ye Jun, what has happened is that you want to leave the Ministry of Service, can you tell me, I can definitely help, even if I don't believe it, other people in the Ministry of Service, or I know in General Wu Gao Everyone else is fine. By the way, Ye Shan is also very helpful, so..."

Thinking hard about who can help, Yuhihama spoke eagerly.

It is impossible to want to leave the ministry for no reason. Something must be posted, but they don't know it.Even though classmates Bai Qi and classmate Ying Ting went to inquire yesterday, there was no result.

It is precisely because of this that Yubihama is more and more sure.

"Yuhihama-san is really gentle!"

It seemed that the general tone of praise made Yubihama stunned, and he couldn't figure out why Lin Ye said that at this time.

"Even people like me can be treated like this!"

"What is the price for a'person like me', Ye Jun, he is obviously a very good person."

Yubihama's emotions agitated with derogatory words.

"If it weren't for Ye Jun, then, Bai Qi classmate..."

Had it not been for Ye Jun who had rescued Bai Qi at the time, Yubihama would have been totally unable to consider what might happen later.Whether it is injury or death, it will make her feel guilty.

"Is this judgment somewhat arbitrary!"

You can never be a good person, no matter if you are a good person in any sense.

"Arbitrarily? How could it happen, even if there is no such thing, then when in the ministry, isn't Ye Jun actively participating in it?"

"I just chose to go to the Ministry of Service because I had nowhere to go in Zongwu Gao."

"So..." A flash of inspiration, Lin Ye's words directly brightened Yubihama's eyes, "Since there is nowhere to go, then return to the Ministry of Service, so..."

Because of the excitement, Yubihama was already close to the forest leaves at this time, and the umbrella he was holding was already touching.

"I have found other places."

The regretful tone was like a refusal, and the good mood rising from Bihama fell to the bottom in an instant.

"Do you really want to abandon the Ministry of Service?"

"No, I'm not suitable for staying in the ministry!"

If I continue to stay in the Ministry of Service, Xue Nai's only place in the school that belongs to her will disappear, because of her own existence, she can no longer be treated as calmly as before.

"how come……"

I want to refute, but I can't say anything anymore.

The faint sorrow of Lin Ye made Yubihama tremble.

That Ye Jun, who has always treated people and things calmly, would show such an expression.So, what about the look in the eyes hidden under the glasses!

For the first time, Yubihama discovered that Lin Ye's glasses were really disgusting.

Why does Ye Jun wear those glasses!Otherwise, you can...

"In fact, instead of worrying about me, it's better to worry about Yukoshita's minister. You and him should be good friends! Even if you are not, Yukihama-san wants to be friends with Yukoshita, right! The character that is not good at expressing needs Yubihama's more care."

"Ye... Ye Jun, did something happen with Xiaoxue?"

At this moment, the sudden name of the person gave Yubibin several possibilities in her mind. Combined with Xiaoxue's performance in the past few days, it seemed that Lin Ye would want to leave the ministry.

As for taking a long vacation, Yubihama didn't believe it at all.

"For... yes!"

Looking up slightly, Lin Ye slowly let out a sigh of rain towards the still falling rain.

"Moreover, I just asked for leave. Don't treat me as leaving the company, OK, Yuihama."


Yubihama was a little embarrassed, but after another thought, all of this happened because of Lin Ye's relationship.

If it weren't for Lin Ye, how could he have been so bad in these two days!

Author's message:

PS: Persevere, update slowly...

Chapter 274: No, I'm Already Moved

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