Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 316

The peculiar breath of a man suddenly penetrated from the tip of her nose, and the touch of her lips all told her that she had lost her first kiss.

Serizawa struggled, exhausted all his strength, but couldn't push Lin Ye away.

How, how can I get... in, this is...

But there is no resistance.

Serizawa, who finally ran out of strength, acted as if giving up resistance.

"Senior Lin Ye, Serizawa, what are you doing..."

The cold tone seemed to be a severe winter, and the two people who were immersed in the kiss suddenly took a cold meditation and recovered.

Mien Chiri had no idea that she would encounter this kind of thing on the way back to the apartment. If she didn’t know her, she would only say she was shameless, but she had pink hair and occasionally leaked low moans. It really made her feel familiar with her voice, especially after walking into the observation, Miyuan Qianli discovered that not only the woman made her familiar, but the man made her familiar.

A former friend, a respected senior, now...carrying kissing here.And still... it's too shameless.

Lin Ye was the first to wake up. After being said that, he finally knew what he did just now.

Get up quickly, even if the right leg has a needle-like pain in the left waist, it is the fastest to get up.


Serizawa at this time only feels ashamed of being caught by his wife.Struggling with friends and...No, he and Lin Ye have nothing at all, he himself forced himself against him, pounced on him, and then took away his first kiss.

"Shuijie, don't talk." Stopping Serizawa from trying to explain, Yuyuan turned to Linye and said, "Senior Linye, I remember it right. You were on the tennis court before. I said I like Xuexia-senpai."

"Yes, I did."

"So, why do you do such a thing to Qin...Shuijie now."

If the relationship between him and Mizuki Serizawa is not reflected, then she has no position to ask questions.

Can I say that I can't help it? Do you treat her as a substitute for other women?

This is true, but it is the cruelest answer.

No woman wants to be a substitute for other women.

In this regard, Lin Ye could only be silent.He could not give an answer.

"Senior Lin Ye, let me ask one more question, do you like water knots?"


Serizawa Mizuki knew that when Mien Chiri changed her name at this time, the relationship between the two of them was already returning to the previous relationship.

But... to like this kind of thing really makes her shy.Even if she had refused many boys' requests for dating, even if she didn't have any good feelings for Lin Ye.

But... Lin Ye had already left a deep impression on her heart after all.With a sad expression and the touch of his lips, he has become different to her.

Chapter 338: Senior Is A Very Good Person

"I do not like……"

I like her pink hair and some familiar smells on her body, but this is not the reason for me to express my love for Serizawa.

At this time, I couldn't use word games to misunderstand the two girls in front of me.

Some shy Serizawa Mizuki's eyes flickered, and after hearing Lin Ye's answer, her eyes widened, her expression turned cold for an instant, and her sharp eyes all expressed her angry and angry emotions.

"Senior Lin Ye..."

For a long time, in order to distinguish Suzuki's name for forest leaves, Mien Chiri used the word "senpai", and since discovering that the two of them had done such a thing, Mien Chiri added the two words "forest leaf". Words, this is expressing her dissatisfaction.

Especially now Lin Ye's answer made Mi Yuan Qianli feel angry.

"I read you wrong. Since I don't like water knots, why do you want to do this to her? This is sexual harassment. This is a crime."

After speaking, Qianli Yuyuan stood between Lin Ye and Serizawa, protecting Serizawa Mizuki like a hen protecting a chick.


"A sentence of sorry just can't solve any problems. What is lost in the water will never be returned."

Even if it’s angry, it’s okay to fight or curse, it’s not going to solve this problem at all. Report to school and report to the police to arrest people. Yuyuan is unwilling to do this, at least she is not willing to do it. If, if Shuijie insists If she wants to do this, she will not stop it.

Even if it is her acquaintance, even the senior of her club, she also thinks that Lin Ye must take responsibility for her actions.

"Classmate Serizawa's affairs are over. I think you must have an idea in your heart, so speak up! Let me make up, or tell me not to appear in front of you again, or call the police to arrest me. , I can accept it."

The option of compensation appeared again, and I came here. This is always too much. I just completed a compensation today. The content is jumping off the fourth floor, and the one in front of me will not be hot. Jump off the cliff!This... should be impossible.

After all, there are still reasons to be found for Dongma's choice.

Serizawa, standing behind Yuyuan, grabbed the corner of his clothes with one hand, while staring at Lin Ye with his eyes.

"I hope you don't show up with Qianli and me in the future..."

Such a dangerous figure stayed by Qianli's side, she couldn't relax.You must know that if Qianli did not show up in a different location just now, then she would be...

She had this hunch that Lin Ye, who was full of brains, didn't care whether she wanted it or not, but directly forced a relationship with her.She knew that boys at this age were easy to fantasize, but she just didn't want to do such things to herself when she met a few boys.

"Water knot..."

If Shuijie only talks about herself, then she won't say anything, but if she adds herself in the middle, she doesn't want to accept it.If Lin Ye agreed to never be in front of him again, then the Ministry of Service would really not go back.

She may be able to accept Lin Ye not appearing in front of her because of the water knot, but she must consider other feelings in the ministry.

Even if it is a vague feeling, she knows that she has a good feeling for Lin Ye, and other people in the ministry, even Xuexia-senpai, their cold appearance has always opposed Lin Ye-senpai, but in fact, if they meet When it's dangerous, the two will face it together, and the deep friendship under the company is recognized by both of them.

Not to mention Bai Qi-senpai and Yubihama-senpai.

Perhaps as long as Lin Ye confessed to him, he would succeed.

However, the atmosphere of the Ministry of Service at that time will be changed.

By the way, this, although Miyuan Chiri thought of something, although she was a little bit reluctant, she felt emotionally reluctant, and reluctant to give up with Shuijie, but if Shuijie agreed, then...this might be the best choice. .


It was another change of name that made Lin Ye hit the spirit, waiting for the next sentence from the Imperial Garden.

"The compensation we want is for seniors, you become Shuijie's boyfriend, as long as you are a boyfriend, then such things can be accepted."

It's just the soreness in my heart, why on earth!

"Qianli, what are you talking about, how come I want him to be my boyfriend all of a sudden."

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