Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 264

Lin Ye's right hand was already attached to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's buttocks.

Full of elastic touch, pinching in is just the softness that the five fingers can completely sink into, all of them are fascinating existences.

"You..." The buttocks that existed like a military base were stroked by Lin Ye, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly came up with anger.

The left hand that was struggling to vacate went to a high level and swung it down, preparing to give Lin Ye a fierce face.


Lin Ye did not dodge, but accepted the slap with a smile.

"Why are you……"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little astonished. She had no idea that Lin Ye hadn't dodged it. Obviously, he could dodge it with his reaction.

"There is no why, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu feels better, so is it my next step? After all, fair trade is the most appropriate, isn't it?"

transaction?It's me?

"Impossible, I would never agree."

"Then how about I lower my request!"

"Impossible, I will not agree to any rude request from you."

There are only a few things a man wants to do, but she would never agree to it.

Moreover, this guy's hand has gone too far.

"It's okay to find you under the snow, if you dare to take an inch, I am absolutely..."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu still hesitated when he shouted, but...

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu directly bit Lin Ye's hand that had just covered her mouth.

"You can work harder."

Of course there is pain, but it is already used to it.This pain was nothing to Lin Ye.

"If you're satisfied, just let go!" After waiting for three minutes, Lin Ye smiled and reminded that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu's biting force gradually decreased.

The left hand was bitten by Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and the right hand was feeling the beauty of the other's body. Is this really a blend of ice and fire?That's not too bad!

Knowing that he has reached the limit, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stared at Lin Ye coldly and then let go of her mouth. At the same time, she said, "If you don't feel pain, I can continue."

"Then you continue!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was lost temper by these words in an instant.

This guy, doesn't really feel the pain, she has already used all her strength, and...clear tooth marks are even more faintly bloody.

She could even feel the smell of blood in the end.

"How can you stop your hand? Also, don't use your hand too much."

"Who let Shiyu feel the touch of your skin through the stockings is really fascinating."

"Don't call my name, who allowed it."

An idiot even called her by such a cordial address. Even though Lin Ye had many aspects that made her very son-aunt, she felt that Lin Ye's performance at this time was too bad.

If she could, she absolutely wanted to kick it over to let the other party know the consequences of doing such a thing, but unfortunately, she was no longer the opponent's opponent.

"I allow it, can it!"

"You want me to stop, it's very simple, as long as you Shiyu..."

"Impossible, you should give up! And give me your hand, otherwise I..."

"Someone was eavesdropping on Mr. Hepingzuka’s conversation, but there are many things that cannot be leaked, Shiyu, what should I do with this voyeur? How can I keep her secret? If there is a good way, you must tell me...otherwise I will really do something illegal or criminal."

Naked threats not only threatened her with eavesdropping incidents but also illegal crimes.

"Go ahead! As long as the request is reasonable, I can consider it!"

In fact, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't want to agree at all. Some things started, and they could no longer stop.Lin Yehui thought she could accept it once, and she would accept it the second time, so she appeared three times, four times.

But... is there a way to refuse!If you don’t agree, now the other party will...

"Tell me the address of your home!"

Lin Ye had already thought of a good way.


"This is difficult?"

Lin Ye asked jokingly looking at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu with a bewildered look.

"It's in xxx." Seeing that Lin Ye was not joking, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu reported the specific address of his home.


Lin Ye loosened her hand and stepped back, "Tomorrow night, even if it's the night after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! I'll visit you in your room in Shiyu secretly, so don't sleep well. Too familiar, otherwise, I can't help but do something."

Following that, Lin Ye turned around and left.

After Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu finally realized what Lin Ye was going to do, he hurried to catch up.

However, it can't catch up.

This guy wanted to go to her room and do something to her, this bastard.

Chapter 290: The Card Already Tell Me

Looking at the school in front of him with Otono Plank Academy, Lin Ye knew that he had reached his destination.After paying the taxi fare, Lin Ye walked in directly.

There were people wearing different clothes coming in and out of the school gate on the road, Lin Ye was a little relieved.If I were stopped, I would be embarrassed, but I still have to enter, even if this is a girls' school.

You know this place is a dream place for a large number of boys. It's a place of their fantasy. It's just a pity that there are few and few opportunities to open up. Even if there is, a large part of people only know it afterwards. .

I stepped directly into the campus. On both sides of the school road, some people were walking scattered, and in the distance came the voice of recruiting students from the student club.

However, Lin Ye, who was obviously not a student at the school, did not come forward to invite him.Lin Ye felt that it would be very troubled if he came to invite him.

Suddenly, a leaflet came into Lin Ye's field of vision, and the word "idol" on it directly aroused Lin Ye's interest.

After picking up and reading the above content, Lin Ye asked which direction the nearest student hall was, and then set off.

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