Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 344

"Do you want to flee after taking advantage of it, Ye... Jun..."

Shiyu, I saved you in the morning, okay? The underwear you wear is mine, so don't come out to disrupt the situation.

"Then one last round!"

Xue Nai's cold voice made the final decision, and although the others were still unfulfilled, they did not refuse after all.In fact, they have reached their limit.

As a result, the king is Shiyu.

"It's me again, then I'm not welcome," but at this time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was uncharacteristically, with a particularly serious expression, "Ye Jun, you...who is the girl that impresses you the most and remembers you the most What?"

Without referring to the number, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stared at Lin Ye with a calm expression.

This... can't refuse it!

This kind of problem, this kind of environment, and the eyes of the eight people completely made Lin Ye unable to use the King's game to veto a specific person.

Now, it was no longer a game, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked her, wanting to get an answer.

"My fiancee... Lux Klein..."

The first thing that came out was Kasumigaoka Shiba and Suzuki. As novel lovers, of course they knew where they saw their real names. The novel written by Lin Ye was named by the heroine.

After that, everyone else in the ministry also reacted.Lin Ye's novels are somewhat impressive.

In other words, the prototype of the heroine Lin Ye wrote the book is his fiancée, and even the name is the same.

"Really, that's fine!"

Life is really ups and downs.Boys who are ready to pay off their debts love others deeply.Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's heart was full of bitterness.

"Then, I will send you all back!"

There were eight people, Xue Nao didn't need to send it back. Qianli didn't seem to want to leave. She was reduced by one person, but Serizawa Mizuki also chose to flow down, so only the other five people were left.

Except for Yubihama and Kasumigaoka Shiwa who live in their own homes, Bai Qi, Sakuraba and Suzuki all live in their own homes.

I wanted to call a car, but I was stopped, saying it was a waste of money.So Lin Ye and the five people sent them back in order of distance.

"Ye Jun..."

Finally, it was Bai Qi, when Lin Ye was about to turn around and leave, Bai Qi spoke.

"what's the matter?"

"Miss Lux is important to you?"

Lin Ye nodded.

"Can you let me meet her? Just, just say a few words, don't worry about me doing some strange things." In order not to worry Lin Ye, Bai Qi explained quickly.

"This can't be done..."

"I..." Bai Qi, who wanted to accept this answer silently, couldn't endure the emotional impact in the end, "Why, why, if you are not in this country, I think I can apply for going abroad if I have time."

"It's not in this country..." Lin Ye had a bitter expression and hesitated, "Isn't in this world anymore!"

"..." Bai Qi felt uncomfortable for a while as if his chest was blocked by something.Because it was lost, it felt most precious, so it was so remembered by Lin Ye in his mind.

"Sorry, Ye Jun..."

"It's okay, I'm used to it, then, classmate Bai Qi, take a good rest..."

"Wait, Ye Jun...I still have something to ask you..."

"Come with me..."


After Bai Qi's explanation for five minutes, Lin Ye knew why Bai Qi made this request.

Pretending to be a boyfriend, I went to visit her sister who was sick and hospitalized, just to make her feel at ease for the operation.This is really a deep sisterhood.

Lin Ye has no reason to refuse.

Strolling in the streets, the surrounding shops are lit up, and the city begins its nightlife.

Thinking of the three people who might still be in his apartment, Lin Ye bought dinner and took them home. If the three were not there, these things would be breakfast tomorrow, and Lin Ye didn't mind whether the food would stay overnight.

After entering the door, I saw Xue Nao sitting on the sofa still immersed in books. It seemed that Lin Ye always felt that Xue Nao was reading a book whenever he had free time.

And the other two?

I glanced around and found nothing.

"Xuno, have they both gone back?"

Putting the fast food on the table, Lin Ye asked casually.

"No, no, I went to your room."

"My room?"

Lin Ye directly thought of Serizawa's interest in boys' rooms, so she handed Qianli to her room to explore.Sure enough, both men and women are the same.

Even if Lin Ye never thought that Serizawa would be such a girl.

He opened the door directly, and Lin Ye walked straight in, but... Lin Ye, who was about to close the door, had no idea that what he saw was such a sight.

On the messy bed, Qianli was lying on the bed naked and naked, while Serizawa, who was half-kneeling, half untied, her face was full of astonishment, time was like pressing the still button, and the three of them had nothing. Make any sound.

Chapter 366: This, I Don't Mind

"Uh, sorry, it was not the right time to come in, but rest assured, I will not be discriminated against, I have no opinion on the love between women, then I will not bother you..."

I don't know when the door was closed by himself, Lin Ye's hand on the doorknob just started to twist, Serizawa Mizuki completely disregarded his image at this time and directly rushed to Lin Ye to prevent Lin Ye from going out.

"No, you can't go out. Also, Qianli and I don't have that kind of relationship..."

"This, I don't mind."

"You don't mind, but I do! You have to listen to my explanation."

The flushed Serizawa hugged Lin Ye vigorously, for fear that after he went out, he would tell her about Qianli.You know, this kind of thing is known to other people, and the two of them absolutely can't stay in Zongwu Gao.

The flustered Serizawa never thought that Lin Ye would keep a secret.To know the relationship between him and Qianli, of course he would choose to keep it secret.

"This, it's unnecessary! I won't have any opinions, nor any discrimination, so don't worry."

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