Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 338

Since Lin Ye had said so, Qian Li couldn't study it deeply, and Xue Nao just glanced at Lin Ye and stopped talking.She already knew that when she was angry about this kind of thing, she was the only one who felt uncomfortable.

There are so many women hidden by this guy.Today, because he didn't go to school normally, it was the first time in his life.

After thinking of this, Yukino took out his mobile phone to edit the email and Yubihama and Shiraki sent the email, stating that he had asked for leave today, and that he would not go to the ministry at noon and after school.

After being reminded, Qian Li quickly sent an email.


Where did this guy go?

There was no one in the morning, which made Dongma faintly disturbed.After all, something like that happened yesterday, making her want to avoid her if Lin Ye does not show up today.

Moreover, another thing that made her care about was that the position beside the window was also empty, that was Yukino's position.The two disappeared at the same time, which inevitably made Dongma think more.

Is it just a phone call?After thinking about it, she gave up. Not to mention that she has no contact information, even if there is, she will not fight.There is nothing wrong with him, only him is wrong.As your own younger brother, you should listen to your own words.


"This is the noon broadcast time of Serizawa Mizuki. I had a nice lunch break with everyone, so that's it for today, everyone, see you next time!"

Serizawa sighed after removing the headset and placing it in the studio.After all, if you are in a bad mood, you are trying to pretend to be normal, which is still very stressful.


The glass in the studio was knocked...

"Classmate Serizawa, a senior came to you and said there was something important."

"Senior?" Serizawa's first reaction was Lin Ye, but thinking about it, she should be with Qianli now, and she won't be here.

After combing through her pink hair with both hands, Serizawa Mizuki knotted her spirits, and then walked outside, just opened the door, but saw the person who would not have thought to be here appears here, full of Serizawa was shocked and closed the door directly.

Imagine that the sound of closing the door did not sound, and Serizawa realized that Lin Ye actually got his hand between the door and the door frame.


Serizawa, who wanted to apologize, thought of what happened to Lin Ye and Qianli, his heart sank, and the apology was stopped at his throat.

"Can you let me in, I want to talk to you..."

"Sorry, I don't want to talk to you, and I don't have time, so please go back! Classmate Lin Ye."

Serizawa was replaced with a cold attitude that seemed to treat strangers, and his tone was flat.

"This classmate, please..."

"I know, I know, I will leave immediately..."

The girl who had contacted Lin Ye before nodded wittily, glanced at Serizawa, and left directly.Of course, the curious eyes also really made Serizawa very concerned.

You must know that Lin Ye nowadays doesn't even wear glasses. In other words, this guy will definitely be noticed by the girls who see him when he walks around the school.

Although the Serizawa just now did not have too many intersections, he knew that the other party was a girl who was more gossip. After that, that is to say...

At the thought of that possibility, Serizawa felt his head grow.

"Serizawa, no, Shuijie, let me go in! Some things always have to be solved, right?"

Lin Ye didn't push directly away, but waited for Serizawa to let go and allow him to enter.

The soundproofing of the broadcasting room is very good and it is a very suitable place for conversation.

As for the windows, just draw the curtains if necessary.

"There is nothing between us."

"At least you promised me to allow me to pursue you, I think this, you can't deny it!"

Find some facts that the other party can't deny. Don't be too simple.

"Don't you already have..."

The words came to an abrupt end.Serizawa realized that he said that, which indicated that he cared about their relationship.

"Well, water knot, although it's not your hand, but it's still! How much..."

It is your own victory to make the other person feel guilty by knowing the reason and moving the affection.And when Serizawa opened the door, it was the time to go in by himself.

After staring at Lin Ye in silence for three seconds, Serizawa slowly opened the door, turning around in a more free and easy way, the meaning is self-evident.

That action is really...

No, it's not alone. I can't confuse the two of them. It's unfair to anyone.Serizawa water knot is Serizawa water knot.

"Then, Senior Lin Ye, what needs to be said, I have already said, there is no life between us that needs to be said anymore!"

"Of course it's about pursuing you."

"Please tell the truth..."

"Accepted Qianli's help, so that the two of you will not part ways."

"Qianli and I have always been..."

"I feel deceived, isn't it? Yesterday Qianli bid farewell to you but went back to my apartment with me, making you feel like you are being left outside, water condensed, it's even a little bit like this. Nothing?"


Yes, of course, if not, I would not be in this state today.

Chapter 360 I Want to Change a Reason for Threat

"Don't call my name..." The low tone made the atmosphere sink. "Don't call my name, Lin Ye, the relationship between us is not good, and we are not yet familiar with each other."

Serizawa Mizuki looked very serious, but how could Lin Ye agree to it at this time.

"Sorry, I won't change my name, because in a way, you are already an important person to me."

"Important person, important person, don't be kidding me, I don't want you to interfere with Qianli's affairs, so go back!"

To some extent, Serizawa Mizuki is really a stubborn girl.If it was only because of previous misunderstandings that the relationship deteriorated, it is now because of myself.

Emotional issues are indeed a very important issue.

Serizawa may not have any thoughts about herself, but Qianli made herself a watery boyfriend in front of the two at the time to take responsibility for the kiss.In the end, although he did not become a boyfriend, he succeeded in becoming a reserve and allowed to pursue.But in fact there is no difference anymore.

In my heart, Shuijie had already admitted to herself, but in the end, because of Qianli's kick, she went to her apartment and was found in the car. Today, the phone call is even more...

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