Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 336

This is the fourth apology.Even Lin Ye didn't dare to imagine that he would apologize four times for one thing.

"I don't want your apology!"

He plunged into Lin Ye's arms and hugged Lin Ye tightly with his hands. The trembling body felt that Lin Ye's body temperature finally calmed down.

Even after successfully rescued, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not feel at ease.Everything was forced out by her.Seeing Lin Ye, who was counted as an acquaintance, always put down all his defenses and revealed his truest side.

"Sorry, it's all my fault!"

Backhanded back, he hugged Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's delicate body and held her tightly in his arms.Lin Ye knew that what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu lacked most was the sense of security, and when everything was over, she changed back to the proud and confident Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"Why not come!"

"Why not come!"

Lin Ye couldn't understand what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was referring to.

"Didn't I come, now."

"Why didn't my autograph meeting come a year ago! It was clearly agreed, and it was clearly agreed!"


At the autograph session, a year ago, these keywords suddenly reminded Lin Ye of a netizen he once had.At first, I just went to some websites in the island country because I was bored, read some articles, and made some comments at random, but then the owner of the article started to contact myself, and then exchanged mailboxes to discuss the novel.

Until the situation is tense and the war breaks out, he has no time to fulfill that agreement.And thinking of the letters of the mailbox, the pronunciation of Xia Shizi turned around.

No wonder Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was so excited when he signed the contract for the novel. It turned out to be so, so everything can be explained.

"I did not fulfill the agreement, sorry."

The girl hugged even tighter.Lin Ye's admission already let Shiyu know that her conjectures were correct.

For ten minutes, the two of them had been hugging each other, and Lin Ye's right hand slowly stroked the soft hair of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, making her feel at ease.

"Go back! Xia Zhiqiu classmate..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who was immersed in the warm embrace, was awakened by Lin Ye's words, and then slammed Lin Ye, and said to Lin Ye, "It is your honor to let you hold me."

"Yes, let's go! They should also be anxious. By the way, what are you going to do with those five people?"

"How to deal with it? Shouldn't it be handed over to the police?"

"Is that so, then hand it over to the police!"

Shiyu, you really are too kind.I will hand them over to the police, but the charges are not just today's.Let them stay in it for ten or twenty years before they can afford what you have suffered today.


"You spent ten million dollars for them to save me?"

After calming down, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought about this.Although Lin Ye had so much money, he thought that he needed 100 million U.S. dollars at the beginning, and he could accept that Lin Ye had so much money.I just can't figure out why I insist on 100 million dollars.

"Uh, yes."

It suddenly occurred to them that they explained their relationship with them in this way.

"I have something to do with the Yinhe Group. Just now I received the news that you were kidnapped. I called you two calls, but found that no one answered. So I decided to ask them to help. After all, compared to the police, their behavior Momentum is faster."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the mobile phone that had already entered the interface, and turned to the missed call. Indeed, he found that Lin Ye made a call during the time he was kidnapped.

"Thank you……"

Even if it happened because of Lin Ye, it is undeniable that Lin Ye saved her by contacting the security company.To make the decision to spend 10 million dollars to save oneself in such a short period of time, it is false to say not to be moved.

"Nothing, this is what I should do."

Lin Ye didn't dare to say that the reason for this incident was to go to his own head.

"I will pay you back, don't worry, give me some time."

"This..." Refusing, I felt that it would hurt Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's self-esteem. Accept it, no, he really didn't spend any money.

"I don't want me to pay back..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought of what the team leader said to her before Lin Ye arrived.

"We at the Galaxy Group are very much looking forward to Miss Kasumigaoka's choice of repaying with her body. After all, we feel that Mr. Lin Ye lacks a beautiful partner like Miss Kasumigaoka.With this choice, we can fully refund the commission fee of 10 million US dollars. After all, this amount of money is nothing to the Galaxy Group.'

"Well, this isn't..."

"I remember you were short of money, did you save one billion?"

"I'm just getting ready to make money, but, you see, I have spent a lot of money now, and I can only pass on time."

Lin Ye spread his hands, a little helpless, "But don't worry, just take it slow anyway, it doesn't matter if you can't save it."

"Where are you going to send me now?" Because Xiazhiqiu Shiyu doesn't like to go out very much, and is very strange to this area.Looking at the scene outside the car, she did not see any familiar buildings.

"Of course I will take you home, and rest these few days! I'll go to school later."

"Go, send me to your house..."


If she is alone, Lin Ye will not refuse. After all, Shiyu Kasugaoka who encountered such a thing has some psychological problems, but now it is Xueno and Qianli who are in their apartment and come out to bring back a woman. This is not to The rhythm of death.

"Since you don't want me to pay back the money, I can only choose to pay off the debt with my own body, Ye Jun, do you think?"

"Huh!" Lin Ye was shocked.

"Please advise me a lot, Ye Jun."

That expression is by no means serious, or is it playing him?

Chapter 358: Help Me, Senior

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu hugged Lin Ye's arm directly, and his small head leaned on Lin Ye's shoulder.

Lin Ye only felt his arms sink into a pair of soft double peaks, moved a little, full of wonderful touch.

Of course he knows what it is. Compared to Qianli, it is a lot bigger. If he can touch it...

"It's okay!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled and said, "If you want to touch it, it's okay. After all, you have already said that you can pay the debt, but the location is not good here. Wait until your home. Anything will do!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu had already noticed Lin Ye's sight and the small movements of his arms.But there is no disgust, but a little happy.This proves that he is still attractive to him.

Although this point, I knew it very early.

However, one hundred million? This is considered to be another way of supporting him to deposit one hundred million. The 10 million dollars returned by the Galaxy Group plus his own deposits can help him deposit more quickly.

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