Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 257


If Hayama felt the power before, then this time there was only pure speed. Before he could react, the tennis ball had already broken through the defense line between him and Miura, spinning at high speed on the protective net.

The "zizizi" voice is so conspicuous.

The people around were silent at this moment.I don't know what happened just now, why the tennis ball appeared directly on the protective net.

Could tennis really be that fast!

When it came to his serve again, Lin Ye threw away the tennis ball in his hand again, and then looked at Ye Shan on the diagonal, with a smile unconsciously from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Ye was still surprised that the power just didn't let Yeshan racket go.This shows that the guy with the yellow hair on the other side is usually exercising.

However, Lin Ye will see if he can catch this ball.

Lin Ye increased his strength again.


The tennis ball ripped the air with a loud noise.

Just when he saw Lin Ye's unexplained smile, Ye Shan's whole person was fully absorbed and prepared. Facing Lin Ye's serve, there was no way other than hard resistance.



Finally, after Lin Ye increased his strength for the third time, Ye Shan's wrist finally couldn't bear it. Following the tennis strike, the racket dropped directly onto the ground.

"Hayato, are you okay!"

In several confrontations, Miura didn't have the chance to intervene. The opponent initiated u, and after Hayato received it, it was a high-speed draw to the convenience, which ended the round.

Even if she wanted to hit the ball back, the location of the ball every time made her helpless.The racket is always a little bit behind the tennis ball.

"No, it's okay, go ahead!"

Lin Ye had already won a round.

The next serving game was the opposite, but Lin Ye glanced at the snow on the left side of the court, but said nothing.

He said that he alone is enough, then one person is enough.

There is no chance even to connect a ball under the snow.

Thinking of this ending, Lin Ye actually hesitated.If in the end, this is the result, at least she herself will be laughed at by the students around.

But... this may be more able to show your down attitude.Indecision is not your own character.

What is determined, even if it is wrong, must be done.


In the subsequent confrontation, Ye Shan no longer felt the force used by the other party beyond ordinary people, and unconsciously projected a gratitude.

You have to know that the burden on the arm is too great for that kind of ball. It will not work if you don't receive the ball, but it is very likely that the racket will drop.

This kind of thing happens only once, but if it happens several times, it will be very faceless.

It's just that now, he is not worried about himself, but the two people on the opposite court.

Xuexia had a gloomy face, the tennis ball in her hand was hanging straight with her hand, while standing silently on the side as if she was isolated, while Lin Ye was active, receiving every ball back, and Score again and again at the same time.

This is really enough for one person, but...

Ye Shan thought of Xuexia Xuenai's sister, Yang Nai, if Yang Nai knew about this, Lin Ye would suffer.

Lin Ye's current behavior is already maliciously targeting Xuexia.

We must know that there was a vicious incident against Xuexia in elementary school. He wanted to help but messed up the matter, and now such a thing happened in front of his eyes.

But... what can he say and do?He could hear the conversation between the two before.

Ye Shan could only choose to sigh.


As the game progressed and Lin Ye continued to score, this was already a ball that determined the outcome. One-on-two, Lin Ye advanced towards victory with overwhelming strength.

The surrounding students are also talking about it.Such things are not uncommon, and Xuexia, who should have played the men's and women's doubles with Lin Ye, is the center of this topic.

Bai Qi, Yubihama and others off the court looked worried.They couldn't figure out why even Lin Ye used this method to target Xuexia.

Even if there is a problem, this approach should not be adopted.Such behavior is really sad.

Facing the last ball, Miura was full of resentment and hit the ball directly in the direction of the woman under Yukoshita.

When Yuukishita appeared before, she wanted to use tennis to defeat that woman, but this damn man actually took all the balls back, no matter what strength or angle she used, Was directly beaten back.

In front of that man, his tennis is completely useless like a child.

If it hadn't been for the other party's behavior to be aimed at the woman Yuukishita, Miura would have wanted to kill this man, so that she could vent the anger in her heart.

However, at present, looking at Lin Ye's point, she decided to let him go.

If you lose, you lose. Compared to Xuexia, she is already much better.

However, Miura discovered by accident that at this moment of his own ball, Yukoshita moved his body, and he actually waved the tennis racket, preparing to hit it back, but... the guy wearing glasses on the other side, but...

Author's message:

PS: It feels like working hard, it can be better finished 18 years ago!But this is a bit long!

Chapter 283

"Don't you know this is dangerous?"

At the last moment, Lin Ye reacted, forcibly using the power of his waist to twist, turning himself in the opposite direction.The result is that the body's center of gravity is forcibly changed, the body loses its balance, and the whole person falls to the ground.

The tennis racket dropped to the ground. When Lin Ye fell to the ground, he directly collided with the joint of his right hand. There was a faint pain in his right arm. Although it was not very serious, it felt uncomfortable after all.

You must know that just now he used nine points of strength to end the game. As a result... It was completely unexpected that Yukoshita rushed to the direction of his swing and hit the ball.

If he reacts more slowly, Yuukishita will be hit hard by his tennis racket.

"Don't you know what can't be done? If I react more slowly, you are probably going to the hospital."

Standing up, Lin Ye stared at Xuexia's eyes flatly, with a trace of anger suppressed in his tone.

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