Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 321

But, why is there a look of disappointment flashed under your eyes.

After the dark gold glasses disappeared, Lin Ye's eyes were easier to be observed.The Yuyuan, who had been paying attention, found the disappointment that passed in the telling time, even if it was carefully observed now, it was completely calm.

"Also, if the senior wants to hit my attention, please don't do it." A trace of hesitation made Yu Yuan add, and even with a joking tone, let the weird atmosphere relax.

"Qianli, don't hold me, I won't be abducted!"

"Shui Kie was so innocent, maybe she was deceived by rhetoric. I have to watch."

"Qianli is innocent! Just said to me..." After all, Serizawa was a little embarrassed when the person was present, but at this point, her heart was stunned and her feet stomped, and she said, "If I was not caught Kiss, you will never let Lin Ye go. After all, Lin Ye is so good..."

The red face made Yuyuan holding Serizawa harder.

"Isn't that before? Who knows that a gentleman-like senior is hiding such a scumbag heart. If I had known it a long time ago, I would never want to say so."


The solemn tone made Yu Yuan's eyes widened slightly, and Serizawa suddenly remembered the last sentence he said when Lin Ye kissed him.

'I want to see you again...'

At that time, because of the tension, I thought I had heard it wrong, but now I think about it as Lin Ye said.

So, what I said in that situation, I really want to see you again, and these conversations now, let Serizawa come up with an answer.

Lin Ye has been using vague words to confuse them, causing them to have an illusion.

As for how to verify, just ask a question.

Chapter 343: This Is My Responsibility

"Student Lin Ye, please answer me a question if you can."

Serizawa pushed Yuyuan Qianli away and sat upright, and said solemnly to Lin Ye.

"Senazawa has a question, of course I answered truthfully."

Even if I disagree, you will still speak up in the end, and then Mien Chiri will use various methods to make herself answer.Just now, I was severely kicked by Yu Yuan.

Moreover, it feels like wearing no shoes.I'm afraid of soiling my pants in my shoes.

However, what Lin Ye thought of was the thighs wrapped in black silk being played by herself...No, no, it felt more and more perverted.

Lin Ye quickly threw these distracting thoughts out of his mind.

She knew that this was just a prank by Mien Chiri.

"Where is your fiancee now? Please look into my eyes and answer my questions."

"Really... even the expressions in the eyes are so similar!" The azure blue color is the color of the sky that I miss.

The hoarse and nostalgic voice changed the atmosphere again, and the sad breath couldn't stop spreading from Lin Ye.The Lin Ye in the eyes of the two shifted their eyes to the sky outside the window.It seems to miss something.

And Serizawa Mizuki did not urge anything, waiting quietly.

Yuyuan Qianli felt bitter in her heart.Obviously, I knew the senior earlier than Shuijie, but in the end, the problem with the senior was discovered by the senior Shuijie.

"she was……"

The two concentrated on

"This world is no longer."

Lin Ye's purpose is not a language trap, but the two are really separated by two worlds, and will never see her again.The feeling of seeing each other but never seeing it again really bore him.

Especially now this kind of leisurely life gives him free time to remember and think.Even if you just know that this is useless, but thinking is sometimes uncontrollable.

Therefore, I was thinking of finding something to divert my attention.


Serizawa Mizuki lowered his head full of guilt.

Yuyuan Qianli was also uncomfortable.Now think about it, Lin Ye just changed his statement, a statement that made them think he was a scum.

It's too much!Senior.

The dissatisfied Miyuan Qianli kicked it straight, but the posture of the forest leaf had changed at this time, and that direction was...

Lin Ye only felt a pain, and widened slightly. If it weren't for someone to worry about, he really wanted to rub it.

And the instigator Miyuan Qianli also realized what she had just kicked at this time.

That place, that place, even in reality, I never encountered it, but I knew how painful it would be when it was mentioned. However, the water knot was right by her side, and she couldn't speak at all.

Miyuan Qianli looked at Lin Ye with an apologetic expression.She was already thinking about how to compensate Lin Ye afterwards.

"Nothing, let's stop here today! It's not early anyway."

It's just this pain, it's not that I haven't experienced it...

The pain in this position is really not experienced.And which foot feels that Yuyuan is using strength.In addition, the pain is different in different positions, I...

"Well, that's it for today. Water knot..."

Qianli Yuyuan spoke quickly.If it goes on, there will be problems.Looking at the senior's expression now, but the corners of her mouth twitched, Qianli Mien could see clearly.

Must be suffering from pain.

I'm so sorry!Senior...

"Hmm..." Serizawa stood up, but at the moment he turned, he supported his hands on the table, leaned forward, staring at Lin Ye with big eyes.

At the same time, a touch of blush appeared on the delicate face.

"Am your fiancee?"

"Strictly speaking, the face and temperament are not the same, but the hair is very similar to the eyes. Of course, her hairstyle does not use ribbons, occasionally single ponytail, occasionally double ponytail, and most often shawl long hair."

"Really. It seems that Lin Ye really likes her..." How can I not see the love for Serizawa under my eyes!

"It’s just that I’m Serizawa Mizuki, don’t make a mistake, Lin Ye. I’ll forgive you for what happened before. If you dare to do this to me, I will never be easy. Let you go."

The small fist shook in front of Lin Ye, and Lin Ye smiled slightly.

"You can't make a mistake, Serizawa Mizuki."

"Then, goodbye... Senior..." Without waiting for Shui Jie to say goodbye, Yu Yuan pushed Shui Jie out.

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