Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 319

It's just that he didn't even mention the name, and was directly interrupted by Yu Yuan unceremoniously.

"I will announce in the Ministry of Service that Lin Ye-senpai you are going to pursue Mizuki Serizawa, and ask me to be your assist."

You... this is going to kill you!When the Ministry of Service announced this news, it was not just for Xueno to explain that she had empathized.

This is the seems like nothing.

I talked about the establishment of the harem in front of her, which already included her and Ying Lili.By the way, maybe there is Fujibayashi.

Although Xue Nao stopped paying attention to herself after that, since they all made such claims, Lin Ye must continue to do so.One more person just made Xue Na even more angry.

But he won't reject himself for this reason because of the addition of a girl.Because that reason is no longer valid in front of me.

"Senizawa-san, what about your wishes?"

"I, I..." Looking at Lin Ye's black eyes, she looked at Qian Li around her, Serizawa Mizuki finally lowered her head, annoyed as if she could not make a decision.

"Senior, how can you ask a girl such a question! Shui Jie did not answer, of course she showed that she was willing, but because of her shy relationship, she did not answer clearly."

Yuyuan, who was sitting next to Serizawa, bends forward slightly, and then approached the forest leaf, facing the forest leaf, his red lips moved slightly.

"Senior, now that Shuijie agreed, from now on..."

"Actually, I also like you Yuyuan classmate. After the first meeting, I have a good impression of you. If you let me pursue you two together, then I agree."

Break the jar and fall, and they will give up until they feel that they are a scumbag.

After all, no girl is willing to get involved with a scumbag.

"Eh...Senior" just noticed the smile at the corner of Lin Ye's mouth, Yu Yuan obviously reacted, and figured out what Lin Yeda was paying attention to.

"It's really cunning! I want to use this method to refuse, but it doesn't matter, it's just a pursuit, anyway, my suitor doesn't mind adding a senior, it would be better to say that! Right, water knot."

"Student Lin Ye chased Qianli, of course I have no opinion, but one thing to explain is that it must not affect Qianli's studies. Although I was fooled by the explanation last time, I went to investigate it later, and it was obvious It is Qianli who does not accept the U-shaped introversion, so if Lin Ye wants to pursue Qianli, please take the responsibility of supervising Qianli's training."

If there is anything else that Serizawa Mizuki cares about, only the last incident, Lin Ye took the initiative.Without Lin Ye, the relationship between the two of them would be even worse after that.

And not like this...

It seems that this time it was because after he kissed himself...

This can be considered alternative comfort!

"Eh eh eh, how can this be done!" As soon as she was mentioned about music training, Yu Yuan's whole person was not good. In fact, she had been insisting on training herself, but the location was not the classroom.After all, in school, being called a genius already made her very distressed and disgusted with it.

In addition to the members of the Ministry of Service, there is also Shuike, and everyone cares about her only her musical talents, not her Miyuan Qianli herself.

Chapter 341

"Since Shuijie made such a request, if Shuijie does not join the supervision team, then I reject this request."

The current Mien Chiri showed an attitude that Mizuki Serizawa disagreed, and she would not accept it.

She knows that Shuijie cares about her, but using this method, she must also bear the consequences of her'retaliation'.

With the little devil's smile as always, Lin Ye always felt that there was a dark heart hidden in the heart of this purple-haired girl.

"Moreover, in that case, when I think of Suizuki and Senpai dating, and supervising me together, it always feels very exciting! Do you think, Senpai..."

Don't bring the topic to me.

"If something like that happens, there is indeed some expectation."

Lin Ye thought about the scene at that time for a moment, and found it very interesting. It was the teacher's answer.

"Emm..." I used a spoon to hold a large piece of cake and delivered it to Lin Ye's eyes, "This is an honest recognition to the senior, so open your mouth..."

I... can you say that I want to lose weight and can't eat sweets?

In the end, Lin Ye opened his mouth and ate directly.

Then, Yuyuan's blushing face pressed the palm of his left hand against his cheek, and then said with a shy look in his eyes, "Just now, were we indirectly... kissing?"

Since you know, don't do it well.

Lin Ye, who hadn't cared about such things a long time ago, only heard that Yuyuan said that before thinking that it was really inappropriate.It's just that everything has happened, so silence is the best choice.

"Shuijie, this feels good, do you want to try it."

Mien Chiri, who had an explosion of shame in her heart, quickly changed the subject and turned everyone's attention to Serizawa Mizuki.

"It's just, don't, and it's not a relationship, I don't want to do this...this kind of thing."

Serizawa Mizuki, who was a little stuttered, directly rejected Miyuan's proposal.

If it is a relationship, there are only her and Lin Ye, and she might do it, but now that neither of the two conditions meets, how can she do such a thing.

In front of Qian Li, feeding Lin Ye, too...

The red face was like a ripe apple, which made people want to take a bite.

Lin Ye felt that putting her cold hands on that hot face would be very comfortable, but she felt that she had done this, and some things were really unclear.

"Then, senior, both of us agree with your pursuit. Next, I would like to ask you to take care of it. It's just that..." Mien Chiri thought very, very well, "If senior, you have everything. If you don’t do it, it’s not a pursuit. When the time comes, it’s a missed appointment. Before, I heard the senior said to Dongma that she didn’t like girls who didn’t keep their promises, so..."

"I see. Now that the words have been exported, I will follow them."

At that time, I shouldn't choose to pursue it, but directly change to a girlfriend. No, just a wife is fine. I don't believe that the two of them dared to directly agree to get a marriage certificate with themselves.

But... at least for now, this repetitive excuse cannot be used.

When a topic ended, the three fell silent again.

This atmosphere is actually very embarrassing.Yu Yuan was thinking about what to say. He was actually very curious about the relationship between Lin Ye and Dongma, but it was obvious that Lin Ye had no desire to say it.After all, it's a private matter, and I don't have a position to inquire deeply, unless it's...

After looking at Shuijie and then at herself, Yuyuan sighed.

And because he was not familiar with Lin Ye, Serizawa was too embarrassed to speak up.Even if the other party took away his first kiss, or even the touch at the time, Serizawa still remembered clearly.

"Student Lin Ye, what are you thinking..."

Qianli kept showing her eyes and asked herself to ask, and finally she lost herself.

"I..." In fact, Lin Ye was thinking about whether to tell her that she has a fiancé, and then ask them to give up what she wants to pursue. It feels like this is troublesome.After all, to prove that you are pursuing the two of them, at least daily greetings, occasional gifts, and walking together during breaks are all normal, but wherever you have so much time, you still have two people at once.

"I'm thinking about what gift to buy tomorrow, roses or chocolates..."

The two girls blushed suddenly.

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