Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 262

There have been too many things in recent times, and Lin Ye has forgotten about the exam. "I know, I will get the first place, and then I will take this to the teacher to ask for a reward. such……"

Without giving Hiratsuka a chance to speak, Lin Ye closed the door and left.

Then, slow down and walk to the left.Lin Ye knew that there was a dead end there, and there was no way to go downstairs.

Therefore, he is very curious about who will be there.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was very nervous, listening to the approaching footsteps, her heart could not stop beating quickly.

After seeing the performance on Linye Tennis Court before, he came to this Shizuka Hiratsuka office unconsciously.

At that time, she smiled as if she laughed at herself and was about to leave.

But after hearing the shocking news, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu chose to continue listening.

Lin Ye likes Xuexia, she knows, after all, she was there when she was on the rooftop.And in a way, he also saved him.

Well, although it's just a little bit of effort.

It's just the choice of teacher at the back, which really made her dream.Lin Ye, wouldn't he also confessed something to Shizuka Hiratsuka?

Shizuka Hiratsuka does seem to be in line with male aesthetics. It is better to say that even Shiha Kasumigaoka himself admits that Shizu Hiratsuka has considerable charm.

However, the other party is a teacher, even if she is a light novel writer, occasionally she would consider some plots of teacher-student love.But this is just a novel.

It's impossible to put it in reality.

If such a thing happens, how can morality allow it!

"It turned out to be... Classmate Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, it really surprised me to see you here!"

In my thoughts, I saw that Lin Ye was already standing in front of her, and the Ruowu smile on her face made her feel very bad.

It reminded her of what happened on the tram back then, Lin Ye also had this expression at that time.

It's okay, Kasumigaoka Shiwa, this is the school, and Mr. Hiratsuka's office distance is also unwilling. As long as he shouts, he is absolutely safe.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu faced Lin Ye, comforting herself constantly in her heart.

It's just that, now that I think about it, it was a mistake to choose this direction because I was anxious. If it was obviously in another direction, I wouldn't be caught.

She was already certain that Lin Ye knew what she had just overheard outside.

"Student Lin Ye, what are you doing here?"

The nervous mood was suppressed in an instant, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu put on a proud expression.He folded his chest with both hands, straightened his waist, his eyes slightly disdainful.

Lin Ye didn't expect this sudden change.

If it’s correct, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s application is normal, because her working style is like this, but she has seen the real Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, especially Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who has been shy in front of her, Lin Ye Zai couldn't connect the other words of arrogance.

Lin Ye just wanted to see who was eavesdropping here and changed his mind.

If he was frightened at this time, then in the future, facing Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, Lin Ye only felt that the other party would be getting worse.

"Just come over and see who has done some bad things."

"Really!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded, "Then, classmate Lin Ye will continue, and I will leave if I have anything else."

Facing the behavior of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Lin Ye could see through it at a glance. As soon as he walked past him, Lin Ye quickly deepened his right hand, grabbed the opponent's arm, and moved towards the opponent's expression full of consternation. Pulling inside, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pressed against the wall, and at the same time, his left hand moved up and covered her red lips.


She never thought that Lin Ye would do this to her without any warning.

It was almost in a state of being pasted together, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu remembered what happened on the tram, and remembered that it was the same at that time... and, at that time, Lin Ye...

By the way, where is my anti-wolf spray? With this, it must be...

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who seemed to have grasped the life-saving rope, remembered that her equipment was in her backpack.

His face turned pale in an instant!

By the way, this is the school, Mr. Hiratsuka was seen in the office not far away, as long as you...

"If Kasumigaoka-san wants to scream, I promise to tear up your clothes before anyone else arrives."

The call reached his throat, but Lin Ye swallowed directly because of this threat.

She believed that Lin Ye was capable, and she had to know that the other party brought two people back to the rooftop with his arm strength.

His clothes can't stand the tear of the other party at all.

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu no longer struggling, Lin Ye slowly lowered her left hand covering her mouth, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu only stared at Lin Ye with a vicious look, but did not yell.

Chapter 288

"If you want to do something excessive to me, even if you tore off your clothes, I will yell. Even if I can't stay in the general army, I will send you to prison. "

The island country has laws, and now Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can use only the majesty of the law.

"Send me to jail?"

"If you don't want me to call the police, let me go quickly."

"Then you should call the police. Anyway, the police are here, and I'm finished."

"you you you……"

It was completely unexpected that Lin Ye would say such a thing, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's whole person was not good.

After finishing things, this guy doesn't really want to be strong on himself here!

"Xia Zhiqiu classmate..."

Lin Ye leaned his head, and the slender black hair even touched Lin Ye's cheek with the tips of his hair, making him itchy.

Habitually stretched out his left hand to try, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who saw Lin Ye's action, suddenly struggled, trying to push Lin Ye away and leave here.


An unstable center of gravity, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu not only failed, but was embraced by Lin Ye.

"Let go of me, or I..."

Helpless Lin Ye had to cover Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's mouth as quickly as possible, preventing her from making any noise.

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