Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 342

"Water knot..."

Congratulations, congratulations, Qianli's request is completed.

Lin Ye noticed that Xue Naoruo gave himself a deep look.

Because the shuffling work was not handed over to Lin Ye, Ying Ting took the initiative to take on the work. At the same time, to be fair, the playing cards were also randomly placed in the center of the nine players.

"This, this time it's me pulling!" Yuihama Yui was very lucky and drew a ghost card, shouting full of happy birds.At the same time, the huge pair of chests shook up and down.

Lin Ye was a little side-eyed, while Yukino and Suzuki's eyes revealed imperceptible envy and unwillingness.

"It's too much, too much..."

Suzuki, who couldn’t stand it at last, vented his full stomach’s dissatisfaction. He pointed at Yubihama with a very unwilling expression, “Obviously, I also drink milk every day, so why didn’t I grow up? Crooked evil way, must have used a different method."

"A different method?"

Ben was still wondering why Suzuki was so excited. After being pointed at by Suzuki's hand, Yubihama understood, but there was no way to do it. He was desperate for a long time. There was no way.

"For example..." Suzuki burned the flames of war on Lin Ye. "Let Senior Lin Ye massage or something, I remember the book..."

"Cough cough cough..." Lin Ye cleanly stopped Suzuki from going on, "Yuhihama-san, hurry up and order so that we can proceed to the next round."

This kind of topic couldn't continue, Lin Ye had already felt the sight of a few people.

Especially Xiazhiqiu Shiyu who was sitting next to him, the smile that curled up at the corner of his mouth made him very worried.

Today, I smashed Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"Then, then... Ye Jun returns to the Ministry of Service."


Instantly cold.

"It is not possible to assign specific characters to order. Hihama-san, you can only refer to numbers to perform corresponding tasks."

"Woo, too much, obviously, I want Ye Jun to come back." Pouting Yubihama was very unhappy, but, there is no way!The rule is like this, "Then No. 3 and No. 9 tell me what I want to achieve most now."

"I, I hope my sister Shayi can recover..."

Bai Qi, who had drawn number nine, said embarrassedly.After all, his sister is not in good health, which is not something worth saying.But the people in it are trustworthy, and she doesn't mind.

But the sick sister?Lin Ye remembered the last time Ying Ting invited herself to the Tokyo Art Exhibition, and it mentioned that Bai Qi went to the hospital to take care of her sister.

"Come back home!"

Lin Ye of the third card opened his mouth flat.It wasn't home in the real sense, he just wanted to go back, the world that used to be.In this world, their existence did make them happy like home, but they still couldn't let go of the girls they once met.

Most people think that Lin Ye came to a foreign country and missed his hometown, but Xue Na, Xia Zhi Qiu Shi Yu, and Qian Li heard an unusual taste.

"So, then, remember it is me!" Suzuki smiled brightly, she was already looking forward to it.Moreover, how can the atmosphere not be mobilized!

"No. 5, No. 6, I thought about who would be your boyfriend or girlfriend. Well, movie stars don’t count, at least a school, junior high school..."

The words Suzuki added directly changed the face of the person holding the two cards.

Chapter 364 The King's Command Is Absolute

"I, I, I..." Bai Qi won the lottery unfortunately again, "..."

Bai Qi put his gaze on Lin Ye, and then Lin Ye didn't dare to move his eyes, fearing to look at Bai Qi.

But the line of sight from the corner of his eyes caught Bai Qi's blushing face full of entanglement, and he looked at himself from time to time.

"It won't be Senior Lin Ye! Senior Sister Bai Qi..."

"Wh...what..." Bai Qi, who hit the punctuality, repeatedly vetoed it, but facing Suzuki's growing momentum, he finally bowed his head and nodded directly.then……

"Xiaozao...I was bullied...uuuuu..."

Bai Qi had no face to meet people.

Sakura Ting who comforted Bai Qi looked at everyone helplessly, showing an awkward smile.

However, this is really true!It's just that Lin Ye doesn't like you! Bai Qi.

He didn't think that what Lin Ye said on the tennis court was false, and Bai Qi was also there, but even this was admitted here, which represented Bai Qi's determination.

Ying Ting really didn't want Bai Qi to make this determination.

"Then, the sixth is... It turned out to be Serizawa-classmate, then, what about your answer!"

Taking a deep breath, Serizawa remembered the idea that Qianli had half-forced the first kiss when he was taken away by Lin Ye.Even if it is just an idea, it is indeed a fact.

The expressionless Serizawa pointed his right hand to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye turned his head, determined to see nothing.But... the pressure is huge!Not only from Serizawa, but also from other people, especially Yukino and Shiba, this line of sight is enough to be regarded as a freezing light.

"Then, then, the third game..."

The atmosphere became like this even Suzuki didn't expect it.This is really going to explode.Although it's not a confession, it's almost the same. Both girls pointed to Lin Ye. Senior Lin Ye is really welcome!

Especially the classmate Serizawa, dare to say so even though Bai Qi's senior sister explained.

Uh, it's four of spades, it should have nothing to do with me.

"Then it's me..."

Serizawa who had drawn the ghost card was like a demon crawling out of the abyss, roaring under his throat, while the blue eyes stared at the forest leaves, as if to swallow the forest leaves alive.

Hey hey hey, it has nothing to do with me, good or not, and in the first round, because of my relationship, the relationship between you and Qianli has been restored, how can you avenge revenge?

But Lin Ye also deeply understood that he couldn't reason with a woman who was full of anger.

"A hundred push-ups, number three!"

"Puff... one, one hundred, how can it be done!"

Serizawa staring at the forest leaves did not expect that it was Sakuraba Yuzao who was clocked by him.

"That, then..."

"No, I do. The king's commands are absolute. Changing the commands at will will lose interest in the game."

In the next five minutes, with Bai Qi's assistance, Sakura Ting took off her coat and kept doing sit-ups.

However, the figure is really good!Especially the flat abdomen that is constantly exposed with the body clothes.

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