Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 252

"By the way, Dongma, since you know so much about the piano, is it clear about the guitar too! For example..."

"I don't know, even if I know, I won't answer."

Looking at Lin Ye with cold eyes, Dongma looked a little angry.

I said I would use the guitar to pick up the girl, but I even wanted to ask her about the guitar, what did this guy think of her.How could it be possible to think that he would help him.

"This is really... in line with Dongma's temperament!"

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Ye didn't care. He just stood up, and after tidying up his clothes, he was going to play two poems to deal with the winter horse.

Although he had an indifferent attitude, in fact, there was a place to go after school, and Lin Ye was still somewhat happy, at least for this period of time to pass it away.

Going back to face those unsolvable problems, it is really a headache. One or two hours less is no problem. Moreover, this is only because I came here and felt that I would have a lot of free time. But now, Lin Ye feels that his whole person is starting to be bad, and he doesn't want to do this at all.

Those questions may be very exciting to answer, but the process is very boring.

"By the way, after playing, does Dongma have some rewards! For example..."

"It's better for you to die!"

After squinting and glaring at Lin Ye, Dongma was very angry.

This guy, as expected, was still thinking about these things.Want to find opportunities to take advantage of her.

"Actually, Dongma student only noticed it!"

Pointing to the door, Lin Ye couldn't hide the smile at the corner of his mouth.

"The door is locked now. What would you think would happen if I did it again to classmate Dongma like yesterday!"

"you dare……"

The bright eyes were full of anger, and Dongma tried to use this method to make Lin Ye shrink back.However, even if this person is not Lin Ye, as long as the things of yesterday have happened, he will not be afraid of Dongma's anger as if it was a punch.

Because, as far as Dongma himself is concerned, he has lost all the means to protect himself.

Regarding this, Lin Ye also couldn't figure out why, even if he did such an excessive thing, Dongma didn't choose to call the police.

For ordinary people, this is the best protection.Once this method is lost, then the other things are simply not worth worrying about.

At the beginning, his guess was really accurate.

What is in his body worthy of Dongma's concerns.

right?She won't know.

wealth?Is Dongma a greedy person?

Yourself?It is impossible to think about it.

There are beautiful girls who like this. Lin Ye feels that he can pray to the world boss and thank him for taking care of himself.

"There is really nothing in this world that I dare not do. Besides, didn't Dongma already tried it yesterday?"

What method can be used to let Dongma directly express his concerns!Asking directly is no good, it seems that it can only be used to induce persecution.

What Lin Ye did to him yesterday came to mind, and Dongma gritted his teeth.

I was forced to kiss, my body was touched, and...

"How about it? Is it true that I didn't think about Dongma's proposal yesterday? If you agree, Dongma's worries will be eliminated with excuses."

"If you want to be my boyfriend, you are not qualified!"

"No, no, student Dongma misunderstood, it was you who became my girlfriend. If you don't want this, you will become my gun..."


Dongma directly picked up the stool beside him and threw it towards Lin Ye, completely ignoring Lin Ye's safety and the piano that her mother gave to the school.

For her, mother's things are the most precious things in the world.

After throwing it out, Dongma regretted it, but there was no regret medicine in the world.

Staring at the flying stool with surprise, Dongma hoped that the most undesirable thing would not happen.

The piano is broken or Lin Ye was injured because of it.

"This is really dangerous!"

Unprepared, Lin Ye chose to block it with his hands, and at the same time tried to push the stool in another direction.There is an open space, so there is nothing to do.

If you hit the piano, the damage will not be too deep, but it would be a pity if this beautiful piano has scratches.

"Student Dongma, how do you plan to compensate me! But I..."

"It's up to you!"

Turning his head directly, Dong Ma was very arrogant with his hands on his chest."You want my compensation, it will be impossible in the next life."

"It's really impossible in the next life. After all, is this compensation to be paid in this life? And..." Recalling the information about Dongma and Sha, Lin Ye decided to speak after thinking about the results. , "Student Dongma's home is in XXX after all, and I will go there and disturb if I have time in the future."

"You..." The words stopped abruptly in the middle, asking such a question is just a waste of time.

My home is not kept secret, it is from the teacher, and if the other party really wants to inquire, he can inquire about it. If it doesn't help, it is entirely possible to track oneself back.

If it is Lin Ye, the possibility of the last option is also very high.

"Follow me..."

An almost certain tone squeezed out between Dongma's teeth.Dongma was extremely dissatisfied and angry with Lin Ye's behavior.

This... is not there, but if you deny it, many things will become uninteresting.

"Guess it! Dongma-san. You know, there are many men who like beautiful girls like you."

After Lin Ye said this sentence, Dongma was already affirmed that Lin Ye really did this.

But... scold him, ignore him?Neither option is possible.If it was another man, she kicked it out, where would he stay in this music classroom that belonged to her alone.

Seeing that Dongma was only silent and looking at him with slightly angry eyes, Lin Ye also felt bored, and finally sat down again.

When the fingers touched the white piano keys, Lin Ye's frivolous, lazy aura disappeared without a trace, but in exchange for it is indifferent and has the same aristocratic aura who has received excellent education since childhood. .

If it hadn't been seen with his own eyes, it would have been the third time. Dongma even suspected that Lin Ye and the previous one were totally different.

The difference between the two moments of Lin Ye felt that it was too big.

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